Chapter Three


A/N: HEHEHE. Fair warning. Fighting!

I sprinted towards the music building, wanting to get inside before the memory becomes too much. I slammed the door open and got to the stairs before I was plagued by another one.


I sat on the couch still in disbelief. The reality that my baby was gone, that the love of my life has left me had not set in yet. The whole situation getting realer as the tiny woman, who was once in pieces, stood tall and strong as she handed me a cup of tea. I took the small mug from her with trembling hands, and chocked out a small thanks.

“He, he took his own life Kris.”

My head shot up my eyes locked on the sad ones in front of me.

“He took his own life?” I asked, still in denial.

She smiled though it was forced, “I came home last night and he was laying in bed, and he looked so peaceful so I went in to tuck him in, you know, a parent thing,” she said waving her hand, though the tears were building, “but he looked so pale, and when I felt his forehead, he was so cold, and that was when I seen the empty pill bottle beside his bed.”

I sat stunned trying to absorb the information I had just been told. She got up, retrieved something from the counter top and returned, placing an envelope in front of me.

“I’m so sorry Kris. I’m sorry that he kept you in the dark, but this letter, it’ll explain everything.” She said getting up and walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, I watched as a tear fell from her eye, “Thank you Kris. For loving my son. I wish it didn’t have to be like this, and I would do anything so you could still be together, but-but don’t give up okay? He’s still singing for you, he’ll always be watching over you.”

I watched as she left the room before finally breaking down, the tears cascading down my face, and my hands were clenched as everything just set in.

After calming myself down, I reached out and shakily open the envelope, smiling a little seeing my love’s handwriting.

                         Wu Yifan, you better not be crying. That’s not manly at all and I like manly men.

I snorted, though he didn’t like to show it, he liked my sensitive side. I know he did.

Yifan, I- I’m not good with emotions these kinds of things, because wouldn’t that be weird? If I was good at writing notes because I’ve died. That’s weirder than Jongin singing Barbie girl to Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo kicking Jongin in the balls, because no offense Fannie, but Kyungsoo is tiny and who knew he could be so strong.

I let out a chuckle mixed with a sob; he always did have a rambling problem.

That’s not the reason why I’m writing this. I’m writing this because, well, as you know by now, I’m dead, but this isn’t a goodbye, well technically it is, but technicalities.  I’ve kind of been keeping you in the dark Yi fan. I, I’ve had cancer for the past two years, I found out a month before I asked you out that at that point the cancer was too strong, and I had 6 months to a year to live. I guess that was the extra nudge I needed to man up and ask you out. Obviously you weren’t going to. I made it though,, to the one year mark. Cause we celebrated our one year anniversary eighteen days ago, which I never admitted, but it was amazing. Of course the was awesome, but everything else was perfect to, okay? The was just a bonus. A very very VERY nice bonus(; But, the pain was getting really bad. I was going to have to be admitted into the hospital and live off machines and I-I didn’t want that hyung, I was more scared of that then of actually dying. I was scared of you leaving me, so I guess being a little selfish, I decided to leave you first. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but it-it was the right thing to do, I couldn’t keep living like this, and I know you’ll understand because you’re Duizhang, and Duizhang always understands.  But Yifan, you always said I was your nightingale, but hyung, the truth was, you were mine. When I needed guidance you were always there for me, you brought me peace, and you made sleeping easier, I wasn’t lost anymore, you had brought me home. You were my hero Yifan. You were ARE my Nightingale. And now, I’ll be yours from above, as you become somebody else’s there. Thank you for dealing with me. I know I never said it enough, but I love you. I am so in love with you it hurts, and terrifies me, but I don’t regret any of it, except for one thing, leaving you.

                        I Love you forever and always,

                                          Your Nightingale,


P.s. I think it’s time,

for you to find me(;

A/N: Okay, super short, what ever, but at least you know who the "nightingale" is! hahaha no? okayyy... There's literally one part left, and I would go ahead and write it but I'm tired and it's midnight, so I'll write it tomorrow! Promise! Ight, Peace out I'm heading to bed.

You're a brave soul.

                                                           -Double XX


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I'm going to finish it soon! I promise, but I finally got to spent time with my Unnie sooo :p but wait for it! Fighting!


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Chapter 4: thank u~^^

at least he found his nightingale again~ even if it's a different person~
Chapter 1: nice! ^^
i like~
Chapter 4: this is beautiful on how nightingale met both them.