Chapter Twenty Eight: Goodnight

♥ S U P E R S T A R ♥ E X P R E S S ♥

“Congratulations Yui!” Manager Sooman cried loudly. “You’ve been casted for the lead role of Kim So Eun in the new movie called L.O.V.E!”

“Neh? Really?” Yui blinked.

Sooman nodded. “You’ve been casted alongside Minho.”

“SHINee’s Minho?”

Sooman nodded. “You’ll start filming tomorrow. I have to go, I’m gonna miss the new episode of WGM! I need to watch the starcraft couple, good luck then!” He smiled and rushed out of the door.

Yui blinked. “Manager’s a fan of WGM’s Starcraft couple?”


“Hunni!” Kyuhyun cried. “The mission card’s here!”

“Really?” Hunni rushed towards the living room and jumped onto the couch. “Open it!”

Kyuhyun pulled out the card and place it on the table. “Spend time with each other and make memories.”

The two look at each other. “Make memories…” Hunni thought. “I know! Let’s go to Anmyeon-do beach!”

“Anmyeon-do? Where the hell is that?”

“Taean, South ChungCheong…wanna go?”

Kyuhyun stood up. “Go pack your bags; we’ll leave in an hour.”

After packing their bags, the two rode towards Anmyeong-do beach.

They check in at the hotel and decided to have a walk at the beach.

“This is really getting boring,” Kyuhyun muttered. “I don’t really like walking by the seashore.”

Hunni looked at him. “Then, why don’t we write something?”


“On the sand.” Hunni picked up a stick and started writing something.

“What are you writing?”

Hunni ignored him. “Go find a stick and write something about me, too.”

Kyuhyun shrugged and went to find a stick. He started writing something as he smiled.

“I’m done!” Hunni smiled and looked at Kyuhyun. “Sunbae, read this!”

Kyuhyun sighed and walked towards her. He looked at the writings then smiled.

“Sunbae may look and act so cold on the outside but inside, he’s really a caring and warm-hearted person. He loves to play starcraft and is very competitive. He may act so mean but deep inside, I know he’s really grateful.”

Hunni smiled. “Sunbae, let’s read yours!”

“You go read it.” Kyuhyun exclaimed.

Hunni pouted. “Hunni…you can always smile just by hearing her name. She can be so loud and irritating at times but can cheer you up whenever you’re down.” She smiled and continued. “She may look like a kid but never consider her one, or else she’ll surely scream at you. She hates the things I like; she never calls me ‘oppa’ but still tries her best to make me smile. She’s someone a guy would like to be with for the rest of his life.”

Kyuhyun cleared his throat. “I don’t know why I wrote that.”

Hunni looked at Kyuhyun. “Sunbae, let’s take a picture beside these writings.”

“I don’t have a camera.”

“I have one!” Hunni pulled out her camera.

“Forget it; the water will wash them out anyway.”

Suddenly, the water in the ocean erased their writings. “Aaaaahhhh!” Hunni screamed. “Sunbae!”

“I didn’t do anything,” Kyuhyun raised his arms innocently. “Blame the waters.”

Hunni pouted and frowned. “Whatever.”

“I know! Let’s just race towards the hotel; first one to reach the room gets to be the master.”

“Aissh~! I really hate these kind of games.”

“The loser serves the master a dinner, arasso?”

Hunni pouted. “Arasso.”

“Ready…1, 2…3!”

Suddenly, the two rushed hurriedly towards the hotel.


“Annyeong.” Yui bowed down as she greeted the staffs and crew.

“Oh? Yui!” Minho cried as he walked towards her. “How are you?”

“I’m fine, sunbae. Manager said you’ve been casted as one of the lead roles for this movie too.”

Minho nodded. “Yup, we’ve been paired up for the lead roles.”

“Neh? Really?” Yui blushed. “Manager didn’t even tell me.”

The director clapped his hands. “Alright everyone! We’ve already given you all a copy of the script, we also asked you to memorize today’s scene. So now we need you to review all the scenes; we’ll start filming in an hour.”

Minho sighed. “I really hate memorizing stuffs like this.”

Yui smiled. “Me too.”

After reviewing the script, the Director walked towards Minho and Yui. “Listen up, first scene will show you two kissing then Minho will cry out for you as the story flashbacks. Minho, work on the crying scene. Let out your emotions, arasso?”

Minho nodded. “No problem.”

They looked at the script again.

“Oh yeah,” Minho mumbled. “We have to kiss.”

Yui gulped and blushed. “Uhh…y-yeah.”

“Aisshh~! Stupid script writer.”

Yui laughed.

“Not only did he give me a kissing scene but also a crying scene.”


“I won, you lose!” Kyuhyun poke Hunni’s forehead.

Hunni screamed in irritation. “Aish~! It’s not fair!”

Kyuhyun laughed. “So I guess I’m the master and you’re the slave, make me dinner later.”

Hunni pouted. “Chukae.”

“Are you pissed off?”

“Am not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“I said I’m not.”

“You’re acting like a child again.”

“I’m not a child anymore! I’m already seventeen years old!”

Kyuhyun smiled. “Arasso, arasso…”

‘Kriiing~! Kriiing~!’

Kyuhyun picked up his phone. “Yoboseyo?”

“Kyuhyun ah~” Leeteuk called out on the other line.

“Hyung? What’s up?”

“We need you to go to the studio.”

“Right now? Why?”

“Have you forgotten? You have a recording for Baker King’s OST.”

“Oh right, I forgot.” He looked at Hunni. “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

“Where are you going?” Hunni blinked.

“I need to go to the studio.”


Kyuhyun nodded. “I’ll be back in an hour, make sure you cook dinner for me later arasso?”

Hunni pouted.

“We’ll eat together, I promise.” Kyuhyun ruffled Hunni’s hair and walked away.


“And…cut!” the director called out as Minho sniffed. “Good job, Minho.”

Minho smiled and sniffed. “Neh, gomawo.”

Yui laughed as Minho walked towards her. “Sunbae, you’re good at crying.”

“You did well too.” Minho winked.

Yui blushed and gulped. “Uhh…then, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’ll give you a ride home.”

“Neh?” Yui turned and looked at Minho.

“Uhh…let me give you a ride. We can chat a little and get to know more about each other.”

“Uhh…are you sure?”

Minho smiled.

While driving, the two felt silent for almost an hour until Yui’s stomach growled loudly. Yui bit her lower lip, “Nevermind me.”

“It’s okay, let’s drop by and feed that hungry stomach of yours first.”

Minho then stopped in front of a nearby restaurant. The two then went inside, after taking out some food they went back to the car.

Yui chewed the hamburger happily.

Minho smiled and looked at her. “You look so hungry.”

Yui smiled shyly. “Mianhae.”

“No it’s okay.”

Yui swallowed the food and opened the car window. She smiled and smelled the fresh air when suddenly, she drop her bracelet out of the car window. “Wait!”

“What is it? Is there something wrong?”

“Stop the car sunbae, I drop my bracelet!”

“Your bracelet?” Minho looked at Yui then parked the car.

Yui looked at him. “My mom gave it to me when I was still a kid, I have to get it.”

Minho sighed. “No its okay, I’ll get it.”

He opened the door and went to find Yui’s bracelet. “Yui, I don’t think we can still find it.”

Yui went out of the car. “I’ll help you look for it then.”

Minho looked at Yui. “Y-Yui…”

“Neh?” Yui glanced at Minho.

“Did you leave the door open?”

“Nope, why?”

Minho rushed towards his car and tried to open the door. “Aish!”

Yui went towards him. “Sunbae, is there something wrong?”

“The doors’ locked.”

“But I didn’t lock it.”

“I know…because it locks automatically when it close.”

“Neh? S-sunbae, mianhae…I didn’t know your car locks automatically.”

“It’s okay; I’ll just call Onew hyung to come pick us up.” Minho reached out for his phone when he realized he left it inside his car. “Crap.”

Yui looked at him. “Sunbae, what is it?”

“I left my phone inside the car.”

Yui bit her lower lip. “I left mine too.”

The two looked at each other. “Are we…stranded?” Yui asked.

“I guess so.” Minho sighed.

After waiting for almost an hour, a car came into view. The two jumped and waved at the car. Yui walked towards it.

“S-sunbae?!?” Yui looked at Kyuhyun who was the one driving the car. “What are you doing here?”

“Hyung!” Minho cried, he walked towards Kyuhyun’s car.

“You mean…” Kyuhyun looked at the two. “What are you doing here?”

The two looked at each other. “We’re stranded.” Minho replied.

“Stranded?” Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow.

“Uhh…his car locked automatically.” Yui grinned.

Kyuhyun furrowed his eyebrows.

“Well, it’s a long story.” Yui smiled. “Sunbae, can you give us a ride back to our dorms?”

“Hop in.” Kyuhyun smiled as yui and Minho went inside.

“Wait…” Minho muttered. “What about my car?”

“Don’t worry; I’ll call Onew hyung later. He’ll do something about that.”

The three then drove away.


“Aigoo~” Hunni sighed. “Where the heck is he?”

Hunni looked at her wrist watch. “It’s already 10:30, he said he’ll be here in an hour. It’s been past three hours already!”

After an hour again, Hunni fell asleep on the table.

Kyuhyun opened the door and went inside. “Hunni, I’m back.”

He looked around the house and smiled when he saw Hunni. He put down his bag and walked towards her. “Hunni ah,”

He poke Hunni’s cheek but failed to wake her up. He smiled and carried her towards her room. “Goodnight.” Kyuhyun whispered to her.

He went out and looked at the food on the table, Kyuhyun smiled and went towards the food and ate it.

After eating, he washed the dishes and the television, jumped onto the couch.

Hunni woke up to find herself inside her room; she rubbed her eyes and walked out the room to find Kyuhyun sleeping on the couch. “Aegyo~ he looks so calm when he’s sleeping.”

Hunni smiled as she looked at the empty but clean table. She looked at Kyuhyun and tried to wake him up. “Sunbae,” she shook him. “Go sleep in your room.”

Kyuhyun moaned. “I’m already tired…”

Hunni sighed. “It’s cold out here in the living room, you’ll catch a cold.”

“Don’t mind me…”

Hunni pouted and went to Kyuhyun’s room, she carried the blanket towards the living room and placed it on Kyuhyun, she took off his shoes and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight.”

She smiled and went to switch off the lights; she went inside her room and jumped onto the bed.

Kyuhyun opened his eyes. “Goodnight…”


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Chapter 51: It's a good story :-)
emme1205 #2
Chapter 1: You confused Aigoo with Aegyo. Aegyo means to do something cute or child like.
Chapter 51: Thank you for updating so much and for making the story! its great :D
Oh wait... for Kim Hyun Jae, what Ulzzang did you use?
omo... i just want to say that... this is the story that I read every time, I always look for this story. I miss this story, I always wait for the updates. anyways, thank you for creating a story like this.
Please do continue with the New Story. I'll Apply! :)
update! :)
when is there gonna me another update...?
PAARIS~!! <33333<br />
Hunnie and Kyuhyun are tooooo cute~! <33333<br />
update soon~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Lala (me) Taemin<br />
update soon~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333
ABOO~~~ Love your Update!<br />
Hehehe Can't wait for PARIS!!!!!!!<br />
Hunnie and Kyuhyun so CUTE~<br />
Eunhyuk oppa~ and Minah~ [go back together!!]<br />
HyunJae [me~~!!!!] Jaejoong!!!<br />
<br />
Can't wait for the next updates!<br />
Hwaiting!!<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Hi new author ! :DD<br />