Day 3

Kim Himchan's Diary

Dear diary,


Nothing special happened today: it was a ‘normal’ school day. We must have scared the villains with our latest action: we had captured five lunch-thieves in the cafeteria within ten minutes. Yes I know this sounds unbelievable, but keep in mind that we have Jongup’s inhuman speed, Yongguk’s intimidating looks and Daehyun’s love for food. Yes, Daehyun helped this time instead of eating all the available food in the cafeteria! When he saw that his beloved ones got abused by those criminals, he went nuts! We had to hold him with four men to prevent him of beating those thieves to death. Luckily I was there to give orders, otherwise Daehyun would go to jail for murder. What would they do without me? (Please, don’t answer this question. This is a rhetorical question)


This time teacher Kang helped us again. He is my home teacher. I am considering to take him as an official member of The Himchan’s Fairies. I mean: he is always around, he always helps us out and come on, it is always useful to have a bear as your colleague: you will never be out of honey again and that my friends, is a very important thing to have. And besides, as an official member he would understand what kind of difficult things we have to do and then he would understand why we can’t do our homework. We really want to do it, but there is just not enough time. I even had to cut off my precious mirror time by two hours to get the daily tasks done: I have to taste the food that is given to us to check whether it is poisonous or not (I have the strongest stomach of all. It may not seem like that, but having abs has nothing to do with your inner abs. Yes, we have inner abs, maybe you future people have forgotten that part of the body: so remember, inner abs are very important), I have to make sure that every single admirer gets enough attention, then I have to make sure that every single member gets enough Himchan love so they won’t be jealous of our admirers and on top of that I have to plan fun trips! Trips are necessary to become a perfectly-functioning team: teamwork is involved, fast thinking in all kinds of situations is a must and trust in each other is the most important of all. So you see that these outings are very important!


Speaking of which, I am almost finished with the preparations for our next trip.Tomorrow I have to go to the boss of that building for an important meeting, but besides that I have already bought the pink team-clothing, the special air-allowing shoes, the nutritious and healthy snacks and perspiration-absorbing-equipment. I can’t wait to see the members’ reactions when I tell them the good news! I still didn’t have the time to tell my whole plan with the time capsule, but that will come. However, I did managed to convince Youngjae to start one too! He said something like: “Sure, of course I will do it.” But then he asked: “Who doesn’t want to waste his time on an old notebook?” Well Youngjae, nobody would if you say it like that! He should learn more positive and proper words than those scientific terms which no one would ever understand.


Oh yeah, and I had almost forgotten about the mermaids stuff! Luckily, I told Jongup to remind me to remind Yonggukkie to remind me of the mermaids. So I had asked Zelo it together with Jongup , because Jongup was the only one who knew where Zelo was. He seems to be able to find Zelo anytime anywhere. I think he has put a gps locater in Zelo’s hair or something: it’s easy to hide stuff in that ramen hairs of his. But, we weren’t talking about that: I have asked Zelo about the mermaids and he said that he didn’t know it! He has never seen one, so he couldn’t give us an answer. The only thing he did, was staring at us with a dumb smile on his face TTATT

He really disappointed me, so I had no other choice than to degrade him. He’s now the most clueless one of us all, yes, he is now even more clueless than our clueless Jongup.


After this I spent the rest of the break drawing mermaids with Jonguppie while Zelo kept blinking at us/ taking pictures of us with his camera eyes. I think it turned out very good: I released my inner Picasso for this one. Normally I would only use it for special occasions, but this time I really got the feeling that this would become a masterpiece and it became one! You could just take it to an auction and sell it for fifteen grand without a signature! Now, can you imagine how much money it would cost with my signature! (Again, this is a rhetorical question) Just look at this piece of art:


I think I need to explain some key points of this artwork. Because I believe that the mermaids must have some resemblances to the fishes or sea creatures,I  drew fish lips like Niel, a boy at our school and some tentacles. The braids in the hair are the perfect home for different kinds of starfishes, sea plants, sea flowers and seahorses. It would carry its own garden everywhere! And because I am not a person who discriminates, I have drawn it with the possibility that it could be a girl or a boy. That is the kind of person I am!


Isn’t it wonderful? (R.Q) I will show you Jongup’s drawing another time. To my opinion, his one was too human: it looked like a woman with a tail. But he was very happy about it, so I just smiled and said that I loved it. He is such a cute yet strange kid.


I am going to sleep now, I have done enough for today. I will read the assignment for biology tomorrow. And maybe he will even accept my mermaid drawing as the assignment!




Your beloved,








 I hope you liked this chapter xD  

 Credits to my little sister Melanie for the beautiful drawing (don't judge her, she is 9 xD)

 And don't even think of claiming this drawing as your own 

 There will be a storyline starting from the next chapter!

 And do you know where they are going?e u e (no this isn't a rhetorical question) 

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Sometimes I don't know how to react on certain things... sorry foe not replying on your comments OTL


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Chapter 4: How can I not keep up with your nonsense when I myself is a nonsense person, and am very enjoying this fic.

much love,
A nonsense reader/fan (Inserts heart)
Chapter 4: Oh my god i can just imagine the whole himup mermaid scene lololol that would be really interesting xD
Chapter 3: Wait so is the yellow thing a ? O_O omg this is hilarious.
Chapter 2: the himchan's fairies xD
Chapter 2: omg himchan is such an idiot i dont know if i love him or want to shove his face into a fish tank.
Chapter 1: This is really cute! Himchan is so funny. I can't wait to read what you write next ^-^