
TaeJin : Imagine Your OTP

V sigh boringly as there were nothing to do currently. He had finally finishes watching Fairy Tail episodes. An hour ago, he already took a bath and ate ramyeon. It was enough to keep him self from starving. The entire member is quite busy, leaving him alone in the dorm.


He is basically sprawling himself on his own bed and stares at the top bunk. Not that it’s interesting or anything, but he know it is where his favorite hyung sleeps in. He kind of misses that hyung anyway.

He turns his head to the left toward the table and realizes Jin hyung had left his phone again. He stares at the phone for a moment before sitting straight and grabs the phone. At first he was quite hesitant to do it, but another part of his brain says the older probably would not mind about it. He shrugs his shoulder and swipe the phone screen open.


He taps on a camera icon. He extended his arm and positioned the phone close to his face and slightly smirked. He smiles as he was satisfied with the outcomes. He then set the picture as wallpaper. He wonders how his hyung will react to the wonderful wallpaper he specially took for him. He locks the screen again and gently placed the phone right where it was before.


He yawns and stretched his limbs. He looks at the clock on the wall. “9. 15.. Well better go to sleep then” he mutters. He closes the light of the room and slumps himself on the bed again. He cuddles more into his blanket and soon fell into his dreamland.




“Yah Taehyung, wake up! Don’t you think you have training today?” the leader of the groups says as he shakes him lightly. V grunts and shuffles on his bed. He groaned and mindlessly searching for his phone. He blinks his eyes lazily few times as the lights from the phone had blinded him for seconds. He smiles when he saw that Jin has done the similar thing to his phone. As his wallpaper is a selca of the older posing to the camera rather coolly. Well, that had made him wake up 90%.


‘I guess hyung like the idea huh?’ he thought and grabs his towel so he can take a bath.


Imagine Person A of your OTP taking an extreme close-up picture of them self and setting it as Person B’s wallpaper on their phone. Person A wakes up the next morning to find that Person B has done the same on their phone.


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Chapter 5: I love your taejin drabbles. They are too good. Well this one should have a sequel.
Chapter 5: This totally needs a sequel. Of course only if you are up for it. :P
Chapter 4: That is so cute!!! Taehyung, be more thankful of Jin. If not you would be the one in detention.
gyusungie #4
Chapter 2: just wondering... but who do you think is the man in the relationship? xD

i like it a lot when taehyung is more dominating ~
this chapter is the best so fluffy i'm crying
Chapter 3: That is so cute though. I think it is even cuter set their wallpaper without the other person knowing. ^^
Chapter 1: hehe, I'm a er for those kind of kisses xD
me like ^^ thumbs up for the other two little thing thingies too (I forgot the name for it in English) :D