Chapter 9

Reuniting with My Bully

A/N: Updates are fast, fast!!! :D I don’t know myself why I keep writing this although I have an exam tomorrow… Sunday…. *sigh*

Sorry Feelgyo unnie! :P anyway, the last chapter is really comment blowing chapter… I got 27 comments and this is the record

breaking number for one chapter… think everyone’s excited by Eric’s confession…. Kekekeke… I gave you surprise gift in this chap

and after reading, you’ll know what I mean… This time enjoy and can you wish me for my exam, please??? <3



Hyesung just got the real meaning of “skipping a heartbeat” because he actually felt a beat skipping in his left chest when he heard

those words from the one cornering him.


“I think I like you …”


Those words kept ringing in his mind and he just noticed how he had been blank only when he felt the soft feeling on his lips.


What is this?


He got frozen more after realizing what Mun Jung Hyuk was doing. His lips moved gently on his own ones, patiently asking him to

reply the kiss.


The kiss?


In the next second, he heard “Ouch” sound from Mun Jung Hyuk together with the sight of the mentioned one trembling on only

one of his legs and his hands grasping the other foot in the shoe. Then, Hyesung realized what he had done.


“Yah! How can you stomp like this? Ah … It hurts … Hyesung-ah …”


Hyesung just keep staring the man in front of him while rubbing his lips with the back of his free hand and absorbing what had just

happened to him.


“How dare you? Who let you ki… play with me? Don’t mock me! I’m not the toy for you to play with …”


Hyesung’s voice echoed along the corner and made the man in front of him speechless with his daring outburst at his work. It was

fortunate that there was no one in sight besides him and Eric in this proximity.


“Hyesung-ah … I …”


“Please … Please … let me be alone … I’m begging you … Don’t follow me …. Go back … Leave here …”


The faint yet firm voice of came out from his mouth even to his own surprise before he turned and walked away, leaving Eric alone

in the corridor.


He walked and walked and walked, not caring the curious stares from his colleagues and students, until he reached the toilet and

locked himself in one of the cubicles. After leaning his back against the door, Hyesung let out a deep sigh, holding tightly his left

chest area.


“Calm down, Shin Hye Sung … You shouldn’t feel like this … He doesn’t mean anything serious … He’s just playing and hitting on you

for fun ….”


He said those words to himself for some enlightenment but it ended up a sting creeping on his heart due to those words.


F**k you, Mun Jung Hyuk!


He had been already confused with that bastard’s last night words and now he succeeded again in making Hyesung’s heart beat

restlessly, like it was going to explode anytime. Why had he popped up out of nowhere in Hyesung’s workplace? And he had even

kissed him without his consent.


Thinking back of it, Hyesung’s hand automatically reached onto his lips and he felt his face’s temperature rising up. This was the

very first time of Hyesung being kissed by another guy on full lips and he still felt the thrill recalling the soft feeling on his lips and

how the other’s lips had moved on his so gently.


Oh. Take a grip. Shin Hye Sung.


Hyesung shook his head furiously when those words appeared again in his head.


“I think I like you …”


Involuntarily, his lips curved a little upward but they stopped almost immediately.


“I think I like you …”


“I think I like you …”


It was not even the exact “I like you”, let alone “I love you”. There was still the “I think” part and it crashed all Hyesung’s fantasies

into pieces.


Even if Mun Jung Hyuk was not playing with him, the obvious thing was that he was not still sure of his own feelings on Hyesung. He

was still doubtful on his own feelings and he wanted Hyesung to believe him?


This was the first confession that Hyesung had ever received too. But he kept feeling emptier than before he had heard that

confession. As Mun Jung Hyuk had warned him, now he was in a complete mess. His brain was telling him that it was just another

prank from that bully while his heart was clinging onto the delusional 1% sincerity of this confession, asking what if the other meant

a serious case, not just a prank as usual.


Hyesung realized that actually he was being afraid of his raising hopes being broken up by “Sorry. I didn’t mean serious. It’s just a

joke.” from that bully’s mouth one day. The last thing he wanted on this earth was falling hard after getting to the highest place and

he could not let himself fall for Mun Jung Hyuk’s possible trap.


But maybe he had already been fallen into it? Without himself knowing? That’s why his inexperienced heart felt hurt all this time?


Mun Jung Hyuk. You have made my world spin uncontrollably now.




Hyesung got off from his car after parking in his apartment’s parking lot. After all the happenings in the afternoon, he could not help

but had kept spacing out all the time and thank God that he had not had any class for the rest of the day. The only thing he wanted

right now was cold shower and his bed. He needed to shut himself down for a while from all those sudden changes.


Walking towards the elevator, suddenly, a shadow appeared behind the large pillar of the underground parking lot and even before

Hyesung could react, the familiar guy got out and stood in front of him.


“Hyesung-ah …”


The lecturer felt his legs weakening immediately but he calmed himself down by breathing hard before glaring the man standing

opposite of him.


“What do you want to do again? Mun Jung Hyuk-shi.”


The called one seemed surprised at his formal tone but still approached him a step closer.


”Hyesung-ah … Can you at least listen to me for a minute?”


“No … No need to … Cuz you’ll pull a prank on me again …”


Hyesung managed to let out those words firmly and tried to go forward avoiding from the shadow of the one who had asked. But

unfortunately, he failed again as the other grabbed his messenger bag and then his wrist.


“I’m being serious here … Hyesung-ah … Please listen what I’m talking …”


Eric’s raised voice made Hyesung turn his head back and stare at him blankly.


“Serious? Why did you start being serious to me? And don’t tell me to listen when even you’re not still sure of yourself!”


Hyesung’s voice echoed around the empty basement parking lot for a few seconds. Eric seemed being caught off guard because of

Hyesung’s words but he still tightened his grab around the lecturer’s wrist.


“ ‘I think I like you’ … That’s what you said … You know? I’m not the experimental thing for you … to test your feelings … I also have

feelings too! Please … Don’t mess with me!”


After those words, Hyesung struggled to free from Eric’s grasp and his jacket and bag ended up falling onto the ground. Eric tried to

calm down the other but with no avail. So, in the end, he had to pin Hyesung to the nearest pillar, grabbing both of his hands.


“Calm down, Hyesung-ah … Calm down …”


Hyesung ceased his actions gradually after hearing Eric’s words and realizing his trapped condition between the pillar and Eric.


“Please … Don’t mess with my heart … Jung Hyuk-ah … I’m begging you …”


Hyesung’s voice was so faint that if Eric was not in that much close proximity, he could have missed it. Both of them went quiet for

a few minutes, Eric staring at the one in front of him and Hyesung lowering his head with his eyes fixed on the ground.


“Shin Hyesung … I love you …”


Hyesung’s head was lifted so abruptly that it seemed like he might get his neck broken. He stared at Eric with his big eyes full with

shock and disbelief while the latter just kept giving his best sincere expression.


“You heard? I said “I love you” …”


When Hyesung kept being frozen, Eric went on his attack on the currently blank guy.


“Sorry for saying “I think I like you” … Sorry for making you feel like you’re getting mocked … Sorry for giving you too many shocks

today … Sorry for kissing you without your consent …. And … Sorry for this kiss too …”


Before Hyesung could comprehend what Eric meant, the latter leant into his face for the second time of the day and crashing their

lips together. It was a sweet and tender one, just enough to let Hyesung know what was on Eric’s mind and heart.


Hyesung still could not believe what was happening to him right now. He was too confused with all the speedy happenings and now

he was here, in his apartment parking lot, being pinned to the pillar and kissed by the guy who had been once his “enemy” after



Confession? Yes. He had said “I love you” to him ….


Should he give a chance to him? And to his own heart?


He was still in dazed state but strangely, he wanted to believe this was real. He was the kind of person who usually took the safe

side but this time, he wanted to take a risk for once in his life. He wanted to give a shot on it even though the doubt was still

lingering on his brain.


Suddenly, his thoughts stopped as their lips parted again and Hyesung found himself a bit breathless although he had only received

and not replied. Then, there, Mun Jung Hyuk stared at him with his intense gaze and that gaze made him uncomfortable enough to

wander his look all other places except the one who had just kissed him.


“I’m not being cocky … but … You also love me … right? … “Don’t mess with my heart” … It already said all …. Hyesung-ah … If you love

me, you should reply my kiss … Don’t stand still there …”


“What? Who says I…. mhhhh ….”


Without letting Hyesung end his talking, Eric attacked him again on his lips. This time, the feeling of wanting something became

intense in Eric’s kiss and after hesitating for a while, at last, Hyesung gave in.


Yes. He gave in.


He gave in to Eric. He gave in to his own heart. He gave in to his love. He gave in to their love.


Life is all about gain or lose. He should risk something to get something back and that is what all matter now.


He let his brand new boyfriend know about his surrender by replying the kiss slowly and shyly. Picking up his hint, Eric freed his

grasp on Hyesung’s wrists and immediately after that, a pair of arms snaking around Eric’s neck, pulling him a little closer.


Eric smiled in their kiss and put his arms on the other’s sides gently, being cautious not to make Hyesung afraid. Only after they

realized they were quite near of their lungs’ limits, Eric pulled Hyesung away from him for a few seconds to look at the slightly

panted one and then, pulled him into his embrace again, making Hyesung’s head lean on his shoulder.


“Trust me this time … It’s not a prank … Can you?”


He felt a soft nodding on his shoulder and a faint voice of “I do” entered his left ear. Then, Hyesung suddenly pulled himself apart

from him and gave him a serious stare.


“Don’t you dare to trick me again … If you did, I’d skin you alive and torture you till death …. Understand?”


Eric could not help but let out a chuckle before nodding enthusiastically.


“I won’t …. But Sesame … I’ve got something to ask you …”


Hyesung just looked at him with a questioning look and Eric whispered into his ear slowly.


“Shall we try French kiss next time?”


Silence fell … for a few seconds …




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Hit 150 subs!!!! Hooyay!!! Gamsahamnida! *bows*


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Chapter 19: It was so, so, so cute!
I feel happy!
Thank you for the wonderful story!
zhendy-mf #2
Chapter 19: hahahahahahaha
love the flufyness

thank you for the story
SoulDragon #3
Chapter 19: Omg i love the fluff and cheesyness...perfect ammount for my tastes :D
Thank you so much for this wondefull story. I feel sad it's allready finished...i read it in 1,5 evening...i just couldn't stop ;).
I'm definitly going to read other story's you've written!
feelgyo #4
Chapter 19: Reading this again, makes me realize how much I missed 'sesame' and his bully <3

Oh Izzy, you created a great story here. Reminding me again with the past, how you wrote it despite your ticking clock of your upcoming exams, and how you got scolded by your unnies (me included, lol) for not taking your time studying seriously. XD
Goshh...I missed our old times now. Kekekeke

Anyway, thanks for presenting us with your awesome story dear Izzy. I'll always love your story bout 'sesame' and his bully. Ahahahahhaha~~
Izzy manse!!! Ricsung manse!!! Shinhwa manseeee!!!! \(^o^)/
Chapter 19: yowwww this is great, author-nim! hahahaha i enjoyed every scene you write there because i feel like i'm watching a movie. It's awesoooome, i can picture it in my mind directly! deabaaak. and yes, that sesame thing was super cuteeee -also in the 1st chapter, dang!! the 1st time eric said "sesame" was making me fell in love with this fic back there hahahha

anyway, thank you for making this wonderful fic!^^ i love it hahahaa.. write ricsyung more in the future if you have some time, ne~~^^
JisuJisu #6
Chapter 19: Again author-nim you always makes me enjoy ur fanfics too much that im nearly going insane because of my ricsyung feels *Fanboying* and what a funny ending haha ! Write more long stories with longer chapters if u can ! Muah !
Chapter 19: Well, author-nim, all I can say is that you are more than capable of writing smuft - aka (to me at least) + fluff = smuft

yep, I'll be leaving first
Chapter 17: Aigooo, daebak fic author-nim. Aish, those two were irresistible in this. I miss their broadcast. This makes me wanna go watch on youtube. kamsahamnida author-nim for finishing this fic.
Chapter 16: Belated congrats author-nim on scoring 20 points higher than expected for the japanese exam. *exploding confetti poppers* The special trip was really touching. I didn't think this fic would give me these kinds of feels. kamsahamnida author-nim for the feels
Chapter 6: Omo, omo. I want to comment but I'm afraid to say too much. Aish, I'd like some Soju now author-nim.