Chapter 10

Reuniting with My Bully

A/N: Update! Kekekeke… Hope you’ll enjoy this chap cuz it contains what most of you are expecting…. Sorry if it’s not that good…

*hide in a corner* and tell me your thoughts too! :D





“Dongwan-yah, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”




Hyesung lifted his head to steal a peek of his best friend who was sitting in front of him. They were now in the café, their usual

meeting place, and it was fortunate that there were only a few customers in the café. Hyesung had decided to tell about him and

Jung Hyuk being an item to his best friend and maybe he had been too rushed in telling Dongwan who was already exhausted by a

day’s work. Now, Dongwan was staring at him with his eyes widened and his mouth open.


“Dongwan-yah …”


“You’ve just said you and Mun Jung Hyuk are an item???”


“Yeah … It became like that …”


Hyesung just replied in a soft tone before grabbing his coffee cup to take a sip, avoiding Dongwan’s fiery stare.


“YAH! What are you saying? Shin Hyesung! It’s not it became like that …. Isn’t it you who accepted him?”


“Yeah … but he convinced me first …”


“Convinced you?”


“He said I can trust him … and he loves me … and it’s not a joke …”




Hyesung could not help but let his mouth wide open seeing his friend yelling out of nowhere with both of his hands in air.


“Kim Dong Wan! What are you doing? We’re still in the café!”


“I seriously need to call Jung Hyuk and ask what method he used …”




Dongwan just ignored his dumbfounded expression and continued mumbling on himself. “What is that old man thinking again?”,

Hyesung thought.


“He could convince you with just those three sentences … It’s you, Shin Hyesung, who kept saying Mun Jung Hyuk is the person he

hates most in this world … Wow! Daebak! Mun Jung Hyuk is really something …”


“YAH! You don’t know how many mental breakdowns I had!”


Hyesung just shouted back at last, not being able to stand his best friend’s “Appreciation of Mun Jung Hyuk”. He sipped his coffee

and put the cup back down on the saucer with a force, producing the “clank” sound.


“But finally … you gave in, huh?”


Sudden change of Dongwan’s tone from playful to serious made Hyesung give a proper look at his friend. Dongwan’s face really got

serious and Hyesung could find the concern on his face.


“Yes … Dongwan-yah … I was really afraid and hesitant … and still I am …. But…”


“But … you chose to trust him …”


Dongwan’s words got Hyesung silent and he could not do anything but stared at Dongwan. After all this time, Dongwan had not been

his best friend for no reason. He could guess what was happening in his mind and sometimes, it was even scary.


Hyesung nodded and after that, Dongwan grabbed his hand before squeezing it as a sign of supporting him.


“It’s good … Hyesung-ah … You finally got the one you can lean into … I’m always by your side … but you know it’s not the same with

the one you can call yours … Sometimes, you should just take risk to live your life to the fullest … If not, you’ll never know what you

missed …”


Hyesung always knew Dongwan was the sensible and reliable one but why did his words so true, especially today? It was quite

awkward to see him being that serious but at the same time, he could feel the sincerity and concern in his friend’s words.


“It’s natural you’re worried at first but Hyesung-ah … I always tell you Jung Hyuk is the good and reliable one … You can see it in him

easily … and even if he left you for God’s sake, I’ll be still by your side, right? We’re getting old … and you seriously need to have

someone now … How long do you think you’ve been alone, huh?”


Hyesung felt a sudden urge to hug his best friend and he did so without hesitating although he knew many would be looking at them

as “weirdoes”.


“Thank you … Dongwan-yah … You’re the only one who can understand me …”


Dongwan just patted his back and although he did not see his face, Hyesung knew his friend was smiling widely as usual.


“Yah! Don’t flirt with me, Shin Hyesung … Now you have other one beside me … I know you love him more than me … Don’t try to

console me … You really gave me a heart attack you know, bastard? … ” 


Despite of his curse word, Hyesung knew his friend was joking and he was actually happy for him. That was how their friendship

was. He was so glad to have Dongwan’s understanding and consent like he got consent from his parents. Well, actually, since both of

his parents had passed away, it was quite right to say Dongwan was kind of his guardian. And since Dongwan approved, the

probability of his choice to trust Jung Hyuk going wrong was not that much high, right?


Hyesung smiled automatically when Jung Hyuk’s name appeared in head.


He seriously needed to call that bastard when he got back home.


Parting with Dongwan after dinner, he got into his car and as soon as he put his seatbelt on, the message ringtone appeared.


“Hey!!! Ok with Dongwan? <3”


Seeing the heart emoticon at the end of the text, Hyesung chuckled automatically. Cheesy Mun Jung Hyuk is cheesy.


“Yeah… He’s ok with us … had dinner with him … now heading home …”


He typed the reply and hit the send button and then, only after a few seconds, another message came in.


“Good!!! :D”


He raised his eyebrow at the message. Not saying goodnight to your boyfriend? And what a super short reply from a talkative Mun

Jung Hyuk. Something did not feel right.


Hyesung just got out of the elevator of his apartment when his phone started to ring again. Seeing the caller ID, a smile crept onto

his face before picking the call up.




“Tsk … Boring! Your boyfriend is calling and your reply is “Hello”?”


“What again? If it’s not ‘Hello’, how should I reply?”


“Like … “Baby, I’m missing you so much” …”


“Mun Jung Hyuk! Are you crazy?”


Hyesung hit the buttons on his door lockpad while rolling his eyes. Who on this earth reply the call like that? Seriously?


“And that too! What’s with Mun Jung Hyuk? I’m your boyfriend now and you still have to call like that? Even if you don’t want to call

me “Baby”, you should at least try “Eric-ah” … in a sweet tone …”


Hyesung kicked out of his shoes and headed to his couch. Then, he found a familiar man sitting on the couch with his head turning

back to the door and waving at Hyesung cheerfully.


“YOU! MUN JUNG HYUK! What are you doing here?”


“Tsk. Tsk. Again? I’ve just told you to change …”


“YAH! Is this time to say that? Tell me … What are you doing here? I know … I know … You knowing my door code is the worst thing

for my privacy … Aiish …”


“Hyesung-ah … Don’t say like that … I’m your boyfriend after all …”


Hearing the “boyfriend” word too many times in a few minutes, Hyesung could not help but felt his face reddening at that cheesy



“Why do you keep reminding me you’re my boy….”


Eric just stopped whatever Hyesung was trying to say by pulling him into his embrace and wrapping his arms around the smaller-

framed one.


“Because I don’t want you to forget … and I just like calling you my boyfriend …”


Hyesung was caught off guard by Eric’s sudden hug and words and he even felt sorry for being a little harsh to his brand new

boyfriend. He wrapped his arms slowly around Eric’s waist and also snuggled into his chest deeper as a sign of him saying sorry.


Gosh. It felt so right to be in his embrace. And it felt so nice to have someone who welcomed him with a hug when he came back

home. That may be why people find a life-time partner.


“I’ll call you Eric … Satisfied? Baby is way too cheesy …”


Hyesung just mumbled into Eric’s shoulder but Eric definitely seemed to catch what he had said because then, he felt a kiss landing

on his hair.


“Call me Baby once …”




Hyesung got pulled away from the hug and he saw a pair of expecting eyes.


“And tell me “I love you” … Shin Hye Sung … You know you didn’t say that yesterday?”


Hyesung got surprised and just recalled that he really had not said those three words to Eric yesterday. But saying I love you and

Baby at the same time sounded too cheesy, didn’t it?


“Hey … Tell me …”


“Iloveyou …”


“What did you say?”


Eric seemed like he could not catch what Hyesung had just said or maybe he was too dumbfounded because Hyesung said in a

extra-fast way. Hyesung bit his lips, breathing hard to say it once again.


“I love you …”


He could see how much those words made Eric happy through his wide grin after Hyesung saying it. He felt his facial temperature

rising up but smiled automatically after seeing Eric’s grin.


“I love you too …”


Eric pulled him back into his arms again but this time, more gently. He could feel Eric’s breath gazing his earlobe and it made him

calm and serene somehow.


“But … where’s “Baby” part?”


“Yaaaah … It’s too cheesy … I told you I’ll call you Eric … Isn’t that enough?”


Hyesung abruptly freed himself from Eric’s arms and made a twisted face glaring at his persistent boyfriend.  


“Ok … I’ll leave it for next time … This time I’ll pass it …”


As soon as Hyesung let out a relieved sigh, he saw Eric grinning again and knew immediately something was up again in his devilish



“But how about our French kiss, Sesame-ah?”


Hyesung facepalmed himself in his mind.


Why did he get that kind of boyfriend? Was he really his boyfriend?



“NoNoNo … I don’t feel like doing it …”


“Hyesung-ah … Why? I’m your boyfriend … It’s nothing much …”


They were now in kitchen, waiting their latenight meal, ramen, being cooked. At the same time, Eric kept persuading Hyesung for

French kiss.


“NO! I … I .. just don’t want to do right now …”


Seeing Hyesung’s flustered face and constant stare into ramen pot, finally Eric seemed to catch something.


“Tell me … You’re afraid cuz you don’t have experience, huh?”


“What? It’s … it’s not like that …”


Hyesung abruptly turned off the stove and brought the pot over to the dining table before grabbing bowls and chopsticks.


“Shin Hyesung! You’re ignoring me?”


“Mun … Ah … Eric-ah … just sit, eat and go home … I’m tired all day …”


Hyesung tried to start eating but unfortunately, his hands got grabbed again by Eric.


“Tell me … You’re afraid you’re not good at it … or you think it’s disgusting to do it with me?”


Hyesung’s eyes got wider at the second question of Eric and he shook his head immediately.


“No … Eric-ah … It’s not like that … I’m just … afraid ...”


“If so … just follow me … Don’t worry …”


Eric leaned into gradually but suddenly, Hyesung stood up and ran towards the bathroom. Dumbfounded Eric was left sitting there

for a few seconds and then he followed Hyesung.


“Hyesung-ah … what’s wrong with …”


Then, Eric stopped talking seeing the sight in front of him. There, in front of the sink, Hyesung was gurgling and then spat the blue

liquid out of his mouth before facing Eric again.


“Sorry … I’m afraid if my mouth smells …”


Eric chuckled at his adorable boyfriend and approached him before lifting his chin.


“Don’t you know I don’t mind it at all? Just follow me …”


Eric leaned into and this time, Hyesung did not run away but even reduced the distance more by leaning into Eric’s direction. Their

lips met gently and then the sweet kiss started. Hyesung’s arms automatically went around Eric’s neck, pulling closer to him and Eric

responded it by putting his hands on Hyesung’s sides. Then, Hyesung felt Eric’s tongue touching his lower lip and he felt an

electricity going through his spine.


Finally it came.


“Shin Hyesung. Be calm. Recall what you saw in manga.”


He parted his lips just a little bit but Eric’s tongue managed to enter his mouth and started wondering and caressing his own

tongue. Hyesung went blank for the first few seconds and let Eric do whatever he wanted while tightening his arms around Eric’s

neck. But later, he tested his skill by fondling back Eric’s tongue and at the same time, both of them let out low moans due to the

intense feeling. It was strange how their tongues were in dancing rhythmically and for Hyesung, he was surprised at himself, doing

so well for the first-timer. He had never had that kind of feeling and he even enjoyed the unique taste of Eric.  It was not sweet or

something he had tasted. It was solely Eric’s flavor and for the moment, he was the only one enjoying it and that thought alone

made Hyesung deepen the kiss more and more, causing both of them moan again. They did not fight for dominance, just lips

and caressing tongues alternatively for the ultimate pleasure.


Then, Hyesung started to feel heady due to the lack of oxygen and it seemed like Eric also got to his limit because the tongue battle

started to slow down and after a few seconds, they parted their lips reluctantly while breathing unsteadily. Hyesung glanced at their

images on the mirror above the sink and saw their lips being moist and a bit swollen and their panting expressions. He suddenly felt

embarrassed and hid his face into Eric’s chest while Eric was patting his back gently, like he knew what was in his mind. Then, he

felt Eric’s breath near his ear.


“Congratulations for our first French kiss. It’s not that bad, huh?”




Out of the topic! I just ordered Shinhwa 15th Anniversary Concert DVD LE! I know I know… it’s too expensive, huh? But I really

want to have it … can’t help it … I’ll just be staying home this whole month and munching grass… :P SHINHWA MANSE! <3



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Hit 150 subs!!!! Hooyay!!! Gamsahamnida! *bows*


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Chapter 19: It was so, so, so cute!
I feel happy!
Thank you for the wonderful story!
zhendy-mf #2
Chapter 19: hahahahahahaha
love the flufyness

thank you for the story
SoulDragon #3
Chapter 19: Omg i love the fluff and cheesyness...perfect ammount for my tastes :D
Thank you so much for this wondefull story. I feel sad it's allready finished...i read it in 1,5 evening...i just couldn't stop ;).
I'm definitly going to read other story's you've written!
feelgyo #4
Chapter 19: Reading this again, makes me realize how much I missed 'sesame' and his bully <3

Oh Izzy, you created a great story here. Reminding me again with the past, how you wrote it despite your ticking clock of your upcoming exams, and how you got scolded by your unnies (me included, lol) for not taking your time studying seriously. XD
Goshh...I missed our old times now. Kekekeke

Anyway, thanks for presenting us with your awesome story dear Izzy. I'll always love your story bout 'sesame' and his bully. Ahahahahhaha~~
Izzy manse!!! Ricsung manse!!! Shinhwa manseeee!!!! \(^o^)/
Chapter 19: yowwww this is great, author-nim! hahahaha i enjoyed every scene you write there because i feel like i'm watching a movie. It's awesoooome, i can picture it in my mind directly! deabaaak. and yes, that sesame thing was super cuteeee -also in the 1st chapter, dang!! the 1st time eric said "sesame" was making me fell in love with this fic back there hahahha

anyway, thank you for making this wonderful fic!^^ i love it hahahaa.. write ricsyung more in the future if you have some time, ne~~^^
JisuJisu #6
Chapter 19: Again author-nim you always makes me enjoy ur fanfics too much that im nearly going insane because of my ricsyung feels *Fanboying* and what a funny ending haha ! Write more long stories with longer chapters if u can ! Muah !
Chapter 19: Well, author-nim, all I can say is that you are more than capable of writing smuft - aka (to me at least) + fluff = smuft

yep, I'll be leaving first
Chapter 17: Aigooo, daebak fic author-nim. Aish, those two were irresistible in this. I miss their broadcast. This makes me wanna go watch on youtube. kamsahamnida author-nim for finishing this fic.
Chapter 16: Belated congrats author-nim on scoring 20 points higher than expected for the japanese exam. *exploding confetti poppers* The special trip was really touching. I didn't think this fic would give me these kinds of feels. kamsahamnida author-nim for the feels
Chapter 6: Omo, omo. I want to comment but I'm afraid to say too much. Aish, I'd like some Soju now author-nim.