Chapter Five


A/N: This is so not where I was going with this. Fair warning. Fighting.

After recovering from the plague of memories I stumbled up the stairs and let my legs guide me. I ended up in front of the practice room tucked in the corner of the second floor. I sighed, at least this place didn’t carry memories of Sehun, he never really like practicing in rooms, preferring, well just about anywhere else.

I rested my head against the wooden door before hear placing my ear against it, trying to hear the soft melody coming from inside better.

That’s weird. Nobody should be in here.

I raised an eyebrow at the soft music being emitted, most people would be in class, only a small handful of us got free periods and that’s because we’re the top of the top in this school. Usually those ranked in the first ten got free periods and could wander as they pleased, and from what I know, none of them are into music, preferring video games in their free time.

Well there’s always Kyuhyun sunbae.

Kyuhyun was ranked number one in the school (Kris being second), and he was a genius and a phenomenal singer, but Kris knew he wasn’t into practicing much; he liked playing star craft way too much for him to be practicing without a specific reason.

Torn between interrupting the person and finding out who the person was, and leaving them be, I stood still in front of the door before taking in a deep breath and opening it. Sitting in front of a small black baby grand piano was a doe eyed boy who immediately stood up and tried to bow but ended up knocking over the piano bench.

I chuckled slightly, “You’re rather clumsy aren’t you?”

The guy became flustered and stuttered before laughing and sinking to his knees.

“I’m sorry, I, it’s just been a little rough this year.” I nodded in agreement while walking closer to him to get a better look at his face.

My eyes widened as I got a good look at his face, He must be the transfer Chanyeol was talking about. And I knew exactly why Baekhyun cut Chanyeol off. He looks just like Sehun, it wasn’t an obvious resemblance but there was something in his face that just reminded me of my passed love. But his eyes, though larger, resemble Sehun the most. Sehun was never good with expressing emotions through words or even actions, but his eyes gave away everything, just like the one sitting on the floor in front of me.

“I think this is yours.” I said pulling out the tattered journal, having a feeling that this was the one who bumped into me earlier.

I watched as his eyes widened even more as delight filled his features and fought back a small smile, “Oh my gosh yes! I thought I lost it! Thank you so much, it means the world to me and, I just,” he let out a content sigh holding the journal close to his chest, “Thank you.”

“Can you sing for me?” I asked abruptly, not even sure as to why I did. He gave me a confused look before finally nodding, “Since you returned this to me I will. But how did you know I sang?”

I shrugged, not even knowing the answer myself. “I didn’t mean to pry but I saw what was on your first page, and well, will you sing that for me?”

He looked startled and as if he was going to refuse before he shrugged and nodded. “It’s not done yet though, I’ve been struggling with it for a while.”

I waited as he settled himself at the piano, before I walked beside him, watching as his fingers began to ghost over the keys and his melodic voice filled the air.

I need a light to take me home,

I kind of need a hero.

Is it you?

I’ve never seen the forest for the trees.

I could really use your melody.

Baby I’m a little blind,

I think it’s time,

“For you to find me.” We whispered at the same time, looking into each other’s eyes.

“I’m Luhan.” The baby faced guy said breaking the silence.


“Yifan.” He filled in with wide eyes.

“How did you know my name was Yifan?” I asked looking down at Luhan.

He tilted his head and furrowed his brows, before clutching onto something on his necklace.

A key?

“I think, a Nightingale told me."

A/N: Sorry you all waited for that. It . I know. But really, like this is not where I was going with this. But it'll do I guess haha. Okay, so I was reading this person's foreward and like it said, Hey DoubleXX, and I'm sitting here like, Uh...Me? But like I don't think it's me, but I also don't think anyone else has this username cause well then I wouldn't have it, so I'm like really confused. And I wanna know if it's me cause then I could go be that person's friend, cause I love making new fwiendssss. So now I shall sleep it off! MUHAHAHA. I think lack of sleep has gotten to me at last. So I'll end this here. Goooood Niiighttt you beautiful peopleeeee! Fighting! <3 Oh, one more thing,

You're a brave soul.

                                                            -Double XX


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I'm going to finish it soon! I promise, but I finally got to spent time with my Unnie sooo :p but wait for it! Fighting!


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Chapter 4: thank u~^^

at least he found his nightingale again~ even if it's a different person~
Chapter 1: nice! ^^
i like~
Chapter 4: this is beautiful on how nightingale met both them.