Suspicious Baekhyun

Opposites Attract

“What?” Baekhyun practically yelled.


Just five minutes ago he came barging into their shared dorm and almost caused Sehun to fall over from his spinning chair and demanded an explanation of Tao. “Somebody asked you out and you didn’t tell me? I am offended,” He said and Sehun made a mental note to kill Jongin for telling Baekhyun about this.


“Okay,” Sehun took a deep breath and repeated everything he had said to Baekhyun. “So Jongin and I were talking, and suddenly he appeared behind us. He introduced himself and then he said ‘You’re Sehun right?’ so I said yeah and we talked for a while and then all of a sudden he kind of… asked me out,” he looked straight into Baekhyun’s eyes, waiting for a response.


“Infront of Jongin?”




“Woah,” Baekhyun’s eyes widen, “That kid has the guts,” Sehun only stared at the floor, playing with his fingers. “So what did you say?” Baekhyun asked.




“No??” Baekhyun was standing up now. Sehun looked at his friend’s face and confusion were written all over him. He turns back to his desk as Baekhyun started walking back and forth in frustration. “Why not?” He asked.


“Look Baek, I appreciate you trying to be caring, I do..” Sehun flipped the page of his book he was reading before continuing, “but I have to concentrate on my assignment and having you panicking in here is not helping at all.”


Sehun turns around and sees Baekhyun still pacing back and forth in their room. Sehun stands up and placed both his hands on the latter’s shoulders to stop him. He smiles softly and says “I just don’t think I need a boyfriend right now Baek. Don’t worry about me,”


Sehun then turns him around and pushed him out the door before closing it in his face. “Bye!” he shouted from inside and sat back down in his desk to finish his papers.




“Done!” Sehun exclaims out loud and starts stretching because his whole body hurts. He has spent three hours nonstop with no distractions working on his papers and now he feels like an old man with back problems because he leaned in to his desk for far too long.


He was in the kitchen sipping orange juice when he heard the door open, followed by a familiar voice calling his name.


“In here!” he shouted as he placed his glass of orange juice on the counter. A few seconds later, Jongin appeared with a slight frown on his face as he head to the refrigerator.


“How’d your day go?” Sehun gulped down his juice and placed the glass in the sink with no intention to wash it; that was Baekhyun’s job.


“Okay,” Jongin hums, still looking in the fridge. “Just hungry,”


“Me too. I’ve been sitting in my desk since this morning writing my paper, and now im starving,” Sehun said, patting his tummy. “Be a sweetheart and cook for the two of us will you?”


There was silence for a full minute and Sehun just watches as Jongin ransacked the refrigerator finding something, anything to eat.


“I could… But there’s nothing to eat in here”


Sehun stood up and made his way beside Jongin, “Really?”


“Yeah, its just full of milk, cans of coke, more milk and a half empty bottle of orange juice,” Jongin says as he glances at Sehun, then the sink, then back at the fridge. “Other than that, its pretty much empty,” he sighs and closed the refrigerator door.


They both stayed silent for a while as if figuring out how to solve their hunger problems, and that’s when Jongin walked out of the kitchen only to come back later with his jacket and his car keys. “You know what? Lets eat out.” Jongin smiles and motions Sehun to get changed.


“Wait, what about Baekhyun? Shouldn’t we wait for him?” Sehun glances at Jongin from the mirror as he fixes his blond hair.


“He said he already ate with Chanyeol,” Jongin responds and Sehun nods but realises later that Jongin cant see him since he has his eyes glued to his phone, so Sehun clears his throat and says “Oh, okay,”


“He also said that he’s spending the night at Chanyeol’s dorm, because his dormmate, Minseok, isn’t coming back for some reason,” he mumbles as he pockets his phone and looks at Sehun who was no longer fixing his hair in the mirror.


“You know, he’s been over there a lot now,” Sehun says in a suspicious tone, “Do you think he hates us?”


Jongin grabs Sehun and puts his arm over his shoulder and together they walk out their dorm. Jongin looks at Sehun with a slight smirk for a second before turning to look back ahead. “Either he hates us or he loves Chanyeol more. But I think im going for the second option,”


Sehun chuckles and gives an approving nod. Maybe Baekhyun has finally realized how shallow he had been. Maybe he finally realized Chanyeol’s feelings for him or maybe they both are secretly going out. But he cant guarantee anything; Because with Baekhyun, anything can happen.

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Yay the first chapter is up! It took me like 2 days to plan and write this. LOL hope you guys like it! :)


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leedino #1
Chapter 5: please keep udating! if you dont, i will cry, so please ^^

bbuingbbuing? ew, lol not
Chapter 5: Yes, keep updating~ I know a lot of us would appreciate that and it's a great story ^^
deathberry015 #3
Chapter 5: Pls keep updating! I like your story and I would love if you continued it.
Chapter 4: Ohh yay, Luhan appeared earlier than you said he would! Ugh, I can't with him playing soccer though. His manliness totally comes out. He looked so nice durin idol olympics and ugh. I would've died if i was in the crowd when he ran around blowing kisses.
Chapter 2: Ohh so stalker was Tao?! I imagined Luhan :/
I liked it so far ^-^
Please update soon~