He's My One And Only Lover


In modern day South Korea, the city streets busy as usual, people go 
go from here to there, and noises everywhere. The place will not take in
Seoul. It will entirely take place at a nice, calm, and quiet 
town of
Yong-ui Haean (Dragon's Shores), western part of South Korea. 




Age: 18

Race: Human

Sungjong is a great artist and well-known in his town.
He loves to stare at the sunset at the beach. And during the night,
he looks at the big bright moon surround by coulds of stars. He's
the middle child of the family. He's cheerful, artistic, creative, 

shy, helpful, and caring.




Age: 23

Race: Atlantian

Dongwoo is born into nobility of Atlantis. His family is
the great house of the north of Atlantis's Empire. Dongwoo's father 
is Hand of the Emperor. While his older hyung is Warden of the North. 
Dongwoo wants to see the outside of the ocean and explore it too.
He is adventurous, courageous, intelligent, kind, helpful, and honest.




Age: 21

Race: Atlantian

Myungsoo is also born into nobility as well. But his family rules
the east of Atlantis. His father is Wardern of the East. His family is
well-known for their silver blue hair and eyes like those of sea 
serpents/dragons. He's also Dongwoo's best friend since childhood.
Myungsoo is strategic in battles/wars, brave, athletic, charismatic,
clumsy, and good.



Age: 35

Race: Human

Owner and CEO of Seoul's Finest Wine. And Sungjong's
father. He's a father of three children. The third being in Woohyun's




Age: 29

Race: Human

Sungjong's mom and owner of Royal Dragon Market. Which 
is the 3rd best shop in South Korea. And having another child 
on the way. He is only 3 months pregnant.


Age: 19

Race: Atlantian

Also born into nobility. His father is warden of the
west. His family is known for having to own almost all the
mines and minerals of all Atlantis. Hoya is charming,
nice, smart, caring, artistic, and lucky.



Age: 18

Race: Human

Sungjong's best friend. Always help Sungjong with
his crush problems. Sungyeol is also a great writer
and photographer. But his favorite writings are his poems.
He is poetic, cheerful, brave, honest, natural cook, and loves
to swim.









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As soon as I see that Sunggyu and Woohyun are Sungjong's parents I decided to read this fan fic!
Chapter 5: Dongwoo stop thinking dirty
Chapter 4: Now you know what is he
Chapter 3: Wow.... Do not say they are already kissing? XD
Chapter 2: Wow that must hurt a lot lot like a lot lot lot
Chapter 1: Oh my Sungjong you already like him aww
geniusdjng #7
Chapter 9: ughh cant wait for the next chapter ;~; sucha nice plots!
geniusdjng #8
Chapter 8: the myungyeol f'in scene tho xDDDD
SeStian #9
Chapter 4: Update maybe? P-P