Not Just Your Ordinary Pirates


12 extraordinary people from space and rebels against a tyranical ruler, Emperor Ginga. With powers from the Tree of Life they can achieve almost anything. But there was one additional memember, the assassin, he was the 13th and last memember to join the Pirates. Their goal is to stop the tyrant leader and go on their way. Their Adventure begins as they are traveling through space.

Emperor Ginga

Ginga: which is the Japanese word for "galaxy"


The Assassin

Age: Unknown but he seems to not age at all.

Never showing his face rather cover it with his hood. Only seeing the
lower part of his face. He is somewhat mysterious but always helping 
the group and making sure they're always together. He somewhat the 
vigilant person watching over them. He's more of this anti-hero but mainly helps
the group. He is an expert in fighting, blademastering, and gunsman. Super smart,
helpful, calm,  vigilant, artistic, and a natrual cook.


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