Chapter 2

Forgotten Memories

*flashback (6 months ago)*

You were taking a walk around the beach. You were in vacation in an island your parent’s owns. Well, apparently it’s going to be yours since you’re their only child. Yes, you have a younger brother and sister but they’re adopted. It’s makes sense that almost of their businesses is going to be passed down to you since you’re the heir. In short, your parent’s businesses is also yours.

You take a deep breath inhaling the fresh air and continue to walk. You heard someone shouting your name playfully. You your back and saw your two siblings running towards you. Both of them is wearing boots which is too big for them. You saw them struggled to run with the boots, an idea popped in your head. You know that they’re going to you so you ran off from them. When they saw you ran away from them, they immediately throw away the boots and ran barefooted to you. The catch you and playfully tickling you. “ stop it you two! It’s ticklish! “ you shout while laughing. “ aniyo~~ noona/unnie have to buy us icecream!”they replied in the same time. “ arraso, you kiddos but.. you can’t have it now. It’s still early in the morning.” You told them. “ eh, isn’t it’s too early for both of you to woke up? You two usually still in bed at this hour” you looked at your watch and it’s still 6:56 am. “unnie, can I borrow your purse?” your sister ask. “oh alright” you handed her your purse. She put it at the ground and faced you. Smiling, your brother and sister pushed you. You fall down in the cold water. “ YAH! SEO MINJI! SEO YEONGJO!” you shouted.

You stayed for a few seconds in the cold water until you felt a pair of hand helped you to get out the water. You, being childish splashed the water to the person while keep your back facing him. The person just laughed and wrap a small towel around your shoulder. Thinking it was your boyfriend. You took his arm without looking his face and start to walk with him. He handed your purse and you take it with a nod. “ oppa, can you tell me is there’s any special occasion or what today?” you asked keeping your face looking forward as you two walk. “ uh oh” he replied. “aish oppa, are you too lazy to just say single word? Go get some rest!” you said while laughing. Before he could reply, you interrupt “What’s wrong with today huh? You usually woke up late” you continue to laugh.

*so baby don’t go~~* your phone rang. You took it out from your purse and take a glance on it, it’s your mom. You immediately answer it. “ Hello mom, good morning!” you beamed through the phone. “ Good morning baby. So cheerful as always, have you take your shower already?” she asked. “ Not yet mom, or maybe yes? Because Minji and Yeongjo have pushed in the water when I was taking a walk around the beach” you replied and faked a sob. “ and don’t worry mom, I’m all set, my boyfriend come to rescue me” you laughed. “ Poor my baby, come back to the mansion now dear. Let’s have breakfast together. I’ve cooked your favourite dish, better hurry or else your brother and sister will eat it all” your mom said. “ No way~~ , I’ll be there in a speed of light!!” you replied and hang up. “ Come on oppa, let’s have breakfast with my family.” You told him and continue to walk to the mansion.



oh yeah. chapter 2. Sorry for any grammar error. :P


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Chapter 5: its alright.... update soon!!
update chapter 1 pleasee author nimm <3 :)