Prologue: Monday

Second Shot on the Rocks

Where do feelings go once the bearer is gone?  When the reality of Luhan’s death slowly creeps into him that Monday night, Xiumin thinks – no, Luhan can’t be dead, I can still feel him, I can still feel him loving me, he is still here.

“Luhan!” He calls out into the night, into the empty field of their university. Silence. Darkness.

“Luhan!” He tries again with plea and panic in his voice. His eyes, bright with the formation of tears, are like two orbs floating in the darkness, searching and waiting for an answer.

“Luhan, Luhan,Luhan, Luhan. . “ He starts to chant to himself, eyes still fixed into the dark. In between the chanting of Luhan’s name, a sob escapes from him, wracking his shoulder then his whole body like a huge invisible force until he crumples down to the dry earth.

“Luhan,” he whispers to the ground, tears gathering at the tip of his nose. He clutches at his own body like it is breaking, and it is the most pathetic sight that no one ever saw.

He whispered one last time in the softest  voice possible, “Luhan”  and it reverberates of other meanings like Luhan come back, Luhan I’m sorry, Luhan I love you so much, and it is the most pathetic plea that no one ever heard.

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Chapter 4: Ooh i remember watching the drama when i was like 8 or 9 years old and it was one of my fave shows and then you recreated one and i'm really thankful for this <33 cheers!
Marshmallow_Pea #2
Ahhh this is beautiful ~T_T~ you write so well. And your story never stop to amaze me ~^O^~
foreverkpopping #3
Chapter 1: Xiumin died. How am I suppose to feel.
Crying rivers like a dying whale sounds goo enough.
adorkyuble #4
Chapter 4: I'm sad and I'm speechless. Alright time to drink away my sorrows. I mean this in the best way possible and in the way a lot of authors work their lives to accomplish but I think this story has traumatized me. Its made me feel so much pain and I feel like the worlds a bit darker that when I finished this story but I'll never forget it and it's given my understanding of the world a tad bit more depth. Are you a philosophy major btw? Lol
Chapter 3: I'm so speechless let me just absorb
kheisariin #6
Chapter 4: "it’s scarier to be the one left behind than be the one who leaves" that so true, I dont know Xiumin's decision make him selfless or selfish person. poor Luhan being the one that left behind. thanks to writethis story :)
xiuhanfans #7
Chapter 4: this story is heart wrenchingly beautiful ;A:;;
xiumin's reaction is one of the many normal human reactions~ scared. scared. scared.
and he was given chances to make up or to do something about it.
this is so deep. so so deep. and i cried for luhan~ for losing the love of his life. for the suffering that he will endure because he is now the one who was left behind.
thank you so much for this story.
Scarlet_Legionnaire #8
Chapter 4: I love how it all seemed like a dream even until the end T~T

Now Luhan's the one who's left behind hahaha. The irony hurts
Lurkerderp #9
Chapter 4: Wow, I'm speechless :O
The good type.
That was one hell of a story and your writing style is gorge.
Just wow.
I can't wait to see what other stories you bring to life ^^
AngAng13 #10
Chapter 2: poor minseok.. TT
and i'm speechless...
update soon thor~~