
Bedtime Stories

6. Mirrors

I've been awake for about 74 hours how and I'm so tired, but I can't go to sleep or he will get me. I can't go to sleep because I saw him. So you need to do something for me, yes you, the girl or boy reading this right now.

Don't turn around.

Don't look back.

And please for the love of all that is holy, don't you dear look behind you in a mirror, ever.

Or he will get you.

Here are a few signs to show that he's watching you, and is planning on making you his, very soon.

First, when you're asleep and suddenly wake up for no apparent reason, that's him.

Second, when you feel as if somebody's watching you and you know no ones there, that's him.

Third, when you see that fast blurry movement in you peripheral vision that cannot be explained, that's him.

If you see him there is no escaping your demise, he will get you. He will wait for you to sleep and he'll take you back to his hell. He will torture you untill you bed for mercy, but he won't.

And I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. Everything I said was a lie, I'm so sorry, he's making me write this. He's watching over my shoulder, breathing down my neck. Well he was, until you started reading this.

And I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry, but he's behind you. So, please don't turn around, please.

I have to go now, he's finally gone, I can sleep, but you can't. You can't, you can't move from your spot right now. I'm sorry, but you can't.

I'm going to bed now, because I'm so very tired...

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Chapter 6: i love reading your stories