Totally Switched

It's a Boy Girl Thing

Kai's Thoughts

Hye Ri's Thoughts

No One's POV

Kai danced his way into his room, humming the lyrics to his favorite song, holding the towell around his waist. His body was still a little wet from the shower he just took.

On the other side of the window, into Hye Ri's room, there she was sitting on her bed.

And forever more, she will find her destiny to live alone no more.... With a satisfied sigh, she closed her journal, that she had been writing in.

"Meoww~" Her cat, Mr. Fluffy, called.

"Good night, Mr. Fluffy" She cooed as she scratched under his chin. With that she closed the lamp beside her bed, and fell into a peaceful slumber.

Back in Kai's room, he had gotton dressed in his boxers and fell into the soft confinments off his bed. 

He took the football that was on his night stand and threw it, so it hit the light switch, shutting off lights.

Like every night, he pulled up his covers and winked at his "Jong In Jr." With that, he fell asleep, as well.

Throughout the course of the night, the both of them had trouble staying asleep. They both couldn't find a comfortable position, and both of their bodies felt weird.  

When they woke up in the morning... they were going to be in the shock of their lives...

 At exactly 6:00 AM, two alarms rang. One in Kai's room and the other in Hye ri's room. They both woke up to go to school, just like any other day. But... why did they feel different.

Since when was my room so pink?

Oh my, since when has my room smelled this bad? 

In a rush, Kai hastily pulled off the covers of the bed and stood up. Instantly, he felt this extra weight on his chest.

His hand flew up to hold his chest, hoping that he was just mistaken.  OH MY GOSH! I HAVE !! TWO !! I mean, this is a normal amount... but for a guy?! WAIT! JONGIN JR.!

His hands slowly slid down to the area where his "Jong In Jr." once resided.

OH NO! "IT'S" GONE....! Kai, pull yourself together. If "it's" gone and you have ....this must be a dream.... a very, very bad, now I have kind of dream...

While Kai was frantically running around the bedroom, his eyes happened to catch the figure in the mirror....

Oh My . 

What on earth is that?! Hye Ri's eyes were studying the protruding object sticking out of her pants.  She glanced around her surroundings and ran to the window, now looking into HER room. Why she wasn't in her room was a mystery. The biggest mystery of them all was why SHE WAS A DUDE! 

"AAHHHHHHHHH" Both Kai and Hye Ri shrieked in horror as they made eye contact through the window. Each of them looking back at their own bodies.

"We need to talk!" Hye Ri exclaimed covering up her shirtless body, totally forgeting that this was normal for a boy.

They both immediatly closed the windows and they both went back into the rooms to get ready. 

Talk? She wants to talk? How about we talk about how I am going through a drawer of underwear with days of the fricken' week on them? He thought as he rambled through the drawer looking at all the different colored underwears labeled "Monday, Tuesday, Wednsday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday."

He just took a random pair and slipped it on. Now my knows it's wednsday... He thought sarcastically.

Next, Kai found the bra drawer. Struggling with the clasp he thought, Damn, it is tough enough getting these stupid things off, now I have to put one on too? You know what? Screw it! With that, he just threw the fabric on the ground and turned to look at himself in the mirror. 

Ladies, looks like you and I are going o'natural....

When he finally figured out how to put the rest of his clothes on, excluding the bra, he took cautious steps in the hallway.

"AH" He yelped when a cat jumped on his leg, hissing crazily. 

"Oh of course she has a cat, crazy cat lady..." He hissed trying to shake the cat off of his leg. Mr. Fluffy seemed to have recognize that Hye Ri was definitly NOT Hye Ri.

When he walked down the stairs, he was startled to see her mom. "Good Morning, sweetie" Hye Ri's mother chirped sweetly.  "Did I scare you?"

"No, its just that... I wasn't expecting it" Kai covered up to the best of his ability.

"Okay, well your oatmeal is on the table" she stated with a smile.

"O-oh, well, i'm not really hungry.... I got-" He was caught my her mother.

"Non-sense, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Also, oatmeal is wonderful for supporting healthy and regular bowl movements!" 

"Thats cool, but I can already take a fine dump..." He muttered, forgeting that he was not Kai right now, he was Hye Ri.

"Excuse me?" Her mother questioned.

"Oatmeal is good, mommy?" He answered, unsure whether she hear the first statement or not.


Next door, Hye Ri was having a hard time trying to figure out what to do with her morning .

GO AWAY! Go away, go away, go away! 

Thankfully, mid-way into brushing her teeth, her little "buddy" went down a tremendous amount.

She picked an outfit, and quickly made her way down the steps. 

"Oh hey, come I made bacon!" Kai's mother happily greeted.

Hye Ri sat down and waited as Kai's mother put a couple of pieces of greasy, burnt bacon on her plate.

"Is this meat?" Hye Ri asked in the most subtle way possible.

Both of the parents shot their heads up at the boy's shyness.

"Do you have oatmeal?" She pleaded. 

"Are you ting me?" Kai's mom replied laughing.

Hye Ri just smiled in return and looked down at her plate of food. 

"They are good today, eat up son!" His father encouraged, food flying out of his mouth.

They all looked at the "boy" expectantly as she took her first bite.

She forced herself to finish every last peice, as much as she wanted to spit of the greasy substance.

Back in Hye Ri's real home, Kai was having a hard time downing his oat meal.

"Is it good?" Her mom asked as she walked past her daughter.

"mhm..." He nodded, trying to swallow it. Once Hye Ri's mom left the room he spit it out almost instantly. "Bleh!" He gagged.

"Jesus, it tastes like puke..." He muttered looking around for his options.

He saw the cats food bowl to his left and quickly dumped the remainder oatmeal into the bowl.

Just in time, he sat back down in the chair as Hye Ri's mother entered once again.

"Gee, you must have been hungry! You need a second serving, don't ya?" 


"You wait right there, young lady. I'll be right back" She chirped as she went to get more food.


"Bleh!" Hye RI left the house and threw up the food. She couldn't handle that much grease and fat in one meal. And now she was paying the conseqeuences.

"BEEP BEEP!" She was interrupted by a car horn. She looked up and saw that it belonged to Lee Taemin. Kai's bestfriend. Her ex-bestfriend...

"Yo pretty boy! Let's go!" He called over. I slowly began to wake down the steps, unsure of my actions.

Every now and then, she would glance back at her real home, hoping Kai would come out and save her. But, that never happened and she walked closer to Taemin's car.

"Hurry up! We have places to go, people to see, women to impregnate~" Taemin wiggled his eyebrows, while Hye Ri inwardly scoffed in disgust. She was trying to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.

Taemin gave her a strange look, reached over, and open the door from the inside, "C'mon, don't you know that my baby doesnt open from the outside?"  

Hye Ri just climbed into the car, without a word and put on her seatbelt very carefully.

"You okay?" Taemin asked giving Hye Ri a once over.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine..." Hye Ri answered in a soft voice.

"Aren't you gonna hit it?" Taemin asked.


Taemin just gave her a "What happened to you" look and the radio. The radio was what Hye Ri was supposed to "hit".

With that, they sped off quickly.

"I hope this will make you into a big, strong girl.." Hye Ri's mother rambled on as she watched her "daughter" eat the second helping of oatmeal.

"Okay... well... see you later..." Kai awkwardly got up and was about to leave the house with Hye Ri's backpack and belongings.

"Hye Ri! Aren't you forgeting something?" Kai turned around at her mothers voice.

Hye Ri's mother had turned her head, expecting a kiss on the cheek. In the process, revealing her rather large mole.

"Holy Crap! Look at the size of that thing!" Kai exclaimed, totally not expecting what he saw.

"What thing?" Her mother asked looking around her. With that, Kai ran out of the house, leaving a speechless Hye Ri's mother behind.

Just as Kai was leaving the house, he spotted Taemin's car riding off.

"That stole my ride!" He let out a frustrated sigh.

Left with no choice, he started to walk his way to school.

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it's been a year
Chapter 5: Ahahahhaha omg that was funny :'D
update soon please!!!
Chapter 4: woah crotch alert on that gif winkwonk

/crawls away.
Chapter 4: .
i like this injee girl. she seems fun. hm. <3
Nice one :)
Keep it up please!
Chapter 2: lol celia~better than i expected~^_^
Chapter 1: I like her =D
nice. :-))