Day 4

Kim Himchan's Diary

Dear diary,

So my teacher didn't accept my drawing as assignment. He said that it was the stupidest drawing he had ever seen. That sun of a beach. His drawings skills are ten times worse than mine. Does he even look at what he is putting on the blackboard? Last time he drew a heart on the board. Everyone knows that a heart looks like two ears combined, but not him. Oh no, he drew a .... I don't even know what to call it. It was pointy on the bottom and it was made of four different parts. And to make everything worse: those parts weren't even divided equally. The upper two were much smaller than the ones on the bottom. Now from this drawing you can see what kind of man he is: unfair. Yep, that's the word that describes him perfectly. Now I have to turn in my assignment by tomorrow and a report about some new techniques or discoveries... I am not really sure about it. I was distracted while that guy was talking. I saw someone by the window. He was surrounded by a group of girls, so I couldn't really see his face. However, there is only one person who would get that much attention besides me.

It was him, the new kid.

He has transferred to our school today. Not to my class though, but I have been hearing his name the whole day, the whole time. Even the principal was talking about him (well, through the speakers, but still, he talked about him). Apparently he was a top student in America and moved here when his parents decided to divorce. Sometimes, I am amazed by how much information people can find about a certain person within a few minutes. Oh well, I don't like that guy. He was the reason behind my starvation today. He was attracting my admirers by releasing pheromones. Very clever of him. Teenage girls can't resist those: they were all following and questioning him the whole day. They didn't even look at me, not even for a second. Oh, what has happened to the world! Where can we still find loyalty! They ditched me like I was the iPhone 3 for the iPhone 5, because its screen is much more shiny or whatsoever. I am not Youngjae, I don't know this stuff. I know stuff about people. Yes, if you haven't noticed it yet, I am a people person. I know what the motives are behind people's actions. And this guy, this guy is dangerous. I can feel it. There is something weird about him, but I can't really put my finger on it.

However, that guy isn't my biggest concern at the moment. Because I didn't have anything for lunch today, I ate three bowls of noodles and veggies and other stuff when I got home. I AM GOING TO BE FAT. How am I supposed to lose all these calories? I am too busy with other things! I still have to prepare the last few things for the trip. I really hate those last minute changes. The owner of the place called me yesterday. Actually, I should say ex-owner. He has sold it. Just like that! Some rich people approached him and offered him a lot of money for his place. Then he handed them the keys and other that must be done (I have already told you that I am more of a people person than someone who knows a lot of stuff). And at last he called every customer to say that their appointment would be in the hands of  strangers he just knew for a few minutes. I hope I can trust the new guys, I had sent a list with our preferred things to the previous one. He said he had given the papers to the new owners and then he hung up. So I decided to visit the place tomorrow with Gukkie. You know, to check it out. Yes, I have told Yonggukkie about the plan. I really needed someone to help me and I was getting a bit lonely. It is hard to do everything on your own! Even for someone like me. I know, this must sound very unbelievable to you, but trust me, it is hard. And by the way, this was a great opportunity for Gukkie. Now he can socialize and train to be less scary. He has been practicing a lot lately. I saw him smiling to the janitor! We had to call an ambulance though. That poor guy got a heart-attack by the look of Yongguk's... uhhh... face. Yeah, he should have gone with someone less prone to heart-attacks. We are going to visit him tomorrow too. With some flowers and fruits of course!

See, I have a lot of things going on in my life. 

I almost forgot about the assignment for tomorrow. Luckily am I the kind of person who reads things twice to make sure that I didn't miss a thing.  I think I am just going to write something about bees or something. Or maybe the differences between a normal heart and the so-called heart the teacher is always drawing. How did he even become a teacher. He doesn't even know the basic stuff. I bet that even a toddler can draw a perfect shaped heart... with his eyes closed...  with one hand on his back ... while sitting at the edge of a cliff... OH NO, KIDS CAN'T SIT THERE. Well, no, they can if I am there too. I would be able to save him. Yes, I would. 

And I know that I had said that I would show you Jongup's drawing of the mermaid, but he didn't want to give it. Well, he actually said that he had lost it somewhere, but I think he just don't want to give it. He was just smiling at me and he didn't even look for it. That means that he knows where it is. I bet he had sent the picture to his homeplanet to tell them what kind things he must do for the humans. I think he was impressed with my drawing, because he wanted to lend it to show it to his 'family'. Because his 'family' wanted to see with what kind of people their 'son' is 'hanging out'. The aliens are watching us guys. They have always had. But don't be worried, I will make sure that mankind will make a good impression on them. I mean, just look at my drawing. It looks like it just jumped out of the sea into the paper. This drawing is going to show them of what we humans are capable. Good that I know Jongup, because this way we can send the aliens top quality works. I will be responsible of that. No worries. If you are reading this, that means that I have succeeded and that the aliens haven't attacked us. They are probably admiring us and waiting for the next Himchan to come on this planet. 

Well, I am going to end this entry for today. The bees and hearts are waiting. 

Your beloved,





Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been busy lately with stuff and other stuff XD 
I am really done with school OTL 
Well, I hope you liked this chapter and yeah, there will be a storyline :D 




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Sometimes I don't know how to react on certain things... sorry foe not replying on your comments OTL


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Chapter 4: How can I not keep up with your nonsense when I myself is a nonsense person, and am very enjoying this fic.

much love,
A nonsense reader/fan (Inserts heart)
Chapter 4: Oh my god i can just imagine the whole himup mermaid scene lololol that would be really interesting xD
Chapter 3: Wait so is the yellow thing a ? O_O omg this is hilarious.
Chapter 2: the himchan's fairies xD
Chapter 2: omg himchan is such an idiot i dont know if i love him or want to shove his face into a fish tank.
Chapter 1: This is really cute! Himchan is so funny. I can't wait to read what you write next ^-^