

She woke up early on a Saturday morning and turned to face Kai's exhausted and overworked body. The pain in his back worsened, and was sent home for mandatory bed rest for a week. She was more than happy knowing that she'd be able to see him more, but her giddyness fell short when she saw medicated patches on his lower back. Not wanting to wake him, she carefully slipped out from under the covers. After cleaning the morning off of herself, she headed towards the kitchen. Out of the very little that she knows how to cook, she decided to cook everything that Kai actually likes - rolled egg omelettes and pan fried Spam. After finishing the eggs, she started frying the Spam, knowing full well that the salty smell of meat would wake him up. Sure enough, in five minutes, she heard the springs in the matress creak and his heavy footsteps walking through the hall. As she continued cooking the meat, Kai slipped in the kitchen behind her and grabbed her by the waist. His fingers accidentally slip under the hem of her shirt, tickling her skin into goosebumps.

As he wraps his arms fully around her and rests his chin on her shoulder, he takes in a deep breath and slowly lets it out. "Is all of this for me," he asks with a smug look.

She scoffs, "This is only because I feel bad that you're hurt. Plus, I don't want you to whine like a baby later, so I'm giving you what you want now."

When she finishes setting up the table, she turns to sit at the opposite of Kai, but he reacts fast. Kai pulls her in by the waist again and sits her down on his lap. He hands her his chopsticks and points to his mouth, "Ahhhh, feed me."

She rolls her eyes and huffs, "This is exactly what I meant. You're such a big baby."

"But I'm your big baby," he pouts.

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Chapter 7: aww it,s a great story.. I love it :D