1- Girl

It's a Boy Girl Thing

Hye Ri's POV


My alarm blazed in my ears. I quickly sat up, excited to start the day, which is very unusual for me considering I am not a morning person. However, today was special! Today is the first day of my last year in high school. There was no way I am missing the bus. Not like last year...

I sit up and turn off the alarm. Looking around my room it seems I fell asleep reading again. Typical.

I let out an exsasperated sigh. "Stupid, Hye Ri, your so stupid!" I mutter to myself. Just like every morning for the past couple of years, I lost the page to my book. I always tell myself that I would stop, but what can I say, I'm hooked.

As I get up, I check my clock. School starts at 8:00AM and it is now 6:55AM. Thank goodness, after all these years of schooling i've finally managed to wake up on time. 

Before I get dressed, as I do every morning, I go to my window and make sure my shade is down. 

I wouldn't want a certian someone peeping at me AGAIN!

After dressing in my uniform and washing up I head downstairs to greet my wonderful family.

"Good morning, daddy!" I chirp as I give the said male a good morning kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, princess" He replies as he turns the page in his newspaper.

"Heres your oatmeal, sweetheart" my mother says as she puts the plate down in front of me.

Oatmeal is not my favorite... In fact, I hate it. But, my mother is very health crazed.

When I am finished I bid my parents goodbye and head out the door.

While walking to the bus stop, I listen to my ipod, which is filled with beautiful classical music.

I can't wait to see Injee! I really hope nothing really bad happens today.... If i see HIM and that barbie doll, I swear i'm gonna- 

My thoughts get cut off because THE BUS IS DRIVING AWAY!

"NO! PLEASE COME BACK! STOP THE BUS!" I scream and yell as I sprint my hardest to the bus. Although I am a soccer player and we run fast. I couldn't catch up.

I look at the back window to try to signal some students. But, of course I see them pointing and laughing at me.

I hate my generation... a bunch of monkeys I tell you

Well, I guess i'm gonna have to walk. If I don't stop I should be there just in the kneck of time.

"YAHOO~!" I hear someone shriek before- BAM! I'm blasted with a puddle from the nights previous rainfall.

I look at the culprit and oh wow... its HIM! My clothes are soaking wet and I don't have time to go back home ALL BECAUSE OF HIM! "YAH!" I scream and kick the air as he and his friend drive away laughing like hyenas.

Boy, has things changed. I remember when me and those two boys used to be the best of friends. 

I remember when I first moved in to my house and I met him for the first time...


"Hye Ri-ah! Come get a box from the moving truck!" I heard someone call out for me.

"yes~" A 6 year old Hye ri obediently replied.

When I entered the large truck I imediatly heard rummaging.

"W-who is there?" I asked a little scared.

"AH!" I screamed as a head popped up. It was a little boy who looked my age.

"Are you Hye Ri?" He bravely asked.

I sheepishly nodded my head, asking myself who was this strange boy?

As if he read my thoughts he replied "Im your new neighbor! Your room is right across from mine!"

"Whats your name?" I asked gaining some confidence

"You can just call me Oppa~ we are the same age but I am a couple months older than you I heard" He smiled sweetly at me

"Op-pa?" the word rolled of my tounge just to give it a try.


I draw myself out of my thoughts cause I see I am nearing my school.

"Welcome back." I mumble to myself as I am welcomed with the reality of my school.

I glance at all the familiar cliques.

We have the potheads. I say as I glance in their direction.

The drama kids.

The lacrosse teams.

The jocks and cheerleaders. What disgusting view... I see Kim Hyuna and her , aka him. They are on top of eachother. 

"Get a room!" I bravely yell as I walk past.

"Nice hair..." Hyuna ely says as she gives me a look over.

My hair? whats wrong with my hair? Oh no! the water made it all frizzy!

I send her a smile and cockily reply "I got it from you"

I quickly turn around and keep walking. Not wanting to stay around for the aftermath.

Just keep walking... maybe no one will notice.

I am proved wrong as I hear snickers coming from the other children.

Yeah high school.

Finally at my locker, I feel someone tap my shoulder. Imediatly a smile graces my lips "Injee-ah~ help me! my hair actually hurts!"

She gives a soft and leads me to the bathroom. Once we are alone, the motorboat starts up

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" she abrupty shakes me.

"He happened" I replied with a growl.

"huh! You two are so childish" she scolds me as if I am a 5 year old.

"thanks mom..." I sarcastically reply and emphasize the last part

Injee decides to braid my hair and I am so thankful to have her to do it for me because I never really paid attention that kind of stuff.


When we are finished, Injee and I head back to our lockers.

I sigh inwardly as I see who is coincidently right next to my locker.

Him and His Doll

"Ha, at least you fixed it" Hyuna sneers as I start to put my locker combo in.

"Oh! lovely, special needs boy and his wonderful muse, Miss Chlamydia~" I sing song evily.

"My name is Kim Hyuna, you geek!" She mused as if she made the best comeback in the world.

"By the way, sorry about this morning that puddle just got right in our way" he exclaimed using hand motions.

"Oh, thats okay. Please don't apologize, I understand" I say giving my best fake smile ever.

"No?" he asked slightly shocked

"Yea, because I understand that this high school enviorment is not cut off for me, I worry for you because..." I pause for dramatic effect, "this is as good your life is gonna get, I mean the big football star can't last forever. And let's face it, the old peanut is not in great shape" I sneer as I point to my head.

I laugh victorioulsy at his bewildered expression and decide to keep going...

"You'll probobaly end up with a job at a Spatula World, with your dad since he owns the place..." I stop to think a little and put my finger on chin, deep in thought.

"Probobaly gonna marry Hyuna here...and then you'll start drinking to numb this aching feeling you have inside and you fast foreward a few years-" I roll my arms to emphasize "and your a guy who just talks about the "good old days"" I snap my fingers remembering something, "Ooh! lets not forget the wife who is most likely going to cheat on you-" before I could say another word the bell rings signaling the fact that I have to get to class.

"YAH! Jung Hye Ri!" He calls absolutely mortified as I start to walk away.

"Have a nice day, Kim Jong In..." I smile not even sparring him a glance as I wave back.


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it's been a year
Chapter 5: Ahahahhaha omg that was funny :'D
update soon please!!!
Chapter 4: woah crotch alert on that gif winkwonk

/crawls away.
Chapter 4: .
i like this injee girl. she seems fun. hm. <3
Nice one :)
Keep it up please!
Chapter 2: lol celia~better than i expected~^_^
Chapter 1: I like her =D
nice. :-))