Soccer Match

Opposites Attract


Monday morning Sehun woke up extra early to get ready for class. And when he left his dorm, Jongin was still sleeping soundly in his bed. Its was nothing special. Sehun has always been a good student and he always sit in the front row directly in front of the professor but recently, someone has stolen his spot and unfortunately, all the other seats in front were taken.


 So, he had no other choice but to sit in the middle, which is actually not that bad, but its just his thing to sit in front; it always has been. He decided to come up with a plan to get up early, come to class before anyone else does and reclaim his territory, which he did and felt extremely happy about.


As class began, he did what students were supposed to do; take notes, asks questions and listens. It works because he was an intelligent student to begin with but once in a while, Sehun would doodle on the back of his notes when he gets bored.


When class ended, Jongin came up behind him and pats his shoulder. “Doing anything later?” he asked, eyes full of hope and excitement.


Sehun shrugs. “No, not really.” He looks at Jongin just in time to see that spark lits up in his eyes. “Good, because you’re coming to watch the match,”


He stopped walking and turned to look at his friend in confusion. “What match?”


Jongin rolled his eyes. “Well in case you didn’t notice, I, wait, we, the soccer team, practiced the entire month for this match. And I want you there for extra support. Cheer me on, okay?”


I should just go, but im feeling way to tired, Sehun thinks. Jongin coughs out loud and Sehun realises that his friend is waiting for an answer.


“Yeah, sure. See you,” Sehun waves and stares at the back of his retreating friend.




Sehun walks up to his seat and smiles delightfully when he saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

“Oh? You came,” Chanyeol flashes him a toothy grin and Sehun smiles back. He sat down beside Baekhyun and pulled out his phone to keep himself company. He doesn’t even need to turn his head to the side to know that Baekhyun and Chanyeol are so engrossed in their conversation and doesn’t need him to interrupt.


A few minutes later, Jongin’s team and their opponent enters the field and people around Sehun starts clapping and shouting and he finds it very annoying and loud.


“Why did I ever agree to come?” Sehun mutters under his breath and looks around to make sure no one heard him.


The players form a line and starts shaking hands and after what felt like forever, the game started. Sehun sits back and tried to enjoy the game, clapping whenever necessary and shouting out a ‘come on!’ when somebody on Jongin’s team got the ball.


He tries so hard to focus on the game but he cant. His eyes glued to a certain somebody. A certain somebody with soft, bouncy, caramelish brownish hair. A certain somebody with the most beautiful smile Sehun has ever seen.


And he cant help but to smile too when he scores a goal for his team and lets out a small chuckle when he was being squished under a big victory hug by his teammates. Sehun felt a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach but only brushes the thought away.


An hour passed and Jongin’s team won. He went over to their team’s bench with Baekhyun and Chanyeol and was greeted with a hug by a very sweaty Jongin.


“You were great,”


“I know,” Jongin says with a smug grin plastered on his face as he pulls away.


“Dude!” Baekhyun pushes himself forward to hug Jongin, “You were so cool just now except for that last one though. I mean that kick was so ty! I bet if you just kicked properly you could- ow!” Chanyeol elbowed him in the side to shut him up and Baekhyun pouted.


“Wow, way to compliment your friend,” a foreign voice was heard and Sehun snapped his head to the source and almost froze.


“That’s just how he is,” Jongin chuckles. Luhan’s eyes met his for a second and just when Sehun thought his stare could kill him, he gives him one of his cute smiles. “Oh! By the way hyung you were great!”


“Yeah, so awesome. I never expected such skills from someone with a pretty face like you.” the words came out from Sehun’s mouth without him even knowing and he felt like stabbing himself for being stupid. It doesn’t take long for his cheeks to turn rosy. Jongin watches him with an eyebrow raised.


“Thanks but im not that great really. If you ask me, it was Xiumin that brought our team to victory,”


“Oh right! Xiumin hyung! Lets go Baek,” Chanyeol dragged Baekhyun away but the smaller boy did not protest.


“Well I have to go meet the coach. Bye! See you when I see you,”


Jongin moves next to Sehun and they both watched his retreating back. “Pretty face, huh?” Jongin teased and Sehun feels like wiping that smirk off his face with his fist.


“Shut up,” Sehun glares at him.


“Whatever. Lets go get some coffee!”

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Yay the first chapter is up! It took me like 2 days to plan and write this. LOL hope you guys like it! :)


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leedino #1
Chapter 5: please keep udating! if you dont, i will cry, so please ^^

bbuingbbuing? ew, lol not
Chapter 5: Yes, keep updating~ I know a lot of us would appreciate that and it's a great story ^^
deathberry015 #3
Chapter 5: Pls keep updating! I like your story and I would love if you continued it.
Chapter 4: Ohh yay, Luhan appeared earlier than you said he would! Ugh, I can't with him playing soccer though. His manliness totally comes out. He looked so nice durin idol olympics and ugh. I would've died if i was in the crowd when he ran around blowing kisses.
Chapter 2: Ohh so stalker was Tao?! I imagined Luhan :/
I liked it so far ^-^
Please update soon~