It's Now or never

My Celebrity Crush!A Kris From Exo one-shot Love story

*Yen’s POV*

Thanks to the help of my girls,they made look great!They helped me with choosing the clothes,and made my make up and hair.I felt very cute..just for him…

I put myself a little of perfume..Grabbed my bag.”Thank you girls for everything..I wouldn’t look like this is it wasen’t for you girls!”I said smiling.”Now go get him..make him drool for you!”Lily said smiling.I just chuckled.As I was coming out of my room I bump into someone.I look up to see the most amazing eyes and Eyebrows that Only belong to a certain Chinese guy..Kris.”I’m so sorry for bumping into you Kris.”I said bowing.He just smile.”It’s this..”He said giving a small boz.I open it to see chocolate..I love chocolate!I almost fainted..the guy I liked in this vey moment is giving me chocolates…Yen hold yourself..Don’t die..yet!I thought.I looked at him and smiled.”Thank you”I said giving him a peck in the cheek. Which made both of us blush..I didn’t even order my mind to do that..But I thank my mind.I put the chocolates in my bag.We headed downstairs since K-Lin’s room was in the 5th floor.The way in the elevator was a little awkard since..well I did kiss him in the cheek maybe he didn’t like it….Oh well.I did!

*Kris POV*

The way down the elevator was a little awkard since I couldn’t speak up..I was too shocked from the peck she gave me on the cheek..I can’t wait to the Guys!We headed to my Car.I open the door for her as she enter.I breath deeply..I had to talk about something..I can’t ruin our first friend date..that can be the start of something else.She looked beautiful today..I just couldn’t keep my eyes off of her..”You’ll be surprise to the place I’m taking you.”I said smiling.”Ohh..surprises jajaja.”She said joking around.Finally breaking the face between us.”Yes.I hope you like it.”I said nervous.”jaja.I will.”She said as she looked at me.Those blue eyes looking at me just made me melt.I only gave her a small smile before looking away afraid I’ll drool over her.

I was taking her to a very expensive restaurant…I had reserve a very beautiful table near the window with a wonderful view of Seoul.I just hoped that she likes it…I was trying to hard..For her too like me.

We arrive at the place.”Here we are…Woo Yen restaurant.”I said looking at her.”Oh wow..Isin’t this too expensive,For an  ice cream?”She said confused.”jajaja,I lied”I said smiling.She faked gasp and laugh.”You lied to me”How bad of you jajaj”She said joking around.”jaja,I thought I should spend more..For a beautiful lady like you.”I said quickly getting out of the car and breathing heavily..How did that just came out of my mouth!I went over and open the door for her.She came out with a light blush..that blush…Just drove me crazy..But I couldn’t go crazy..I have to keep my cool,I told myself.

We enter the restaurant and she just smile.”You like it?”I said looking down at her.even though she was tall I was taller,”Of Course I like it!”She said happily.”Then You’ll go crazy,when you see our table.”I said as I put a hand thru my hair.She just looked adorable when she’s amazed.We headed our ways to the table.and when she saw the view I was right..She was going to be schoked.”Wow,What a beautiful View!”She said putting her hands in her face in schocked way.”jajaja,I’m glad you like it.”I said smiling.

The dinner was Excellent..We got to know a lot about eachother,and she was a very nice girl..I hope she got the right side of me.I really enjoy my time.It was getting late and we decided to go home.

In the way back home she started talking.”Thanks for the Dinner,I really enjoy it”She said looking at me.”jejeje,your welcome..I really enjoy it myself as well.”I said,my palms were sweating but she didn’t notice since it was dark.”I’ll make it up to another day.”She said looking out the window.”jajaja,it’s ok..I made this because I spend..more..time with you.”I said shyly..not even commanding my mouth to say that.”jajaja,that’s so sweet of you!”She said happily.I just blushed and smile.Thankfully We arrive at Sm Entertainment.I accompany her to K-Lin’s Room and Wel this is the part where I get all nervous…Really nervous..We were infront of K-Lin’s Room.”umm.Thanks For the dinner.”She said shyly.She gave me a peck in the cheek.This is now or never!I though to myself..Had to make the best in this date,it will make it my best date or the worse…I slowly turn my face to be only Milimetros from her lips..We looked at eachother’s eye..I was about to faint but It was now or Never… 


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Chapter 2: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! come on!!! y do u have to be so cruel!!!!!!! i wanna know right now!!!! tell me!!!!!!
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwww i love this chapter!!!!! it's amazing!!! it made me laugh hahahah..^~^ update soon^^
it sounds so interesting^^ i can't wait to press 'next' hahaha^~^