
Opposites Attract

“Why would anyone buy something like that?” Sehun grabbed the latest issue of the Vogue magazine Baekhyun was holding. It was open to a page full of hideous black-and-white pants; all checkerboard patterns and ridiculously baggy, that Sehun thinks two person would fit perfectly in one of those pants. “I wouldn’t ever wear one of those on a dare.”


“Oh please” Chanyeol snorted. “You’ve never taken a dare in your life” He pointed out, leaning back in the leather booth at Starbucks, sipping his Frappuccino. All around them, people from their college chatted, sipped their coffees and just hang out in between their classes.


“Its true” Baekhyun spoke from across the table, his right hand poking his chocolate cake with a fork. Chanyeol’s cheeks flushed red at Baekhyun’s words. He cant help it. He has developed a huge crush on Baekhyun for years now. Baekhyun, however, was totally clueless about Chanyeol’s feelings. Sehun knew, everyone knew about it. Sehun was always wondering how could he be so dumb because Chanyeol’s feelings were very obvious. Very.


As if on cue, Sehun’s phone rang. He glances at his phone and sees Jongin’s name flashes on his screen. Good timing, he grins before taking the call.


“Yo buddy, where you at?”


“Don’t talk like that” Sehun’s tone annoyed. “Eww”


“Yeah whatever. Where did you say to meet up again?” Sehun can almost imagine Jongin’s face all scrunched up searching for a place in his head. After a few seconds of silence, Sehun sighs. “Star-“


“Starbucks! Yeah, I almost forgot”


“Almost.” He rolled his eyes. “So you coming or not?”


“Okay. I’ll be there before you know it.” And Jongin hangs up. Sehun pockets his phone and turns back to his friends, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. He had only known Chanyeol for two months, after being introduced by Baekhyun, but he seems nice. Another friend wouldn’t hurt him.


“Hey Sehun” Baekhyun spoke causing the younger boy to look up at him, raising his eyebrows. “Don’t look, but that boy behind you has been staring at you for like.. 3 minutes already.” Chanyeol carefully spun his head around, trying to look for the boy Baekhyun was talking about, and soon enough, he saw him.


“Is he someone that I know?” Sehun asked flatly, obviously not interested. Baekhyun scans the stranger’s face for a second. “I don’t think so. Since you only hang out with us” Taking a big bite of his cake before continuing “If he was a friend of yours, I would have known.” Sehun glanced up and turns his back slowly, scanning the place before his eyes lands on a figure wearing a plain white tee under a blue plaid shirt. They made eye contact for a split second before the stranger looks away.


“I know him” Chanyeol said. Both Sehun and Baekhyun turn to look at him. “I mean, I saw him somewhere around campus a few times” He explained. “He’s from China”


“Stalker” Baekhyun hissed and playfully throws popcorn at his direction. Chanyeol dramatically clutched his chest where popcorn were thrown at him and falls of his seat, as if a small snack could bring him great damage. Baekhyun laughed, filling the place with his loud voice.


Sehun looked back and fourth between his two friends, eyeing them curiously. He doesn’t get what’s so funny. And he doesn’t understands his friend’s childish behavior. “Kids” he muttered, earning a few toss of popcorns from Baekhyun.


“You are no fun” Baekhyun says, sticking a tongue out to Sehun.


“I’m here!” Jongin announces as he slides on the booth beside Sehun. “About time,” Chanyeol mutters while cleaning popcorn off his shirt.


“Why are you all sweaty?” Baekhyun points at him. “I just got back from practice,” Jongin says while wiping his sweat with his baby blue handkerchief.


“Soccer?” Chanyeol asks and he nods. “We’re on five minute break, but I wanted to see you guys” he snatched Sehun’s caramel iced coffee and the straw for a good 4 seconds before it was pulled away by the coffee’s owner.

“I should go back now” Jongin says then turns to look at Sehun. “You should come watch me practice. Support me or whatever”


“Cant. I have a test to cram for” Sehun pointed to his thick, hard-covered book beside his laptop bag that he brought with him. Jongin’s face fell, he felt disappointed and his bottom lip jutting out. Sehun noticed this and puts his hand on his shoulder. “I will come next time, just not today”


The next thing Jongin knows, his left shoulder was smacked hard. He groans and glanced at Sehun, who was smirking. “Unless you want me to fail miserably, then, yeah I’ll come,”


Jongin smiles too and waves a hand at him. “Yeah yeah you can just study.” He turns to Baekhyun and Chanyeol, who were watching the both of them with amusement. “You guys wanna come?”


“I” Baekhyun glances at his wristwatch “have to meet my lecturer to hand in my assignment.” Jongin then turns to Chanyeol. “Sure, I’ll go with you.”


“Cool, now lets go!” The three of them stands up and Sehun only watches them leave with a smile. “Hey look Sehun! That stalker of yours is gone!” Baekhyun shouts a little too loudly as he exits Starbucks, followed by a faint sound of Jongin asking “Who?”


Sehun looks up at the table where this stranger sat and he was indeed gone.

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Yay the first chapter is up! It took me like 2 days to plan and write this. LOL hope you guys like it! :)


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leedino #1
Chapter 5: please keep udating! if you dont, i will cry, so please ^^

bbuingbbuing? ew, lol not
Chapter 5: Yes, keep updating~ I know a lot of us would appreciate that and it's a great story ^^
deathberry015 #3
Chapter 5: Pls keep updating! I like your story and I would love if you continued it.
Chapter 4: Ohh yay, Luhan appeared earlier than you said he would! Ugh, I can't with him playing soccer though. His manliness totally comes out. He looked so nice durin idol olympics and ugh. I would've died if i was in the crowd when he ran around blowing kisses.
Chapter 2: Ohh so stalker was Tao?! I imagined Luhan :/
I liked it so far ^-^
Please update soon~