Hallucinations 2

Bedtime Stories

4. Hallucinations 2

I've been into reading a lot of creepypasta lately and there haven't been serious problems. Just slight paranoia, fear of the dark and hallucinations. For a couple days this was fine, staying in the middle of the bed during the night, cuddling up to my elmo teddy, headphones in, eyes shut.
But one night however, things took a turn for the worst. My hallucinations were never bad, just slightly worrying, sometimes I see a little creature in my peripheral vision, hear a noise that no one else does, or sometimes I have two shadows, or no shadow at all. I've now gotten quite used to it. Anyway this one night I was reading creepypasta like normal, when I heard a sound, the sound of sharp nails against wood, at the at bottom of my room, where my wardrobe is located. Needless to say, I was scared, I didn't think it was mice, because, even though we have them, they don't make that sound. I laid in silence, my rapid breathing loud in my ears. I heard it again, it was frequent, one after the other...
Scratch scratch scratch 
Scratch scratch scratch 
I was now terrified, as when I peeked out of the covers, I saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at me. My eyes watered and my heart stopped. 
What is that?
Was it that creature? 
A slight breeze came through my open window and shifted my curtains, letting a ray of moonlight shine on the thing in the front of my wardrobe. The tears that built up in my eyes rolled down my cheeks. 
That creature looked nothing like the creature I see every day....
I blinked, and my heart caught in my throat when saw that creature was no longer at the bottom of my room in front of my wardrobe.
It was at least half a foot from it's original position, and about four feet away from my bed. My eyes widened when it grinned at me, it's now open lips revealing its two rows of razor sharp teeth. Tears blurred my vision as I started shaking. I blinked maybe 5  timed to clear my vision, and when my eyes got back into focus I was shocked to find it now where it was before. I frantically eyed my room to find the creature, and when I couldn't I breathed a sigh of relief. That relief didn't last long when I noticed a lump under my covers, in between my open legs by my knees. My eyes grew into saucers as I held back tears. My breathing increased while with shaky hands I lifted the covers, and peered into the darkness beneath. 
The last thing I saw was beady red eyes and those sharp pointy teeth, the corners of its mouth upturned in a maniacal grin as it made its was towards me....
Creepypasta doesn't give me nightmares. 
Just paranoia, fear of the dark..


And hallucinations...... 
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Chapter 6: i love reading your stories