stranger 3




Naeun turned.

In the last row, beside the window, a tall boy stood from his desk.

“sit” he said. “please”

The room quieted a bit as the others waited to see how she’d react. Naeun walked up to him. She tried not to look up into his eye-large, glowing brown eyes but she couldn’t help it.

He was gorgeous. He had smooth, olive skin, she couldn’t tell if he was white, chinesses or some combination but she had never seen such smooth and soft skin, complimenting a chiseled jaw line. His hair was short and brown and he was thin. There was something about him, something so out of place here. He seemed fragile. An artist, maybe.

It was unlike her to be smitten by a guy. She’d seen her friends have crushes, but she’d never really understood. Until now.

“where will you sit?” naeun asked

She tried to control her voice, but it didn’t sound convincing. She hoped he couldn’t hear how nervous she was.

He smiled wide, revealing perfect teeth.

“right over here” he said, and moved to the large window sill, just a few feet away.

Naeun looked at him and he returned her stare, their eyes fully locking. She told herself to look away but she couldn’t.

“thanks” she said, and was instantly mad at herself.

Thanks? That’s all you could manage? Thanks!?

“that’s right, Luhan!” yelled a voice. “give that nice white girl your seat!”

Laughter followed, and the noise in the room suddenly picked up again, as everyone ignored them once again. Naeun saw him lower his head, embarrassed.

“luhan?” she asked. “is that your name?”



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isn't it too much for updating everyday guys?


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 24: Wow!! Really daebak. I really appreciate author nim unfortunately not complete.
Anyway we hope you can continue.... One day
Exopink ???????
Chapter 24: Kai thinks that Lulu is a girl friend hahaha I'm so curious about Naeun's father
silalagosil #3
Chapter 6: Its really good story....
you must get achievement for your story.
miss you author nim
Chapter 23: GREAT STORY! I'm so curious about Naeun and Kai in their past life! Update soon please
overlyrandom #5
Chapter 23: this is a great story and you are a very good writer!
i hope they will find the sword and naeun will be alright...
luvapink #6
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update!
mingkhoo #7
Chapter 21: Oh so u were in the hospital. I wondered why didnt u update. I hope you are okay now.. Please take care of yourself... :)

What will happen to tao now? Guess hayoung is a vampire too.. I hope she doesnt kill him. He was about to be nice again to naeun...
datzme #8
Chapter 21: What happen to u? R u okay now? Thanks for the update^_^
mingkhoo #9
Chapter 20: wuah.. kris is so evil.. and dangerous..
mingkhoo #10
Chapter 19: i should be happy that you update but i'm really sad today because kris is my number 1 bias. but thanks for the update anyway. at least you made me smile when kai said that they would have an engagement, its a lie but naeun 1- es 0. :)