Little Red

Once In A Red Moon | HIATUS

Sunshine seeped through the blinds in Mina's room, forcing her to wake up. "Ughh, nooo", she groaned childishly.

Mina rolled over onto her side when the memories of yesterday came crashing down her like a brick. "I can't believe she's really gone", she whispered to herself.

Eventually she got ready, making sure to pile on the concealer to hide the horrible rest she experienced. Mina was not going to school today, that was for sure. She was in her final year of high school but to be frank, Mina didn't even require it with the power her father had. One look at her name and businesses would be fighting to have connections to a YG.

Mina was still iffy on how a petite girl like her would get revenge but anger was still clouding her thoughts. As long as she could get Papa YG to be on her side, it would be over for the Huntsman.

She stormed downstairs, finding a note on the dining table in place of where her dad would usually be. 'Sorry sweetie. Got swamped with papers overnight', it read.

Mina pouted after reading the note, showing her rare aegyo. She had a naturally cold demeanor, being raised by Papa Yang but it was Mina's grandmother that taught her compassion... and well... passion. Putting on the detached expression that usually graced her face, Mina got one of the family's drivers to take her to the YG building.

The building looked eerily calm and empty as Mina stepped in. It felt as though she went back in time. 'Guess the paparazzi got all they needed', she thought to herself.

She walked up to the front secretary and just stared at her. Mina's face would be all the information they needed.

The secretary flipped a magazine boredly before noticing Mina's presence. "I'm sorry miss but Mr. Yang is not taking any-", she glanced up to see a flash of bright red hair, "Oh. Please forgive my rudeness, Miss Yang please follow me."

The secretary brought her to the modern glass elevators that always somehow seemed dangerous to Mina. "Top floor. Buzz down if you need anything." Receiving another blank stare from Mina, the secretary returned to her desk.

While riding the elevator Mina felt herself daze out. She imagined an elderly woman with a kind smile, wrinkled but soft hands but still with an aura of utmost elegance. She was the closest thing Mina had to a mother, being her mother's mother. Mina's dad would never talk about her mother, she assumed out of pain. Hearing the ding of arriving, Mina forced herself to snap out of it.

She took a deep breath, rolled back her shoulders and stormed into her father's office. "Please not now", her father stated, staring into a stack of papers.

"Dad have you seen the news? I think what I have to say is more important than whatever contracts you have!"

Yang Hyun-suk gestured for his daughter to sit in one of the plush armchairs in front of him. "Make it quick Mina."

"I want to kill the Huntsman."

YG stared at Mina blankly. "No. We're a business, not the mafia."

"Then what about the god damn gangs you have?! This coward has been terrorizing the city and I- we have all the right reasons to stop him."

"While it's true we can, it doesn't mean should. I know you were close to your grandmother but even if we did strike back, the company would get a horrible reputation in the global market."

Mina shook her head in denial, "Granny was murdered and all you care about is a stupid ing market?"

"Language dear. I'm merely being reasonable. I will not help you in this silly quest. Now please leave", he said through his teeth, feeling his patience wear thin. 

Mina got up and slammed her hands on her father's desk. "Dad!" 

"NO!", YG yelled. He raised his hand then quickly put it down after realizing what he was about to do. "There's a better chance of you getting help from Sooman than me!", he said angrily with a tone that meant 'end of discussion'. 

"Fine!" Mina slammed the door and left the building in a huff. She muttered the conversation they had just had while pacing around the park like a madwoman. 

She ran a hand through her tousled red hair, deep in thought. She suddenly thought of one of the best gangs her father owned. Mina was pretty close with the leader, G-Dragon. Maybe they could go behind her father's back.

"I'll ask Jiyong for help", Mina resolved to herself. There was no way he could deny her.



Jiyong was perched on the hood of a black convertible, in an underground parking garage. "Sorry Hun, I'd love to help but your old man would kill me... and that'd ruin my plans tonight."

Jiyong ruffled Mina's hair affectionately.

"That nasty dog pack SM runs just overrided our drug turf. Gotta show those pups who their master is", he said sadistically with clear excitement in his eyes. Mina was used to seeing him like this by now. She had learned Jiyong was more bark than bite... with her at least.

"What? Some rookies overturned the almighty G-Dragon", Mina said mockingly. 

Jiyong rolled his eyes. Mina turned to leave as he playfully slapped her . 

"Watch your step, Seungri's hiding somewhere 'round the corner. You better leave before Exo shows up, might get messy", he warned.


A/N: OTL Sorry for taking so long, I was taken hostage by life... and physics. Next chapter will focus all on Kris... so tell me what you think will happen, what you want to see etc. in the comments! Feel free to sub and upvote if you want to ^-^



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Working on the next chapter, will be up soon ^-^


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EXOtic-shawol-elf #1
Chapter 5: Loooking goood~ Please update soon!
Chapter 3 is up woot woot!
Chapter 1: It was...cute and very interesting.
EXOtic-shawol-elf #4
Chapter 1: This is pretty good! Keep it up! And I think I have your old username? XD