Kai 2


Kai. She liked that.

“We have no clearance for your arrival,” the man in the middle said, deadly serious.

“It is unannounced,” kai answered flatly.

“Then we will have to take you into custody,” he said, nodding to his men, who slowly circled behind kai and her. “The rules.”

Kai nodded, unfazed. The man in the middle looked directly at Naeun. She could see the disapproval in his eyes.

“You know we can’t let her in,” the man said to kai.

“But you will,” kai answered flatly. He stared back at the man, equally determined. It was a meeting of the wills.

The man stood there, and she could see he was unsure what to do. A long, tense silence followed.

“Very well,” he said, turning his back abruptly and leading the way. “It’s your funeral.”

   Kai followed, and naeun walked beside him, unsure what else to do. The man opened a huge, medieval door, grabbing it by its round, brass ring. He then stepped aside, motioning for kai to enter. Two more men, in black, stood inside the doorway, standing at attention.

Kai took naeun’s hand and led her through. As she passed through the huge stone archway, she felt as if she were entering another century.

“Guess we don’t have to pay admission,” naeun said to kai, smiling.

He looked over at her, blinking. It took him a second to realize it was a joke. Finally, he smiled.

He had a beautiful smile.

   It made her think of Luhan. She felt confused. It was unlike her to feel strong feelings for any boy—much less for two of them in the same day. She still felt for Luhan. But Kai was different. Luhan was a boy. Kai, although he looked young, was a man. Or was he…something else? There was something about him she could not explain, something that made her unable to look away. Something that made her not want to leave his side. She liked Luhan. But she needed Kai. Being around him was all-encompassing.

Kai’s smile vanished as quickly as it had appeared. He was clearly disturbed.

“I’m afraid there will be a much higher price for admission,” he said, “if this meeting does not go as I would hope.”

   He led her through another stone archway, and into a small, medieval courtyard. Perfectly symmetrical, surrounded on four sides by columns and arches, this courtyard, lit by the moon, was very beautiful. She could not fathom how they were still in Seoul. They could have been in a European countryside.

They walked across the courtyard and down a long stone hallway, the sound of their footsteps echoing. They were trailed by several more guards. Vampires? She wondered. If so, why were they so civil? Why didn’t they attack kai, or her?

They walked down another stone corridor and through another medieval door. And then they suddenly stopped.

   Standing there was another man, dressed in black, who looked startlingly similar to Kai. He wore a large red cloak over his shoulders, and was flanked by several attendants. He seemed to hold a position of authority.

“Kai,” he said softly. He sounded shocked to see him.

Kai stood there calmly, staring back.

“Sehun,” Kai answered, flatly.

The man stood there, staring, shaking his head just a little bit.

“Not even a hug for your long lost brother?” Kai asked.

“You know this is very serious,” Sehun answered. “You have violated many laws by coming here tonight. Especially by bringing her.”

The man did not even bother looking over at Naeun. She felt insulted.

“But I had no choice,” Kai said. “The day has arrived. War is here.”

   A hushed murmur erupted among the vampires standing behind Sehun, and among the growing group of vampires forming behind them. She turned, and saw that more than a dozen of them now encircled them. She was starting to feel claustrophobic. They were vastly outnumbered, and there was no way out. She had no idea what Kai had done, but whatever it was, she hoped that he could talk his way out of it.

Sehun raised his hands, and the murmur died down.

“What’s more,” Kai continued, “this woman here,” he said, nodding towards Naeun, “she is The One.”

   Woman. Naeun had never been called that before. She liked it. But she didn’t understand. The One? He had put a funny emphasis on the phrase, as if he were talking about the Messiah or something. She wondered if they were all crazy.

Another murmur arose, and all heads turned to stare at her.

“I need to see the Council,” Kai said, “And I must bring her with me.”

Sehun shook his head.

“You know that I would not stop you. I can only advise. And I advise you to leave right now, return to your post and await the Council’s summons.”

Kai stared back. “I’m afraid that is not possible,” he said.

“You’ve always done as you wish,” Sehun said.

Sehun stepped aside, and motioned with his hand that he was free to pass.

“Your wife will not be pleased,” Sehun said.

   Wife? Naeun thought, and felt a cold chill run up her spine. Why did she suddenly feel so insanely jealous? How had her feelings for naeun developed that quickly? What right did she have to feel so possessive of him? She felt her cheeks turn red. She did care. It made no sense at all, but she completely cared. Why.

didn’t he tell me

“Don’t call her that,” Kai answered, his cheeks also burning red. “You know that –”

“Know that what!?” came a woman’s shriek.

   They all turned to see a woman marching towards them from down the hallway. She, too, was dressed in all black, with long, flowing red hair that trailed past her shoulders, and large, shiny green eyes. She was tall, ageless, and strikingly beautiful.

   Naeun felt humbled in her presence, like she had just shrunk. This was a woman. Or was it…vampire? Whatever she was, she was a creature that Naeun could never compete with. She felt deflated, prepared to concede Kai to whoever she was.

“Know that what!?” the woman repeated, staring harshly at Kai as she walked up to him, just a few feet away. She glanced over at Naeun, and curled into a snarl. Naeun had never seen anyone look at her with so much hatred before.

“Krystal,” Kai said softly, “we have not been married for 700 years.”

“In your eyes, maybe,” she snapped back.

She started to pace, circling both Naeun and Kai. She looked her up and down as if she were an insect.

“How dare you bring her here,” she spat. “Really. You know far better.”

“She is The One,” Kai said flatly.

Unlike the others, this woman did not seem surprised. Instead, she just let out a short, mocking laugh.

“That’s ridiculous,” she answered. “You’ve brought war on us,” she continued, “and all for a human. A simple infatuation,” she said, her anger rising. With each sentence, the crowd behind her seemed to get bolstered, to grow with a concurring anger. It was becoming an angry mob.

“In fact,” Krystal continued, “we have the right to tear her apart.”

The crowd behind her began to murmur in approval.

Anger flashed across Kai’s face.

“Then you would have to go through me,” kai answered, staring back with equal determination.

Naeun felt a warmth run through her. He was laying his life on the line for her. Again. Maybe he did care for her.

Sehun stepped forward, between them, and held out his hands. The crowd quieted.

“Kai has requested an audience with the Council,” he said. “We owe him at least that. Let him state his case. Let the Council decide.”

“Why should we?” Krystal snapped.

“Because that is what I said,” Sehun answered, a steely determination in his voice. “And I give orders up here, Krystal, not you.” Sehun stared long and hard at her. Finally, she deferred.

Sehun stepped aside, and gestured towards the stone staircase.

Kai reached out and took Naeun’s hand, and led her forward. They stepped down the wide stone steps, and descended into the darkness.

Behind her, Naeun heard a sharp laughter cut through the night.



“Good riddance.”






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isn't it too much for updating everyday guys?


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 24: Wow!! Really daebak. I really appreciate author nim unfortunately not complete.
Anyway we hope you can continue.... One day
Exopink ???????
Chapter 24: Kai thinks that Lulu is a girl friend hahaha I'm so curious about Naeun's father
silalagosil #3
Chapter 6: Its really good story....
you must get achievement for your story.
miss you author nim
Chapter 23: GREAT STORY! I'm so curious about Naeun and Kai in their past life! Update soon please
overlyrandom #5
Chapter 23: this is a great story and you are a very good writer!
i hope they will find the sword and naeun will be alright...
luvapink #6
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update!
mingkhoo #7
Chapter 21: Oh so u were in the hospital. I wondered why didnt u update. I hope you are okay now.. Please take care of yourself... :)

What will happen to tao now? Guess hayoung is a vampire too.. I hope she doesnt kill him. He was about to be nice again to naeun...
datzme #8
Chapter 21: What happen to u? R u okay now? Thanks for the update^_^
mingkhoo #9
Chapter 20: wuah.. kris is so evil.. and dangerous..
mingkhoo #10
Chapter 19: i should be happy that you update but i'm really sad today because kris is my number 1 bias. but thanks for the update anyway. at least you made me smile when kai said that they would have an engagement, its a lie but naeun 1- es 0. :)