

“Go!” he screamed.

She picked up her pace and ran right through the open door.

   As she turned around, he turned with her and yanked closed the door with all his might, closing it firmly behind them. He quickly reached up, foisted an enormous metal shaft, and placed it across the door, barring it. He took several steps back, standing next to her, watching the door.

She couldn’t help looking up at him, studying the line of his jaw, his black hair and brown eyes.

He had saved her. Why?

   But he wasn’t looking back down at her. He was still watching the door, fear in his eyes. With good reason. Within a second of his having barred it, a body had hurled against it. The door was over six feet thick, pure steel, and the bars were even thicker. But it was no match. The bodies crashed into it from the other side, and the door was already almost completely caved in. It would only be seconds until they crashed through.


“Move!” he shouted, and before she could react, he grabbed her arm and led her away. He tugged at her, making her run faster than she ever had, faster than she knew she could, and within seconds they were down one hall, then another, then another, twisting and turning every which way.

The only thing they had to see by were occasional torches. She never could have made it out of there on her own.

“What’s going on?” Naeun tried to ask as they ran, out of breath. “Where are we –”

“This way!” he yelled, yanking her suddenly in another direction.

Behind them, she heard a crashing, followed by the sound of a mob, bearing down on them.

   They reached a circular staircase, made of stone, winding its way up along a wall. He ran full speed toward the steps, yanking her with him, and before she knew it they were racing up the steps, twisting in circles, taking them three at a time. They were ascending quickly.

As they reached the top, it seemed to end in a complete wall. A stone ceiling was above them, and she could see no other way out. It was a dead-end. Where had he led them?

He was confused, too. And angry. But he seemed determined. He took a few steps back, and with a running start, charged at the ceiling. It was incredible. With this superhuman strength, he smashed a hole right through. Stone crumbled, and light poured through. Real, electric light. Where were they?

“Come on!” he yelled.

He reached down and grabbed her arm, yanking her up and out, through the ceiling, and into the well-lit room.

   She looked about. It looked like they were in a courthouse. Or a museum. It was a grand, beautiful structure. The floors were marble, the room was all stone, columns. It was round. It looked like a government building.

“Where are we?” she asked.

He grabbed her hand and took off at a sprint, tugging her through the room at lightning speed.

He charged a set of two huge, steel doors. He let go of her wrist and ran right into them, leaning his shoulder hard. They flew open with a crash.

   She followed close behind, this time not waiting. She heard the sound of stone moving behind her, and knew that the mob was close. They were outside, finally, and the cold, night air struck her in the face. She was so grateful to be out from underground.

   She tried to get her bearings. They were definitely in Seoul. But where? Her surroundings seemed vaguely familiar. She saw a city street, a passing taxi. She turned to look back, and saw the structure they had just left. City Hall. The coven had been beneath City Hall.

   They ran down the steps and across the courtyard, heading for the street. They hadn’t gotten farwhen there came the noise of doors opening behind him, and a mob of vampires. They headed right for a large, iron gate. As they got close, two security officers. They turned around, and saw them running right for the gate. Their eyes opened wide in shock, and they reached for their guns.

“Don’t move!” they yelled.

   Before they could react, he grabbed her tight, took three long bounds, and leapt for all he was worth. She felt them flying through the air, 10 feet, 20, clearing the metal gate and landing on the other side with grace.

   They hit the ground running. She looked at her protector in shock, wondering what the extent of his power was. Wondering why he cared about her. And wondering, why she felt so good beside him.

   Before she could think much longer, there was the crash of metal behind them, followed by gunshots. The other vampires had broken through, taking the police officers down with them. They were already close behind.

They ran and ran but it was not working. The mob was fast closing in.

He suddenly grabbed her hand and turned the corner, taking them down a side street. It ended in a wall.

“It’s a dead-end!” she yelled. But he kept running, dragging her with him.

He reached the end of the alley, dropped to a knee, and with a single finger reached in and yanked up a huge, iron manhole.

   She turned, and saw the huge group of vampires heading right towards them, not more than 20 feet away “Go!” he yelled, and before she could react, he grabbed her and shoved her into the hole. She grabbed hold of the ladder, and as she looked up, she saw him get on his hands and knees, bracing himself. He raised the manhole cover as a shield.

   He was descended upon by the mob. He swung wildly, and she heard the impact as he knocked vampire after vampire away with the heavy iron. He was trying to join her, to get into the hole, too, but he couldn’t make it. He was surrounded.


   She was about to climb up and help him, when suddenly, one of the vampires parted from the mob and slipped into the hole. He spotted naeun, hissed, and came right for her. She scrambled down the ladder, taking them two rings of the time, but it wasn’t fast enough. He landed on top of her, and they both started falling.

   As she fell through the air, she braced herself for the impact. Luckily, they landed in water. As she rose, she saw she was in up to her waist in filthy, sewage water. She had barely time to think when the vampire landed beside her with a splash. With one motion, he wound back and backhanded her across the face, sending her flying several feet. She landed on her back in the water, and looked up to see him pouncing again, right for her throat. She rolled out of the way just in time, springing back on her feet. He was fast, but so was she.

   He fell flat on his face. He got up and spun around and squared off in a rage. He clawed his right hand right for her face. She dodged it, and his hand barely missed her, the wind of it passing right by her cheek. His hand hit the wall with such force that it lodged into the stone.

   Naeun was mad now. She felt the red-hot rage pulse in her veins. She walked over to the stuck vampire and wound back her leg and planted a strong kick right in his gut. He keeled over. She then grabbed him from behind and threw him right into the wall, face first. His head hit the stone hard. She was proud of herself, figuring she had finished him off.

But she was shocked by a sudden pain in her face, and found herself backhanded once again.

   This vampire had recovered quickly—much more quickly than she had thought possible. Before she knew it, he was on top of her. He landed on her with a crash and brought her down. She had underestimated him. His hand was on , and on it for real. She was strong, but he was stronger. He had an ancient strength that ran through his body. His hand was cold and clammy. She tried to resist, but it was just too much. She dropped to one knee, and he kept squeezing. Before she knew it, he was pushing her head towards the water. At the last second, she managed a scream: “Help!”

A second later, her head was submerged.


Naeun felt the disruption in the water, the waves rushing, and knew that someone else had landed in the water. She was losing oxygen fast, unable to fight back.

Naeun felt strong arms under her, and felt herself being hoisted up and out of the water. She jumped up and gasped for breath, it in deeper than she ever had. She breathed again and again, hyperventilating.

“Are you okay?” he asked, holding her shoulders.

She nodded. That was all she could manage. She looked over and saw that her attacker lay there, floating in the water, on his back.

She looked up at him, his brown eyes looking down at her. He had saved her. Again.

“We’ve got to move,” he said, grabbing her arm and leading her, sloshing, through the waisthigh water. “That manhole won’t hold very long.”

As if on cue, the manhole above them was suddenly torn out.

They ran. They turned down tunnel after tunnel, and heard the sound of water sloshing behind them. He made a sharp turn and the water level dropped down to their ankles. They picked up real speed.

They entered yet another tunnel, and found themselves in the midst of major Seoul infrastructure. There were massive steam pipes here, letting off huge clouds of steam. The heat was unbearable.

   He took her down yet another tunnel, and suddenly picked her up and placed her on his back, wrapping her arms around his chest, and ascended a ladder, taking three rungs at a time. They were rising, and as he reached the top, he punched a manhole and sent it flying out before them. They were back above ground, on Seoul streets. Where, she had no idea.

   “Hold on tight,” he said, and she tightened her grip around his chest, clasping her hands into each other. He ran, and ran, and it turned into a sprint, at a speed beyond which she had never experienced. She had a memory of riding on the back of a motorcycle once, years ago, and the feeling of the wind whipping through her hair at 60 miles an hour. It felt like that. But faster.


    They must have been doing 80 miles an hour, then 100, then 120… It just kept going. The buildings, people, cars—it all became a blur. And before she knew it, they were off the ground. They were in the air, flying. He opened his huge, black wings, flapping slowly beside her. They were up above the cars, above the people. She looked down and saw that they flew over 14th Street. Then, a few seconds later, 34th. A few more seconds, and they were above Han River Park. It took her breath away.

   He checked back over their shoulders, and so did she. She could barely see, with the windwhipping in her eyes, but she could see enough to know that no one, no creature, was followingthem.

   He slowed a bit, and then dipped, lowering their height. Now they flew just above the tree line. It was beautiful. She had never seen Han River Park this way, its pathways lit up, the treetops right below her. She felt like she could reach out and touch them. She had a feeling that it would never look as beautiful as it did right now.

   She clasped her hands tighter around his chest, feeling his warmth. She felt safe. As surreal as all of this was, things felt back to normal in his arms. She wanted to fly like this forever. As she closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze caress her face, she prayed that this night would never end.

Naeun felt them slow, and then begin to descend. She opened her eyes. She didn’t recognize any of the buildings below them. It appeared that they were way uptown.

   As they descended, they flew over a small park, and in the distance, she thought she saw a castle. As they got closer, she realized that it definitely was a castle. What was a castle doing here, in Seoul?

   She wracked her brain, and realized that she had seen this castle before. On a postcard somewhere…Yes. It was a museum of some sort. As they ascended a small hill, flying over its ramparts, flying over its small, medieval walls, she suddenly remembered what it was. The Cloisters.

The small museum. It was hundreds of years old. Why was he taking her here?

They descended smoothly over the outer wall and onto a large, stone terrace. They landed in darkness, but his feet touched down gracefully on the stone, and hegently let her off.

   She stood there, facing him. She looked at him closely, hoping that he was still real, hoping that he wouldn’t fly away. And hoping that he was as gorgeous as he was the first time she saw him. He was. If anything, even more so. He stared down at her with his large, brown eyes, and at that moment she felt herself get lost.

There are so many questions she wanted to ask, she didn’t even know where to begin. Who was he? How was he able to fly? Was he a vampire? Why had he risked his life for her? Why take her here? And most importantly, was everything she had seen just a wild hallucination? Or did vampires really exist, right here in Seoul? And was she one of them?

She opened to speak, but all she managed was: “Why are we here?”

She knew it was a stupid question the moment she asked it, and hated herself for not asking something more important. But standing there in the cold, March night, face a bit numb, it was the best she could do.

He just stared back at her. His stare seemed to pierce her soul, as if he were seeing right through her. It looked as if he were debating how much to tell her.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, he opened his mouth to speak.

“KAI!” shouted a voice, and they both turned.

A group of men – vampires? – dressed all in black, marched right for them. Kai turned and faced them.


Kai. She liked that.






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isn't it too much for updating everyday guys?


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 24: Wow!! Really daebak. I really appreciate author nim unfortunately not complete.
Anyway we hope you can continue.... One day
Exopink ???????
Chapter 24: Kai thinks that Lulu is a girl friend hahaha I'm so curious about Naeun's father
silalagosil #3
Chapter 6: Its really good story....
you must get achievement for your story.
miss you author nim
Chapter 23: GREAT STORY! I'm so curious about Naeun and Kai in their past life! Update soon please
overlyrandom #5
Chapter 23: this is a great story and you are a very good writer!
i hope they will find the sword and naeun will be alright...
luvapink #6
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update!
mingkhoo #7
Chapter 21: Oh so u were in the hospital. I wondered why didnt u update. I hope you are okay now.. Please take care of yourself... :)

What will happen to tao now? Guess hayoung is a vampire too.. I hope she doesnt kill him. He was about to be nice again to naeun...
datzme #8
Chapter 21: What happen to u? R u okay now? Thanks for the update^_^
mingkhoo #9
Chapter 20: wuah.. kris is so evil.. and dangerous..
mingkhoo #10
Chapter 19: i should be happy that you update but i'm really sad today because kris is my number 1 bias. but thanks for the update anyway. at least you made me smile when kai said that they would have an engagement, its a lie but naeun 1- es 0. :)