

It's the hottest day of the summer, and hardly anyone is seen outside. They've only just waked out of their apartment building, and already sweat is beading at their hairline and their shirts are sticking to their skin. Her pace has suddenly slowed down, and next to her, Kai followed suit. Usually, the distance between them was slim to none, but today was an exception. They were another's body width apart, taking up the whole sidewalk. As a bus stop appears up ahead, their strides become longer. Taking advantage of the shade, they sit on opposite ends of the bench just to avoid any source of unwanted body heat. Very few cars zoom by creating a strong breeze to cool off their sweat. Kai looks in his girl's direction and sighs. Her hair moves with the wind, and her shirt is begining to unstick itself from her body. If it weren't for the content line of her lips, she'd look almost miserable just from being outside.

He makes a swift slide down to her end of the bench. His quick moves sent a slight gust of air. She hummed at the nice chill tickling her open pores."I can't stand being this far away from you. The distance is just as worse as this heat, maybe even more. I know I promised a date today, but can we just spend it inside. We can crank up the A/C and eat ice cream. Please? I can't stand it anymore," Kai begs as he grabs her small hands in his, and makes slight tugs asking her to get up.

She looks at him and laughs, "Thank God! I'm dying out here." They walk back in the direction they came from, the same distance apart, but connected by the hands. Their hands are clammy, but they could care less about the stickiness. They swing their arms back and forth with a tiny skip in their step. The air resistance against their joint fist, sends chils up their arms and throughout their body. Even in the hottest of weather, the space between them is close enough.

[A/N] Kiri asked me to put a chapter up. She's so impatient lolol. 

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Chapter 7: aww it,s a great story.. I love it :D