
It's a Boy Girl Thing

Kai's POV

"Jongin! Are you up yet? Isn't today your first day of school?" My mother yells from the floor below.

"Yup" I reply as I flip the page in my lastest playboy magazine. Once i'm finished, I set it aside and start getting ready for school.

I take a take a quick glance at the window next to me and chuckle to myself, "What? No show today?" I say when I notice the blinds are pulled down.

"!" My mother cried as she realized she burned the bacon...again.

"Everything okay over there, sweetie?" My father mused from behind.

"This year, I vow to learn to cook a decent meal for my son!" She declared proud.

"It's fine, mom. I am graduating this year, don't you think it's a little too late to start taking care of your child..." I mutter the last part under my breath.

"So, the big game is coming up soon, right?" My father starts to make conversation as he down his oil dripping bacon.

"yup" I reply nonchalantly

"I heard all the big college scouts are gonna be there..." he continues. I simply smile in reply, not exactly sure where he is going with this.

Thankfully, my mom steps in before he can ask me more questions "Special on the house! I call it eggs what the heck!"

Sadly, this does not stop him from continuing the conversation, "If you do get this scholarship, you would be the first person in my family to go to college, ya know? Son, if things don't work out, we always have room for you at the shop!"

HONK HONK! I hear a honking noise coming from outside.

"That must be Taemin, later guys." I wave as I exit the house.

As I close my front door, I look up to meet my best friend, Lee Taemin.

"Whats up, boy?" He asks as he passes me a football. A terrible pass I might add. Taemin has never been very athletic. 

After getting in his vintage red car, we drive away at full speed, "Why don't we shift this baby in too warp drive, my friend?" I ask as we speed off to school.

"Hit it please!" Taemin screams as I turn the radio on to our favorite Rap station. We laugh and start rapping along because we both know everything single word to this song.

While on the road, I notice a figure walking hastily along the side walk. Ha! It's Lee Hye Ri! My brainiac next door neighbor. Looks like she missed the bus, again! I also notice that she is walking dangerously close to a puddle.

"Hey Taemin! Wouldn't it be a shame if Little Hye Ri got drenched on her way to school?" I ask grinning micheviously to myself.

"Yeah, it would, so we shouldn't do it..." He gave me an answer I sort of expected. He never liked to play pranks when it came to the said girl. I've always wondered why. Maybe, because we all used to be such good friends...

Anyways, I was not gonna let this golden oppurtunity go to waste. "For a smart girl, she ain't so smart" I smirk as I take control the car wheel and steer right into the puddle. Splashing Hye Ri in the process.

Taemin's face is flabbergasted as he quickly takes a hold on the wheel and steers back in the right direction. I couldn't even notice because the look on Hye Ri's face was absolutely priceless! I couldn't stop laughing! Teasing her was always a form of entertainment that I would never give up.

I didn't fail to notice Taemin's apologetic expression when he glanced back to the still flabbergasted Hye Ri, who was now fuming with anger.

"Anyways..." I tired to break the ice "Are you and that girl still together?" I continue

"For now! Ya know what I'm sayin'?" Taemin laughed, completely returning to his usual self as he went in for a high five.

The rest of the ride was filled with us singing along to the radio and before we knew it, we arrived at school.

"Taemin-ah~" Hye Kyung? I think her name was, rushed up to Taemin to give him a hug. She must be his choice of the week.

"Babe, were in public..." He resisted as she went in for a kiss on the lips.

I chuckled and left Taemin to deal with his own problems.

"Kai Baby~" Hyuna, my super hot girlfriend, ran up to me and gave me a nice kiss on the lips.

"Hey Hyuna, I haven't seen you since last week, how are you, babe?" I smirk as I secretly grab her and give it a squeeze.

"I'm very good..." She whispers sensually in my ear before we head off to the hallway we always hang out in.


"Ha, at least you fixed it!" I hear Hyuna sneer next to me, I look up and laugh as I see who she is talking to. Jung. Hye. Ri.

"Oh! lovely special needs boy and his wonderful muse, Miss Chlamydia~" She smirked viciously. I gawked at her and turned to Hyuna, I could tell she was very unhappy. 

"My name is Kim Hyuna, you geek!" She mused. That comeback was definitly going to give Hye Ri way to much pride. No offense to Hyuna, but sometimes I wonder why everyone is so afraid of her... I mean she is not good at fighting back with words. 

I decided to enter the conversation and remebered back to the incident this morning, "By the way, sorry about this morning, that puddle just got ride in our way!" I exclaimed, feigning innocence using hand motions to exaggerate.

"Oh, that's okay. Please don't apologize, I understand." She stated with a hint of sarcasm but I pretended I didn't notice and questioned, "No?" 

"Yea, because I know that this high school enviorment is not cut out for me but, I worry for you because... this is as good as your lifes gonna get, I mean the big football star can't last forever can't last forever. And let's face it, the old peanut is not in great shape" She laughs victoriously.  I am so speechless to interrupt her that I let her continue.

"You'll probobly end up with a job at Spatula World, with your dad since he owns the place... probably gonna marry Hyuna here... and then you'll start drinking to numb the aching feeling you have inside you and fast foreward a few years and you're a guy who just talks about the "good old days"" She snaps her fingers remembering something, "Ooh! Let's not forget the wife who is most likely going to cheat on you-" Before she could say anything else, the bell rang signaling time for class.

It took a couple of moments to register what just happened..... did she really.... actually though? I can't bel- 

My thoughts were cut off as I screamed through the halls. "YAH! Jung Hye Ri!" I will not let her get away with this. How can she say those things so carelessly? Does she have no filter? She irks me so much! Why was I ever friends with her!

The last thing she said made me wanted to explode! "Have a nice day, Kim Jong In..." How dare she call me by my real name! Only people I am close to do that! She has no right! She is so damn cocky! I'll show her one day... I promise.

Authors Note: Thank you to all my subscribers! I really appreciate it! I hope you liked this chapter. Also, to all my spelling mistakes I apologize in advance! I will try to update a lot now! hopefully my schedule will calm down a bit in the next few weeks! I LOVE YOU ALL<3

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it's been a year
Chapter 5: Ahahahhaha omg that was funny :'D
update soon please!!!
Chapter 4: woah crotch alert on that gif winkwonk

/crawls away.
Chapter 4: .
i like this injee girl. she seems fun. hm. <3
Nice one :)
Keep it up please!
Chapter 2: lol celia~better than i expected~^_^
Chapter 1: I like her =D
nice. :-))