Day I

Kim Himchan's Diary

Dear diary, 

I know, you must be wondering: why is mister Popular writing in me? Shouldn't he be busy with being the most handsome person of this school? Wait, did I say school, I meant region, no, country, no let's just say world. I am just an ordinary notebook and he is actually spending time on me! Oh someone, hold my papers before I pass out! 

Well, first of all thank you for calling me handsome and secondly, thank you for all your kindness. I guess I owe you an explanation. Last week I watched this movie with a predictable plot (you could call it a cliché plot). Anyways, in the movie they found this time capsule from 1993 and they opened it out curiosity and they better couldn't do that etc. Well the movie wasn't that interesting , but the time capsule was. You have to put something in the capsule what means something to you and what is interesting for the later generations. Well, what is more interesting than me? Since I couldn't put myself in it without dying, I came up with this brilliant idea: a notebook with my life in it! I did not start this because I am bored during the classes. It's not like I keep falling asleep every time the teachers open their mouth. I only do this, because I am concerned about the future: they must know that I have existed, that someone as awesome as I, have existed. I am not just a legend. I am real. 

Now, how do people start writing these kind of stuff? You have many options like: 'It is Monday today.' or 'I hate Mondays.' or 'Oh I saw my crush today.' etc. Let's just try them all. I have enough time. 

It is Monday today. I am sitting in the back of the classroom. The teacher had put me there, because I was distracting the whole class when I sat in the front. I guess it was because of my great looks people kept looking at me and smiling at me. The teacher did a good thing by putting me in the back. At first a lot of classmates kept turning around, but at some point their necks hurt and they stopped with that. Sitting in a difficult position for a whole year is very uncomfortable. But yeah, let's talk about my day instead of my divine looks. 

So we are having maths class right now... I think it is maths. It should be maths, the teacher is writing numbers on the board. What else can it? I didn't bring my books to school today: my bag was already heavy without them. What do they think we are? Mules? I can't carry 50 kilograms on my back. I will become the Hunchback of SuseonHwa Arts with a pretty face though. I bet if I would get a hump on my back, girls would still be lining up to date me. I mean, if you guys could just see the guys of now. I hope the human facial features will improve due to evolution and . Or that scientists will invent handsomeness shots in the future. It would help so many people. 

Let's see, I only have 3 classes after this one. It's a short day today. All days are short actually. I mean you spend most of the time sleeping and going to school. You don't have time for yourself. For example what I want to do right now is eating. And not food made by my many admirers, but food made by my grandma. Her food is the best. Years of experience, old traditions and unlimited love all together in one bowl. Or plate or plates or bowls, I eat quite a lot. That's how we maintain our bodies in this era. I know, your bodies must be a lot different from ours: evolution right. Since we are talking about the evolution, I am certain that someday we humans grow gills and be able to breath under water. That day will come and I will be one of the first gills-humans-thingies. No mermaids, we won't have tails only gills. I am not planning to spend my whole life underwater. I don't like fishes that much. However, it does have advantages though: you never have to shower, you can pee where ever you want. Wait... are mermaids even able to pee? They have this tail instead of a ... however, even fishes pee too. So do they have like special holes instead of butts? I will ask Zelo later. He had had so many pets (although the most of them had died), he must know a lot about animals. Or do we count mermaids as mutated humans? Oh well, maybe Zelo has a big knowledge of humans too. It's never too late to discover someone's abilities. 

Let's try option 2: I hate Mondays. The teachers always give us a lot of homework. (Not that I do my homework though, but they just keep reminding me of it like it's their ing job (okay, maybe they do get paid for it, but still you don't have to put so much effort in it. They don't pay you more if you give more homework (they really should make this clear to all teachers))) They must be thinking: the weekend is over, they must have rested enough! Let's give them homework for the rest of the week to kill their brains for the upcoming weekend! Oh, we are so smart! Guess what, after the weekend we need time to adjust. Most of the time that takes 3 - 5 days. And if you give us the homework for a whole week on Monday, what's the point of giving homework the next day too or even worse: homework for the next day. Teachers can be so stupid sometimes, but I guess that it's just in their nature. What can you do about it. Future scientists, please invent something against stupidity too. Thank you. 

Okay, starting with this doesn't work either: if I keep beginning with this, I will end up ranting about everything and not talking about my legendary deeds on this school. Or maybe I will rant about the clueless people on this school who don't know anything about the amazing Kim Himchan! (that's me by the way)

Last option for today, I am getting pretty tired from writing. It's probably due to the fact that I haven't eaten for an hour. Like I said, humans of this time need to eat a lot to be energetic and active. 

Oh I saw my crush! That is something what most of the girls and guys are thinking. And for some guys: Oh I would totally date him if he was a girl! What the hell I am saying, I am already gay for him  And the teachers will think something like this: I wish I had a timemachine to go back in time and tell my younger self to go to the future to date a handsome student called Himchan. And then the older one would stay in --

I got to go now: the bell is ringing. That means that I have to move to the other class. I promise I will write in you the second I get home and remember it! 

Your beloved,


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Sometimes I don't know how to react on certain things... sorry foe not replying on your comments OTL


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Chapter 4: How can I not keep up with your nonsense when I myself is a nonsense person, and am very enjoying this fic.

much love,
A nonsense reader/fan (Inserts heart)
Chapter 4: Oh my god i can just imagine the whole himup mermaid scene lololol that would be really interesting xD
Chapter 3: Wait so is the yellow thing a ? O_O omg this is hilarious.
Chapter 2: the himchan's fairies xD
Chapter 2: omg himchan is such an idiot i dont know if i love him or want to shove his face into a fish tank.
Chapter 1: This is really cute! Himchan is so funny. I can't wait to read what you write next ^-^