Fortune will tell

Heartthrob Snob [Exo-K D.O]

Third Person’s Point of View

As D.O swiftly carried Eunmi on his back, the sound of Hye Jin’s persistent yelling began to drift from their ears, indicating that they had lost her. Looking over the shoulder, Eunmi saw that Hye Jin was no longer in sight and so, she tapped D.O on his arm.

“She’s gone, we’ve lost her,” she said, not helping to let out her chuckle.

D.O stopped and bent down for Eunmi to hop off, he then turned around behind to see for himself that what Eunmi had informed him was correct.  He huffed out heavily, chest heaving up and down with every breath regained. D.O was exhausted. He bent himself forward and rested his hands on his knees, before looking up at Eunmi.

“You are heavier than you look, little lady,” he laughed breathlessly.

“Why, thank you for that compliment,” Eunmi replied sarcastically, punching his shoulder playfully.

The corner of D.O’s lips curved up in a smirk as he stood straight, his breath was now in order.  Eunmi and D.O once again looked at their surrounding and surprisingly, it was somewhere that they were familiar with. Eunmi looked excitedly at D.O, joyed that they were no longer lost, and D.O looked back at her as if they were sending each other telepathic messages.

“Do you see what I see?” Eunmi asked him.

“Y-Yeah. We’re … not lost anymore!” D.O answered, quickly grabbing Eunmi’s wrist and dragging her at the familiar train station.

Walking briskly, Eunmi’s shorter legs tried hard to catch up with D.O’s longer ones. She winced with every step as D.O’s grip was beginning to tighten. Eunmi pulled back and tugged at his arm, hoping that he would slow down but, it was to no avail.

“D-D.O-ya!” She screamed.

D.O finally stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder at her. He found Eunmi’s eyes that were appearing teary. What’s wrong? He thought. D.O noticed the way that she was standing, how it looked as if she wanted to distance herself from him. Slowly, he switched his gaze from her face to his hand that still held tight on her wrist. The area around her wrist appeared red and D.O immediately released her.

“I am so sorry,” D.O apologised regretfully, backing away from her as he shook his head.

“It’s okay, you’re … you’re just holding my wrist too tight.”


D.O’s Point of View

When Eunmi yelled my name, I wondered what was wrong. Did she not want to go home? I thought to myself. But, when I looked at her I saw the expression on her face; it was mixed with hurt and pain. I looked at my hand, which held her wrist, and saw her skin burn with the colour of red. I did not mean to do that.

I let go of her and apologised immediately for my action, and Eunmi responded to a swift. Hurting Eunmi was probably the last thing I would ever want to do. It was weird because I rarely grew fond of someone … especially a fan.

“Let’s just go,” I told her, my voice sadder this time.

I began to walk towards the train station and I heard Eunmi’s steps following close behind. We stayed quiet for the whole walk; not one of us attempting to start a conversation.


We rode the train and arrived to the station near Eunmi’s house, and decided we walked from there as it was not far. I could feel strange glances being sent to my direction, and then I remembered, I was still wearing the bucket hat and the ‘Harry Potter’ spectacles.

“Do I really look weird with this disguise?” I spoke.

“Yeah … but that’s the point, isn’t it? No one can recognise you now,” she replied, a bit of coldness heard in her voice.

“Hey, look, I did say I was sorry, alright?” I said, turning around to face her.

At first we were just staring at each other in uncomfortableness but, that moment was soon broken by Eunmi’s heavy sighing. She stepped closer to me and had put on a forceful smile as she hit my shoulder playfully.

“I’m just really tired, okay? I just want to go home, take a warm shower and get some shut eye,” she told me.

All I could respond with was a nod and off we walked again but, this time we walked side by side and there were less awkwardness that wrapped us. I looked to my side, at her small figure, and noticed the gruelling expression her face had painted. She was tired. So, I stood in front of her, before bending down on my knees with my back facing her.

“Get on,” I instructed.

“What?” I heard her say.

“Get on before I change my mind.”

She immediately obeyed as I felt her arms wrap around my neck, and I carefully stood up, holding a grip on her legs, which wrapped around my abdomen. I felt her rest her head on my shoulder and the feeling sent tingles down my back. All this time you may have been thinking that girls are the only ones who get the tingly feelings but, guys get them, too, you know? I am not gay.

Anyway, I continued to walk with Eunmi on my back, when I noticed an odd looking shop built next to a convenience store. I diverted ourselves from the path leading to her house and instead checked out what the shop was. Eunmi must have realised that I stopped walking and she lifted her head up from my shoulder.

“Uh … Kyungie—I mean, D.O, why are we here?” she asked me.

We were faced in front of a shop called Madame Haru Can Tell. Was the owner Japanese? Eunmi tapped my back and I bent down in order for her to get off. We both stood there, staring at the unusual, dark-looking shop before I took the lead in opening the glass door, Eunmi following behind me. There were lit candles on shelves, skulls with lit candles on shelves, unfamiliar symbols painted on walls and a dark red curtain at the end of the hall.

“Maybe we should just … leave,” Eunmi spoke.

“Y-Yeah,” I concurred but, before we could turn around to leave, we heard the sound of opening curtain.

At the end of the hall was a woman, who seemed to be in her late forties, with a black and red, floor-length dress. It had patterns and symbols on it, and a scarf wrapped around her head. The woman began to approach us, and Eunmi stepped a bit closer to me.

“Can I help you?” the woman asked, her voice deep.

“Are you Madame Haru?” I asked as bravely as I could. Let’s face it, although I am a guy, I was still crept out by the place.

“I am,” she replied.

“Are you Japanese?” I asked. Alright, that was a stupid question but, I had to keep the conversation flowing.

Madame Haru laughed from deep within the pits of her chest and she took another step closer to us. The faint light from the red lamp that sat on the counter on the left made her facial features more prominent. She had a scary and intimidating look that could scare even the scarecrows.

“I am only half Japanese,” Madame Haru answered. “Anyhow, are you here for a reading?”

Me and Eunmi exchanged confused glances before switching our gazes back to her. What did she mean by ‘reading’? We did not bring any books whatsoever. Madame Haru must have noticed the confused atmosphere that surrounded us because she spoke.

“Reading, you know?”

We did not answer.

“Like fortune telling,” she sighed.

Me and Eunmi let out an ‘ahh’ as we finally got what she meant. I felt rather stupid for not knowing what she was talking about in the first place, and I was sure that Eunmi was feeling the same. I rubbed the nape of my neck and shrugged nonchalantly, before looking at Eunmi to see what she would say.

“Uh … I don’t mind,” Eunmi said.

Madame Haru clapped her hands as she walked behind us, pushing us forward through the red curtain. When we got to the other side, more skulls and candles welcomed us. She then motioned for us to sit at the round table that was in the middle of the room, we sat down and so did she.

She began to lay down cards on the table in front of us, facing it down so that we could not see the top.

“These are Tarot Cards,” she informed. “I will begin with you,” she pointed at me, “Pick any three cards and I will tell you of your future.”

I rolled my eyes at the non-sense she was saying to me. Tell my future? Was she kidding? But, I picked three random cards, anyway, because Madame Haru looked the type who people should not be pissing off. I gave the cards to her and she turned them over.

“This first card is The Fool,” she pointed to the card on my left. “This is The Hanged Man,” she pointed to the one in the middle. “And this is The Star,” she pointed to the card on my right.

“What do they mean?” I asked.

“From what you have chosen, it tells me that you will be experiencing new things; things that you have not done before, and these things will bring you happiness. But while experiencing new things, you will come across events where you will have to sacrifice in order for the person you love not to get hurt. You will hope, though. Hope that even though you are stubborn … Yes, that is what the card says … You are a stubborn one … Anyway, you will hope for everything to go back to the way they were.”

“Back to the way there were? What things are you talking about?” I asked her.

Madame Haru did not answer my question, instead, she looked at Eunmi and smiled. She cleared and shuffled the cards, leaving me hanging for her reply. Once again, she faced down the cards and told Eunmi to pick her three cards. Eunmi bit her lip as she carefully chose the cards, and when she did, Madame Haru turned them over.

“This first one is The Lovers,” Madame Haru said, making Eunmi blush. Well, it appeared as if she was blushing. “This one is The Moon, and the last one is The Tower.”

Once Madame Haru told Eunmi her three cards, her eyebrows furrowed and her expression looked scared. She gulped as she quickly shuffled the cards and placing them inside the box. We both looked at her befuddled.

“Well? Are you going to tell her what you read?” I demanded.

“P-Perhaps, it is time for you t-to leave,” she stuttered.

“Not unless you tell her,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned back on my chair.

Madame Haru examined our faces and knew that we were not going anywhere unless she told us Eunmi’s future. She let out a heavy sigh as she settled on her seat across from us, and then she held Eunmi’s hand.

“You are in love, aren’t you, my dear?” She asked Eunmi.

Eunmi nodded. I balled my hands into fists as Baekhyun immediately popped in my head. He was the one she was in love with, and their kiss from days ago proved that.

“The cards you picked out told me that you will do anything and everything for that person but, it is because you love that person that people around you will begin to hate you and others will get hurt. Things will happen, they are things that will confuse you and will make everything get out of control. But …”

“W-What is it?” Eunmi asked, anticipated yet terrified.

“A sudden change will occur and you will be … in danger.”



Sorry for the quite late update :L School's stressing me, UGH. 

Anyway, here it is~~ Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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Chapter 64: Oh my god ! This story was superb !!! Glad that I came across this story ~ nice work authornim !!! ^^
gemmymars #2
Chapter 64: Aww~ such a happy ending^^ So sad it ended but I really enjoyed reading your story.
Good job authornim~^^
gemmymars #3
Chapter 27: This chapter's so cute, kyaa~
gemmymars #4
Chapter 11: Ooooh~ someone's jealous~ haha^^
exoksmtown #5
Chapter 16: this chap is fun!!!!
exoksmtown #6
Chapter 9: your story give me feels omg;;;;
doey9693 #7
Chapter 63: the end sad
doey9693 #8
Chapter 63: the end sad
syaziana97 #9
Chapter 63: so surprice...