Sunshine On a Cloudy Day

Pink Linings

Narrator's POV:

Stephanie Hwang, Hwang MiYoung, or simply known as Tiffany is known for many things. She is known to be friendly, loud and slightly awkward. She is known for her eyesmile, healthy black hair, and honey thighs. She also known for her throaty singing voice. 

But on April 26th, 2003 Tiffany was known as the woman in rehab. She was known as a partialy mentaly unstable, attempt suicide victim, and people still talk about it as if it happened yesterday. 

It's been almost ten years since the bloody incident, and there is more to the story than she became suicidal out of the blue, but it's been ten years of being in this rehab in the boondocks, therapy, changes, and writing family members, especially her daughter, Jinri. Tiffany is a devout Christian and a firm believer in "every gray could has a pink lining." But in her case she loves pink, so she uses "every gray cloud has a pink lining." And for her that pink lining came seven years ago when a vigorisly bipolar man named Kim Minseok arrived at her rehab. 

Kim Minseok was a year younger, and liked to be called by his Chinese nicknname Xiumin, in fact if you even attempt to call him Minseok he will try to kill you with either his bare hands or with whatever weapon he throw. Xiumin isn't a bad person, he can make you die of cuteness most of the time especially when he puffs out his cheeks. But he can make a person mighty confused about which side of him is bipolar because both cute and evil/ mean Xiumin show throw a lot and equal.

With that said, many people thought that two people like Tiffany and Xiumin would never be the best of friends they became. Tiffany can emotional, and insecure while Xiumin can be moody and unpredicatable. So you'd think Tiffany would find Xiumin an , and Xiumin would find Tiffany annoying and they have had their fall outs but they're still grate friends until this day. Even though Xiumin was released six months ago, they still write each other, and the friendship has remained strong ever since.


Tiffany's POV:

Lee Soon Kyu is embroided in black on a gold plac on the glossy mahagony desk in my therapist office. Yeah, I said therapist. Soonkyu is leaning back in the fresh black leather chair, which is how I know something is serious because on any other given day she'd be spinning around whilist listening to me or giggling girlishly as we become closer. Only when something serious has happened is she ever leaned back.

Soonkyu, or as everyone else calls her, Sunny, is my one of my favorite people on the planet. She's not over sympathetic, or up-tight and slightly snooty like other therapist. She's a little ball of sunshine, emphasis on little because she is tiny. Today she even looks more sophisticated, her pouty lips are non-chapped as she always been an advocate of chapstick, her now shoulder- legnth brown hair is combed straight and her bangs are to her left. Her hair really has grown from a year or two ago when she cut it and experimented with colors. First is was blonde, then it became purple, pink, and a bright teal. Then once is started growing to her ears she dyed it back brown and it's been the same ever since. 

"I have good news and bad news Tiffany." She said out of the blue.

I begin to bite my nails. "Ba-bad news? What bad news?"

"I'm leaving. I'll be getting my own office in a building and everything." She slightly smiled.

I blink trying to take this is. The woman who kept me alive is leaving me. "ANIYO! Lee Soonkyu you are not leaving me! First it was Luhan, then Xiumin, and now you're leaving me! Everybody I love and need is leaving me. Is it my fault?" I was out of my chair getting hotter by the second.

"Calm down Tiffany because you're leaving as well."  She looked at me with those sparkly brown eyes.

"Bw- bwow?" I stutter.

"You're going to be released in a week and a half. So will I. You'll be free to go out into the free world." She smiled brightly. I returned feeling as if ten years of weights have been lifted from me.

"You're serious? I'm going to go and be free?! OMO!" I squeal, I jump up and down. 

"I'm very serious. Give me a hug!" Sunny steps from across the desk and opens her arms and I run into them. After about two minutes we let go and she gets back in Sunny-the-Therapist mode. I sit on the long couch as she spins in her chair.

"Do you have a place to stay? I'm moving to Seoul. I would invite you to stay but I havn't found a place yet," she giggles. "I'll be staying with my sister for a bit until I can get a nice apartment." 

"Um will my old place is out of the place." I state.

"Of course." She repsonds while nodding.

"I have a cousin I'm super close with, Chanyeol. He's crazy and fun. I can ask him, he said when I get out he would let me stay with him no matter how crazy I am."

"That's good I remember you talking about him a lot. I'll let you call him to make sure everything is set in stone. Any news from Xiumin?"

"His parents are still a bit frightened of him, he's still trying to find a job. That sort of thing." I look down knowing how hard it is to do anything in Korea with any sort of mental-health problems. "I'm not going to let daddy know until after I've setteled in. He'll pratically send a plane here just to get me and drag me back. I at least want to see what Seoul is like after ten years, and of course my little Sulli, before leaving. He wanted to me to come to the States after the divorce." 

"I remember. Well, it's up to you to tell him. But better sooner than never."

At her advice I just nod. "Let's call Chanyeol." He slides her black office phone and I dial his number. After the first couple of rings I hear his thunder-deep voice ring through the line.


"Yoboseyo Chanyeol, it's your cousin Tiff."

"Omo? For real? What's going on Tiff!  We've just been writing, it's my first time hearing your voice in years."

I chuckle. "Yeah it's me Channie. How have you been?"


"Oh god."

We both crack up at my joke, and Sunny is smiling as bright as the sun on a hot summers day.

"I mean, have you been okay. Happy and healthy?"

"My nickname is Happy Virus you know the way I eat, I'm pretty healthy."

"There's no such thing as a healthy glutton!" I laugh. It feels good to hear him and joke like we used to when we were little. Writing letters was nice for the time though.

"How have you been?" He says once he calms down from his laugh high.

"Good news. They're releasing me from the Loony Bin." 

"Really? Cuz that's daebak! Your not staying in the suburbs are you?" 

"That's what I wanted to ask you. Would you mind me staying with you until I get stable in Seoul in a bit?" I ask in a slightly cute tone.

"I was hoping you remembered my promise. Of course you can Tiffany! If you don't mind living in with two guys. I have a roomate."

"Roomate? Do I know him?"

"Yeah, you remember Baekhyun right?"

"Oh yeah of course I remember him. I won't be intruding will I?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Of course not, he loves you! He must not have much hatred for people with the crazies either because he's staying with me. So you're safe, keep in mind he can get a bit moody at times. I swear that guy has a period."

At this I hear a "Yay!" and Chanyeol screeching "Ouch!" Through the phone.

"What was that!" I asked in urgency.

"Just Baekhyun getting upset over the truth... Ouch! What the-"

"Yoboseyo Tiffany." I hear the familiar husky voice of Baekhyun say. 

"Yoboseyo Baekhyun, it's glad to hear from you." I say nervously.

"You're more than welcome to stay with us. And don't believe Chanyeol, you know he should probably be put in the crazy home too- oh stop being so sensetive dude it's a joke! He's begging for the phone back, glad talking to you anyoung!"

There was some shuffling in the background and more bickering before Chanyeol spoke again.

"Mianeh Noona, isn't Baekhyun just amazing." He says sarcastically. But I smile because he called me Noona.

"He seems funny like I remember him." I reply.

"Oh, he should do stand up." Chanyeol still has that since of sarcasm in his voice.

"Hey stop being like that." I tease.

"Have you told your little crazy boyfriend about your release?" I can see the smirk through the phone.

"He's not my boyfriend. No. And are you still trying to hook up with Baekhyun's sister?" This time he's the one hoop and hollar.

"Yah! Shut up Noona! None of your buisiness..."

I laugh at him. "Whatever. So I'm set to be released in a week and a half."

"Oh I got you all right. I'll decorate your room and nothing will be pink!" He laughs evily.

"NOOOOOO! Please Chanyeol!" I beg.

"Anyoung Noona." 

"Grrrrrr. Bye Chanyeol." I say in English. After I hang up I turn to see Sunny looking at me slightly confused.

"So is it okay if you stay with him?"

"Yeah, I just hope he's joking about the no pink rule."


YAY First chapter, a lot of it is diolauge. It may seem a bit weird and there's no XiuFany moments just yet but trust me it will get there!

And yeah Tiffany and Chanyeol being cousins will be interesting.




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The background is Yongsan which is a neighborhood in Seoul where most of the story will take place.


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Chapter 3: Now I know why Pany maybe not fond with taeyeon. Update soon :)
so agree, Super interesting!
Chapter 1: interesting.... very very interesting...
This is a rare pairing. But, nice one
XIUMIN is my bias in EXO , can't wait for you to update.....!!! Fighting.. :)
someasiangurl #6
Xiufany a very rare pairing
Love it

Omg! Omg! Omg! XIUFANY???? OMG!! i have been waiting for someone to make a xiufany fic!!

Tell me, is this really a xiufany fic? Please~~~ Tell meehhh~~~