

Another morning has come, and she can feel eyes watching her. She peeks through her squinted eyes, and sees the silhouette of the man of her dreams. She softly smiles, liking the fact that she's lucky enough to wake up next to the one she loves.

"Good morning, beautiful. So, is this why you always wake up earlier than I do? You don't want me to see your bed hair and your swollen face," he says as he pokes at her cheeks. 

By reflex, she swats his hands away and covers he face with both hands. She whines, "Stop making fun of me."

He chuckles, "But you look so cute. Remove your hands, I want to continue looking at you." 

She shakes her no, and turns her back to him. "If you don't turn back around, I'm going to do it myself," he threatens. He puts his hands on her shoulder and tries to turn her back around, but she won't budge. "Fine, you won't turn around? Don't make me kiss you," he threatens again. She willing turns back around, but continues to cover her face. "Let me see your face, my little chipmunk," he softly begs.

"Calling me a chipmunk isn't going to make me want to show you," she says, peeking through the tiny space between her fingers. 

"Fine, then. You leave me no choice," he whispers. He wraps his arms around her and locks her legs in his. He begins to make tiny kisses on the uncovered areas of her face. He kisses at her temple, the sides of her cheek, and stops right by her ear. Though her face is covered, the pink in her face is creeping out. Seeing as she still hasn't uncovered her face, he begins to tickle her sides. She squirms, as well as giggle screaming. She removes her hands from her face, trying to grab at Kai's hand to make him stop.

"Okay, fine. You win! Stop tickling me," she half screams between her closed eyes.

"Open your eyes, and look at me," he demands. She flutters her eyes open. When her eyes finally get into focus, she sees his face - Joseph Jeon. 















She starts screaming bloody murder. Beads of sweat has accumulated along her hairline. Her heart is racing, and her hands are shaking. A figure comes stumbling into the bedroom with panic all over his face. He runs over to her and caresses her head into his chest and kisses her hair. Her trembling hands grip on his white tee.

"Shhhhh. It's ok. It was just a nightmare. You're going to be fine," his calm voice is almost at a whisper, soothing her.

She slowly lets go of his shirt, and he grabs the side of her face. As he tries leaning in to kiss her forehead, she opens her eyes to see Sehun.














She jolts upright in bed, and her shirt clings to her back. She looks next to the awoken body next to her. She lets out a relieved sigh when her eyes adjust to the darkness, and sees Kai's face. Kai brings her back down into bed and hugs her. "It's ok. It was just a nightmare. I'm right here. I'll protect you," he says like a broken record. He combs her hair with his fingers and rests his lips on her forehead, slowly falling back asleep.

I'm sorry, Kiri. I had to troll you twice lolol.

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY KIRI! I'm so glad that I've met you and gotten to know you. If I'm going to be completely honest, I consider you and the rest of the misfits my best friends. I'm sorry for killing you with y Kai, but you have to admit that you like it. Even though this gift turned out shorter than I wanted it to, I still hope you like it. Next year, I'll try to do something better. C: I love you a whole bunch.

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Chapter 7: aww it,s a great story.. I love it :D