Day 2

Kim Himchan's Diary

Dear diary,

I wanted to share my contribution to future society with my friends/ teammates, so I showed you to them during the lunch break. I don't know whether you still remember them or not, so I will describe them for you just in case. And besides, this is a good opportunity to show the future readers what kind of different humans are crawling around on earth. I know, if the world was full with people like me, it would be perfect, but unfortunately nothing is perfect (except for me of course).

The first person you must have seen is Yonggukkie. He had class in the room next to us. I hope he didn't scared you: he wasn't exactly in a good mood. The lack of ramyun molecules in his blood made him grumpy and terrifying. Youngjae and I had made ramyun-injectionshots for him, but he didn't want to take them. He kept saying that these plastic things made by es would kill him rather than help him. I know it wasn't Yonggukkie's fault for saying those things, but his words hurt me. However, Yonggukkie naturally has a scary face. If his hair is down, he looks like someone without any friends who has this big obsession for insects and dreams of making his own insectcostume to live between them. He would be a dung beetle! He has the perfect body for it: 90% of his body are all defined muscles. The other 10% are those other things in your body about which people tend to not care. When he doesn't get enough sleep, he will turn into an escaped mental patient. You are ought to call 911 if you meet him in this state, but you can also sacrifice a Tigger to calm him down.

I don't know whether you remember Daehyun, but he was the guy who was trying to eat you. Apparently you look like a big toast. Daehyun is the so called fatty of us. He weights around 162,9 kilograms if you include his mental weight (Yes, we use mental weights in this era. That's the weight you have based on how much you can eat) He can eat food enough for a whole country as big as Italy on one day. As expected, his mouth is the most powerful part of his body. It's always moving and cutting his victims in smaller pieces: that's his specific training. His mouth can also release high notes and hours of tedious and misleading stories. Be careful around him: within a single hour you will have given him all your belongings without knowing it.

The next person I showed you was Youngjae! He was the guy with the headphones on his head! His head is too small to carry all of his knowledge, so he needs to take his mobile phone, DS, PSP, iPod and other electronic devices everywhere. He connects those devices with his brains and divides his knowledge between them. However, having much knowledge doesn't make Youngjae smart. He has a lot of stupid moments too. Like when someone says that it's raining when it's pouring and thundering outside, he will ask:"Really?" or when I say that monkeys will rather live in the wild than in a small cage, he will respond something like:"No, I think that monkeys would love to spend their lives in a cage without any room to move around than in their natural habitat." Sometimes I wish that Youngjae would get some useful knowledge. No one cares about how to stabilize unstable molecules or other weird things that I don't understand.

Someone who I don't understand at all is Jonguppie. Sometimes I have the feeling that he comes from another planet. It's hard to make contact with him and when you made contact with him, you could lose it any moment. It's like having one wifi-bar all the time and going to the other end of the room doesn't help, because that kid is always moving around with his dumbbells. He is always exercising and practicing his lethal dance moves! (It could be killer moves to exerminate all humans, but if you are reading this, then he was innocent... or he is still practicing...) His body is older than it should be. Jonguppie has already starting shrinking... or it is Zelo who is growing.

I have told you about Zelo before. He is the animal expert! He was the kid with chemical-dangerous-coloured hair who was looking at you curiously without touching you. Okay, maybe he was more like scanning you. I swear that I saw neon blue lines coming out of his eyes. As you can see, I am not sure about his origin. He could be a robot. That could explain his many animals and his incapability to raise them: he knows nothing about the creatures on earth and he is here to collect information! And then you have his amazing dance moves and his speed talking. But I have no proof for this all. Let's just assume that he is a talented kid who can do everything. His hairstyle changes around every week. It's his way to mourn about his dead pets.

So yeah, these were my friends. Together we form a special squad on school called: The Himchan's Fairies! But mostly we use the name: B.A.P. As B.A.P we save the school from all kind of things. That's why we have so many admirers. We all have special traits and special talents, so we are really suited for this job. This may sound like an unbelievable story, but what you guys read in those history books are true: we have done those things. Yes, I know, we have set a very high standard for the future heroes, but we are such a good team together. When I explained my brilliant plan, they facepalmed themselves at the same time! That proves what kind of good friends we are: we can do things at the same time without planning it. However, I couldn't explain my whole idea to them, because the lunch break was not long enough. Reaching the cafeteria was already hard enough with all those admirers blocking the way. I will tell the guys later.

I am going to sleep now. Tomorrow is another day.


Your beloved,





 Yes, I know that I have used the standard descriptions and traits of the B.A.P members.
 But I hope that you enjoyed this chapter xD 
 Please bear with my nonsense lol 


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Sometimes I don't know how to react on certain things... sorry foe not replying on your comments OTL


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Chapter 4: How can I not keep up with your nonsense when I myself is a nonsense person, and am very enjoying this fic.

much love,
A nonsense reader/fan (Inserts heart)
Chapter 4: Oh my god i can just imagine the whole himup mermaid scene lololol that would be really interesting xD
Chapter 3: Wait so is the yellow thing a ? O_O omg this is hilarious.
Chapter 2: the himchan's fairies xD
Chapter 2: omg himchan is such an idiot i dont know if i love him or want to shove his face into a fish tank.
Chapter 1: This is really cute! Himchan is so funny. I can't wait to read what you write next ^-^