chapter 4

When Things Get Complicated
When I got to my cousin's apartment, I quickly got the kids out so no one would see that I was going into the building. "C'mon kids. We're going to go see Tio Youngbae ok?" The kids loved to come see my cousin. Even though he was the cousin of my cousin so he was considered my cousin cause hid aunt married into our family. I walked into the building with the kids in tow. We got into the elevator and pressed the button for the 5th floor. Once we got to the right floor I was Jamie run and start knocking on Youngbae's door. Youngbae opened the door to see Jamie there and picked him up. He looked around for the rest of us and smiled when he saw us. "Hey, Ceci! Finally got here huh?" "Yeah finally accepted the job offer. So how have you been?" "oh come in. And you know busy with work and stuff." I walked in and gave him a hug. He closed the door and put Jamie down. Then he hugged Ky and Jay. "Wow there so big now!" "Well they are three you know. Kids here. Go play while I talk to your tio okay?" They nodded and took their bags with them "So finally found yourself a girlfriend? I mean most of your songs are of some girl breaking you heart or something like that?" "Ha ha ha. You're very funny. And no I did not find myself a girlfriend. They are too much work." "Right, right. So a....boyfriend then?" I asked while smirking. How could I not? It was always funny to see him uncomfortable. "No! I mean I have nothing against homouals but I'm not like that." "Uh huh. You seem a little too defensive. I was just teasing you like always." "Well you always imply I'm gay." He said while pouting. I just giggled. I looked to see the kids watching some sort of drama. I shook my head. They were defiantly my kids for them to be so entertained by watching dramas on the television.
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