chapter 4

perhaps love

Chapter 4


(This chapter is inspired by the song Nothing Said by 9th Street.) ^^,)

Finally. Morning came. Ah~ that was a good sleep. I lay flat on the bed. I noticed that it was still dark so I decided to sleep again.


The sun was up and the light spread at Yoobin’s face. She woke up smiling.

Waaah. She yawned while thinking.

“Unnie and oppa are still sleeping. I’m hungry. Maybe I should ready my breakfast. And I’ll try to make some for them.” she thought. She got up while carrying her bunny. She went downstairs and grabbed her bowl, poured cereal and milk. She began munching her meal. Afterwards, she placed 2 glasses on the table and poured milk to each glass. She went back to her room and waited for them to wake up. It took her minutes waiting.

____ squinted as the light fell on her face. She smiled. Donghae felt the warmth of the sun and woke up. He noticed that ____ was awake and he looked at her smiling.

I just realized that she looks so beautiful. He thought. Aish. I should have told it to her last night. Something’s pulling me back; saying that I should just give up on her and totally go back with my girlfriend. I mean she’s so much better than her! She even appreciated the night when I showed her the park. I wasn’t expecting that would be her reaction. But she loves it. She appreciates the small things that people are showing her. I guess it’s time; time to give up and start anew.

 ____ smiled back. Suddenly, she realized that it was Donghae who smiled at her. The one who called her “friend” despite what she felt for him.

“Get away!” she exclaimed. “And why is your hand… uggh!” she put his hand away from her shoulder.

“What?” He chuckled sleepily. He wiped the dirt from her eyes and she noticed that he had one too. She was about to do it but he did it first. “I had the best sleep ever.” He said.

Yoobin went to them and gave them glasses of milk.

“Wow. You made this?” ____ asked, amazed. “Thanks.”

“You’re growing up to be a bit mature Yoobin. I’m sure you’re mom would be happy about this.” Donghae said to her. She smiled and went out. ____ chugged on her milk to prevent from talking.

“____-ah, I noticed you were sniffing last night. Do you have a cold? We should avoid going to the roof from now on.” He said.

“Anio. I’m okay.” She said.

“Just don’t come up there again.” He finally said. You’re hurting me even more. She thought.

Your POV

Sometimes, I’m disobedient. So I went up the roof alone; without Donghae’s knowing. I don’t have a cold anyway. *Donghae was with Yoobin, watching her favorite cartoons*

This is the first time that I wasn’t happy watching the park. One is Donghae is not with me. Second, I felt down about last night. Lovers filled the park in no time. Ah~ when can I go there with someone I love? I wanna witness the feeling.

I escaped from the house, climbing up the wall. I ran fast to the park; my curly brown hair flying against the wind. I arrived there seeing the lovers so happy. I was the only one there with no one to hold hands with, no one to smile with, and no one to enjoy the view with me. The park was full of lights in every corner. It’s prettier than standing from the roof. I felt like I was in the sky; dancing with the stars.

I stood in the center of the park. Around me were lovers who seemed to be enjoying each others’ company. I watched them happily.

Donghae’s POV

“Wait for me here. I’ll look for ____.” I rose from his seat, leaving Yoobin on the couch. I looked for her in her room. But she wasn’t there. I went to the bathroom, kitchen, and basement but there was no sign of her. Where could she be?

Right! The roof! It’s already 9:26. I’m sure she’s there. I climbed up but I didn’t found her there. I started to feel helpless. I can’t lose her now! I have to tell her something! Why isn’t she here? This is the only place she knows she can be calm. The park was distracting me. I noticed that the lights were brighter than before. The park. Maybe she went there. She mentioned it once that she wanted to go there but why now? She didn’t tell me. Is something bothering her?

I ran to the park. It was filled with lovers. Hmm. Ah~ it’s the anniversary of the park. It was built hundred years ago. How am I able to see her? There are lots of people here. Wait. I know that girl; her back, her hair. No doubt. It’s my ____. I ran to her.

____-ah, I like you already. Do you feel the same way? Please tell me right now, in this place. I’ll give her up for you. Do you like me?

Your POV

The lights seemed to be realistic; like stars. But where could my star be? Where’s my Donghae? Suddenly, the people looked up as the real stars came out in groups. Some of them were shaped two people holding hands, a heart, a face and many more. Yep, they’re totally in love right now.

A shooting star passed by! I guess a few people saw it and I’m one of them.

“Please… give me a sign. If Donghae comes, then he feels something towards me. But if he won’t, I might as well give up and wear a mask everyday to hide my true image.” I muttered.

Minutes had passed, but I waited patiently. Maybe he’s meant for dreaming only, not for having. I bowed my head as I turned my back going home. But then, someone bumped on me. I thought he would say sorry and continue on his way. But he stayed where I was. I was being pressed by his arms. The fragrance was familiar. Donghae. He came!!!

I looked up and I was right! He came! I know he came for a purpose.

“Donghae?” I spoke. He looked down to me.

“I thought I’d lost you. I just know you’re here.” He answered.

“But… why are you…”

“____-ah, I’ve decided to give up and start again. I’m going to start again with you.” He said.

“What do you mean?” I asked. He held both of my hands and looked straight to my eyes; as if reading them.

“Answer me yes or no.” he said. “Do you like me?” *awkward silence* I couldn’t answer straight.

“My answer is not in your choices.” I said.


“Of course I like you!!!” I hugged him again. He hugged me back while he pecked on my cheek. I laughed out loud.

“YESSSS!!!” he exclaimed while running around us then I chased him. Several couples stared sat us and clapped their hands for us.

“Congratulations!” “We wish you happiness!” “Be happy!” were the greetings we heard. Oopsie, I think we’re mistaken. But Donghae doesn’t mind it. He was happy. So was I.

We went home –hand in hand. *omo! My heart is beating so fast!!!*

“____-ah,” he spoke. “Since you told me you like me, I got a kiss in your cheek. Would you allow me to steal a kiss from your lips when you say I love you to me?” his question caught me off-guard.

“Bwoh?? Why are you such in a hurry?” he just smiled at me sheepishly.

Yoobin waited us in the living room. She grabbed our hands and let us sits on the couch. Then she sat between us. She played the movie she was watching earlier. Donghae put his arm around Yoobin and held my hand. My eyes went big and I thought of his girlfriend. I guess he’ll totally give up on her.

The movie was nearly ending and Yoobin fell asleep on Donghae’s lap. My hand was on her back while Donghae was holding it.

“… Please don’t leave me…” the actress in the movie said. She was confessing her love for the guy.

“I love you.” The actor said to the girl. I almost cried, when suddenly Donghae interrupted me.

“____-ah,” he whispered. “What did he say?”

“I love you.” I repeated the actor’s words to him.

“Really?” he asked casually and I could tell that he was facing me. I just realized that he tricked me and it made me smile.

“What?” he grinned at me and his face was close to mine. I couldn’t move because of his sudden action.

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uhm.. update??
lolisho #2
YAY update~~ I'm glad they are finally together! :D
i updated.sorry if its only one in a hurry right now..mian...
heyyyyyyyy!!so sorry its been so laptop's broken!but i'll try my best to update....using the on screen keyboard!that's a lot of work.hahaha.i'l try.i promise!!
this needs serious update.. waaaaaaa!!!!! :D
lolisho #6
uwah! update again please!! :D
fishylovesyou #7
OMO. Keep Updating. :)
finally u update again^^<br />
update soon ya..^^<br />
Donghae so cute with hism tricks.<br />
Adorable story <3<br />
update soon