Adding fuel to the fire

Heartthrob Snob [Exo-K D.O]
Third person Point of View
Since Eunmi's sister just came back to Korea, she wanted to watch one of the music shows, so Baekhyun hooked them up to some MCountdown tickets. Upon arriving, Bomi felt like a teenager again and she was so excited in hearing Korean pop songs again. They were standing in the front row, which made everything visible to them, however, during breaks the attention would be diverted to them. After all, Eunmi had been on television a lot lately.
When EXO went on stage, they positioned themselves for Overdose, meaning EXO-K was on first. As soon as the group began singing, the fans went wild and completely forgot about Eunmi for a moment. Once it was D.O's turn to sing, his eyes met Eunmi's and he fell silent as if the world was engulfing him. He halted from dancing, but the rest continued, staring at him with confusion. Soon after, the music stopped altogether and the audience were wrapped in quietness.
"Kyung, what the heck are you doing?" Baekhyun whispered.
At that moment, all the anger that D.O has been bottling up exploded in front of everyone when he shoved Baekhyun harshly away from him, causing him to tumble on the floor. A gasp escaped from Eunmi's lips as she ran passed the security to go on stage and help Baekhyun.
"What am I doing?" D.O shouted at Baekhyun. "What are you doing?"
"Kyungsoo, you're causing a scene," Eunmi quietly said through gritted teeth.
"Who cares?! You both certainly don't!"
This time, Eunmi stood up and marched towards D.O with furrowed eyebrows. She was trying to stay composed, but he was just making it very difficult to do so.
"That's not fair," Eunmi said, shaking her head and fighting the urge to cry.
"What? It's perfectly fair, you and Baek couldn't care less about how I feel," D.O spat.
"From what I recall, you're the one who stopped caring," she whispered, a tear falling from her eyes.
"Uh, guys, I think we're forgetting the fact that we're still on stage," Chanyeol told them quietly.
D.O and Eunmi turned to the side and saw the faces of the audience. They were all filled with befuddlement, but the worse thing was that everything that happened was caught on camera. EXO and Eunmi were led backstage to the dressing room. The boys were silent as they all sat down, apart from D.O and Baekhyun. Eunmi stood by the door, facing her back on them because the tears were streaming down her cheeks. Baekhyun saw and approached her, catching the attention of the rest of the group members.
"Wait, so Baek-hyung and Eunmi?" Sehun asked, confused.
"What else could it be?" D.O scoffed.
"But that's kind of um," Tao began, but couldn't finish.
"Messed up," D.O snickered. "However, obviously, Baekhyun doesn't think so since he went after her."
"It's been two freaking months, Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun yelled, turning to him.
"And everyone knows the rule is three months after a break up before you can find other people!" D.O yelled back, and this time he turned to Eunmi, who has now stopped crying. "You had one more month, Eunmi," his voice softened.
"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered, wanting to cry again.
"Too late for that," he said.
"Look, guys, this isn't the time, okay? You can't let personal issues get in the way. We're preparing for a comeback, for goodness' sake!" Suho shouted.
"Don't worry, it won't happen again, D.O said, but his eyes were locked on Eunmi's. "I'm going to the bathroom."
D.O walked passed Eunmi, bumping her shoulder as he did so, and slammed the door shut behind him. Once he was gone, Eunmi collapsed onto the ground and caterwauled, burying her face in her hands. Baekhyun's face showed sympathy as he bent down beside her and rubbed circles on her back, hushing her in an attempt to calm her down.
The following day was a lot chaotic. More reporters waited outside Eunmi's house, wanting to know the reason behind the event from the previous night. She felt bad because Bomi's visit was starting off on a not so great point and apologised to her about it.
The noise outside increased and Eunmi jogged to the window, pulling aside the curtain and finding Baekhyun walking towards the door. He didn't have on his cousin Jojo outfit since he figured there was not point in disguising anymore. It was made clear that he was close with Eunmi, so there was no point hiding that. Soon enough, a knocking sound emitted from the door and Eunmi walked to open it.
"Baek," she said, letting him come in, and then closing the door.
As soon as he did, he began rambling on. "Sorry this has to happen, Eunmi. I should've just left him when the music stopped, I shouldn't have asked him what he was doing. Also, I'm sorry because I was too dumb not to know the three months rule, I honestly had no idea about it and I'm--"
"Baek," Eunmi interrupted. "It's okay, what's done is done. It's all in the past now."
"Yeah, but I just feel really bad," he admitted, looking at the ground.
Eunmi sighed and looked at him empathetically, before taking a step forward. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest, taking him aback by surprise, but he soon realised what was happening and returned the gesture by hugging her back.
"Don't feel bad," Eunmi began. "I said yes to being your girlfriend and that's not your fault."
Baekhyun smiled and pulled away, cupping her cheeks with his hands. "I'll protect you, I promise," he told her, and then pecking a kiss on her forehead.

Okay, anyone else starting to ship Baekhyun with Eunmi now? xD I kind of am, hahaha
Changing the title to "Heartthrob Snob [EXO Baekhyun]" now~ Whooo~ lol just kidding
But don't worry KyungMi shippers, we all know who she ends up with huehue c:
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I forgot to mention a bit earlier, but thank you guys for 100+ subscribers! Hope you're enjoying the story! :)


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Chapter 64: Oh my god ! This story was superb !!! Glad that I came across this story ~ nice work authornim !!! ^^
gemmymars #2
Chapter 64: Aww~ such a happy ending^^ So sad it ended but I really enjoyed reading your story.
Good job authornim~^^
gemmymars #3
Chapter 27: This chapter's so cute, kyaa~
gemmymars #4
Chapter 11: Ooooh~ someone's jealous~ haha^^
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 16: this chap is fun!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 9: your story give me feels omg;;;;
doey9693 #7
Chapter 63: the end sad
doey9693 #8
Chapter 63: the end sad
syaziana97 #9
Chapter 63: so surprice...