Bedtime Story

Bedtime Stories

1. Bedtime Story

When Amber was in middle school, she had a tendency to bunk off school to skate, when her parents told her to stop she ignored them and continued. So, one day, her parents were sick and tired and they remembered the town legend they were told as kids, it was told to every child to keep them in school, it worked of course, so they decided to try it on Amber. 

And when Amber was ready for bed that night, her parents came in and told her the story of 'Mr Smiley':

"Once upon a time in this very town, there was a teacher, he was very dedicated and rather passionate about teaching. He just loved filling children's minds with knowledge, and when a student wasn't in, he would go crazy, he would scream at the students, punch walls, flip tables. He would be so angry that a child went a day without learning. And there was this one boy in his class that would bunk school everyday, just to skateboard in a park nearby, so the teacher would be in a foul mood all the time, he was getting so stressed because of this one boy, that he decided to do something about it. He wanted to scare the boy into coming to school and never skip a day again.
Lets get this straight, this teacher was not exactly sane, his love for teaching made him crazy, a lunatic, a psycho. He would go to any length just to get this boy back to school. So, the teacher decided that he would stand in the park and watch the boy, but that's not all, the teacher had sliced up from the corner of his mouth to his cheekbones and sewed it up, all of it, including his mouth, making a giant, creepy 'smile'. Not just that, he sliced off his nose, and his eyelids and his kept his long greasy hair, which by then would have been matted by blood. 
By now you would think that the teacher would be in excruciating, but no, he didn't feel a thing. This teacher had a disorder, ocular albinism, which caused his eyes to be red. 

Now picture this, you're skating in a park and in the corner of your eye you spot a figure of a man, he seemed rather creepy actually, because all he would do was stand there, watching you. He had  a hood over his head covering most of his face and all you could make out were his eyes, his bright, red eyes, glaring at you. You'd ignore him wouldn't you? That's what that boy did, and believe me, that was the worse mistake of his life.

About a day later the boy was found in the park, propped up against a swing set, half dead from loss of blood. His legs were hacked off by a blunt object, which was later on turned out to be his skateboard. He was immediately rushed to hospital, mumbling something incoherently. When he was clean, stitched and stable, they found out what he was mumbling. It was carved onto his back: 'I should've gone to school'." 

What Amber's parents didn't know, was that this story was very, very true.

This story was indeed creepy, but it wasn't enough to scare Amber into stepping foot inside her school. So the next day, yep, you guessed it, she bunked school, and went to the park near it where she frequently skates. After a while she sat on the swing sets in the middle of the park and she couldn't help but let her mind wander to the story her parents told her. Nah, she thinks, it's a load of rubbish. Her thoughts ceased however, because in her peripheral vision, she spotted a silhouette of a man, watching her, with his beady. red. eyes.  Terrified, she froze, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to think, her heart thudded loudly in her chest, she couldn't break eye contact, her blood ran cold when he started towards her.

A loud knocking on the door echoed through the house, Amber's parents walked to the door and swung it open, only to get the most horrifying shock of their lives. Slumped on the front steps, was Amber...legless, pale and bleeding...murmuring over and over: 'I should've gone to school'

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Chapter 6: i love reading your stories