Virtual Boyfriend

Opposites Attract

“His name is Zitao,” Jongin informs him as they wander  around campus. Both of them had just finished class but didn’t feel like going to their dorm just yet. “Zitao, huh?” Sehun sounds amused. “And you know this how?” he questions.


“He’s in the team. Soccer, I mean,” Sehun had told Jongin about the stalker; after Jongin insisted him to talk, and apparently he has a name, Zitao. “So if he’s in the team..” Sehun traces his delicate little fingers across his bottom lip, “..then how come you never talk about him?”


Jongin chuckles and lifts his hands to gently slap the back of Sehun’s head. “Have I ever talk about my teammates to you?”


Sehun’s lips then formed at small ‘o’ and nods. “Okay then,”


They walked up to a fountain and settled on a bench facing their college’s basketball court. Sehun watches as his tall senior, which he believes was Kris, successfully throws the ball into the hoop and his team goes crazy.


“So about Tao,” Jongin turns to look at Sehun. “You like him?”


Sehun’s eyes widen in surprise. “What? No! I don’t even know that dude!”


“So? If you don’t know him, then try talking to him!” Jongin says.


“Talking to him won’t make me like him, dear Jongin.” Sehun scoffs and rolled his eyes. “Oh come on!” Jongin whines. “Maybe you’ll like him. You know what they say, ‘You won’t know if you won’t try.’”


“Why are you even encouraging me in this thing!” Sehun questions, looking straight into Jongin’s big eyes with curiosity. He smiles and says “Because its about time for you to have a boyfriend!” he slaps Sehun’s thighs before continuing, “You are in collage! Its time for you to be wild, get in a relationship and have fun. You know? Things like that.”


“Please. What do you even know about relationships?” Sehun snapped.


 “I have-“ Jongin started but then was cut off by Sehun. “And no. An online boyfriend doesn’t count.”


“Online boyfriend? Don’t call him that!”


Sehun chuckles, “Oh right, sorry. Let me say it again, a virtual boyfriend doesn’t count.”


Jongin groans in annoyance. “Sehun, I thought we talked about this. I-“


“Yeah, yeah, you really love him and your feelings about  him is all real. I get it” Sehun imitated Jongin’s voice which failed miserably because he sounded like a dying whale.


He remembered that Jongin met a boy named Kyungsoo online a few years back, and after a few months of frequent chatting and video calling, the boy had asked Jongin to be his boyfriend, which, he gladly said yes to. But they have never actually seen each other face to face, apart from their laptop screen.


“Don’t try to change the subject,” Jongin replied. “My point is, you should get in a relationship. Talk to him, maybe you’ll like him,” he smiles to Sehun. “You can’t tell me what to do,” Sehun snapped.


“The fact that I just did, means that I can,” Jongin stood up and dusted his pants. “Or maybe you should practice something, before you actually want to talk to him. To not get you all nervous,”


Sehun stood up and picked up his bag. “Why would I want to do that?” he sounded annoyed. Jongin frowned, “Because sooner or later, he would want to talk to you, Sehun.”


“Oooh~ I am so excited for when that day comes,” He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.  Sehun noticed Jongin’s gaze left his and was focused on someone else behind him. He was wondering what  Jongin was looking at but decided that it was nothing.


“Really? Then you better act fast.” Jongin says and smirks. “Because here he comes,”



Heyyy there my awesome subscribers! :D

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So tell me how is it so far? If you dont understand anything, you can just ask me. Dont be shy, i dont bite :3

Sooo... yeah, i hope you enjoy the chapter, and Sehun's cute little dance XD



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Yay the first chapter is up! It took me like 2 days to plan and write this. LOL hope you guys like it! :)


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leedino #1
Chapter 5: please keep udating! if you dont, i will cry, so please ^^

bbuingbbuing? ew, lol not
Chapter 5: Yes, keep updating~ I know a lot of us would appreciate that and it's a great story ^^
deathberry015 #3
Chapter 5: Pls keep updating! I like your story and I would love if you continued it.
Chapter 4: Ohh yay, Luhan appeared earlier than you said he would! Ugh, I can't with him playing soccer though. His manliness totally comes out. He looked so nice durin idol olympics and ugh. I would've died if i was in the crowd when he ran around blowing kisses.
Chapter 2: Ohh so stalker was Tao?! I imagined Luhan :/
I liked it so far ^-^
Please update soon~