Chapter 3

When Things Get Complicated
I threw myself on my bed as after I put the kids to bed. I felt so tired specially because of the time difference. Ugh I guess I'll sleep for today and maybe visit my cousin tomorrow with the kids.

*the next morning* I woke up to see it was eleven in the morning. I started to panic. I got out of bed and ran to the kids' room to see they were sitting on Ky's bed watching tv while eating cereal. I sighed in relieve that the kids were okay and eating breakfast. "Hey. Did you guys get breakfast all by yourselves?" I asked. "No Luan got it for us before he left for work," answered Jamie. "Okay. Well, once you've finished I'm going to get you ready so we can visit my cousin ok?" "Okay, Ama!" all three said at the same time. Twenty minutes later and we were all ready to go. I held Jamie's and Ky's hand while Jay walked in front of us because he was a 'big boy' and didn't need to hold my hand anymore. He was so much like his father. As we walked towards the elevator,we saw a lady waiting for the elevator too. She noticed us right away and turned towards us. She was fairly young maybe a year or so older than me. She had beautiful long black hair, white skin, and a nice figure. "Oh you must be Luan's wife right?" she asked. "Ne. Do you meet him already?" I asked with a polite smile, feeling weird being called Luan's wife. "Oh yes. He's such an amazing person and very good looking. You are a lucky woman." Her tone was laced with envy. I snickered in my head. If only she knew. "Oh yes. He is such a good father too. By the way I'm Cecilia and these are my kids Jay, Ky and Jamie." The elevator doors opened and both the lady and me walked in and I pushed the button for the parking lot. "they are very adorable and they all look like they are the same age, and my name is Choi Nana." "That's a pretty name and they are triplets so they are the same age. The pregnancy was hell for me and Luan suffered a lot." "Was it a hard pregnancy?" "Yes especially because there were three in my tummy. I almost lost Jamie." "Ah. So how long have you and Luan been married for?" "We are going to be married four years in March." the kids already knew the story and were quiet because they were confused as to if Luan and me were really married. "Wow that's such a long time." the elevator doors opened and we both got out and I walked towards the car Luan bought me to use. It was a 2010 black Charger because I had always wanted one. "Well it was nice to meet you." we waved goodbye and I got the kids into their car seats. I got in and drove towards my cousin's apartment.

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