Chapter One


A/N: I should really stop writing random crap at night. Well anyways, fair warning. Fighting!


I hummed wrapping my arms tighter around a slim waist; taking in the scent of the person I love the most in the world. He chuckled and turned over so we were face to face.

“Yifan?” My name slipped through his lips in a soft melody.

“Yes love?” I replied pecking his forehead only to receive a laugh from the younger.

“Nothing, I just like the fact that I’m the only person allowed to call you Yifan.”I let out a low chuckle at his smug tone and cheeky smile. We laid in silence on the roof of my house just gazing at the stars and enjoying each other’s presences.

“Yifan?” He called again; I looked down into his shining eyes, pulling him closer as he pecked my lips, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I replied softly, placing my forehead against his watching as emotions danced through his eyes.


“Kris. Kris, get up.” I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head. “Hyung, we’re going to be late.”

I poked my head out of my comforters to see my step brother and his boyfriend standing in my door way.

“Jongin,” I growled, eyeing his arm placed around my little brother’s waist, “Do you really need to be clinging on to Kyungsoo so early in the morning?”

His eyes widened as he stepped back placing the petite doe eyed boy in front of him. “Um, breakfast is ready?” He answered avoiding the question. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at his boyfriend’s childish actions, before flashing me a large smile.

I sighed and smiled back before shooing them away as I closed the door before changing into my school uniform. Grabbing my book bag off the floor I glanced at the photo on my nightstand one last time before walking out the door.

“I’ll always be your Nightingale Yifan.”


“Hey guys! Did you see the new transfer student he looks just like-” Chanyeol bellowed out before he was harshly elbowed by a shorter feminine guy.  

I raised an eye brow at the couple now standing in front of me.

“Baekkie! Why’d you do that?” Chanyeol whined. I watched as Baekhyun raised to his toes and whispered something in Chanyeol’s ear, both glancing at me, before Chanyeol nodded and scratched the back of his head.

“That’s a cute habit.”I said teasingly to my dongsaeng.. The younger snorted in reply but continued to scratch the back of his neck. “Why are you so nervous?”I asked my dongsaeng with a puzzled look.

He stuttered before grabbing me by my tie and smashing our lips together. My body was still stunned as we pulled a part, completely surprised by the younger’s actions.

“Be my boyfriend Yifan.”

I felt the corners of my lips twitch as I remember the younger’s straightforward confession. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt a thin body crash into mine, luckily I managed to grab the person and keep us from falling.

“I’m so sorry!” The guy began before launching into a ramble about how he’s new and he was looking at the map instead of at where he was going but I didn’t hear anything, my mind filled with only one thought as I began to unwrap my arms from his waist.

It’s just like holding him.

“No, it’s fine! I’m Baekhyun! How about we go this way?” Baekhyun said pulling the small male out of my arms and dragging him and his giant boyfreind away before I got a look at the guy’s face. I watched the back of the figure as it disappeared behind the entrance door.

“Yifan. I want you to chase after me.”

Puzzled, I watched his thin frame walk away and disappear behind the corner of a building before my senses kicked in and I chased after him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I caught up to him.

“Don’t, don’t ever run away from me again.” He smiled an actual smile as he turned and placed our foreheads together.

“I’m your Nightingale. I’ll always be with you.”



“Kris hyung? What’s wrong with you lately?” I snapped out of my thoughts looking at my little brother feeling slightly guilty at the concern in his eyes. I shook my head and ran my hand through my blonde hair.

“It’s nothing Kyungsoo, I’m just thinking about something, don’t worry alright?” I gave him a small smile and ruffled his hair. He nodded; I could see the uncertainty in his eyes but was thankful he decided to drop it.

He has been in my head a lot lately. The one who was there for me during the rough times, who became my rock, who taught me how to love, the one who was my Nightingale.

Are you still singing for me? I could really use your melody.


A/N: This is really short isn't it? Sorry about that. And I'm sure it's confusing, but it'll (hopefully) clear up later! I wasn't really going to write this, but since I haven't updated my other story (dumb writers block) I thought I'd do a little writing tonight!(: I hope you liked it!

If you're still here, You're a brave soul.


P.S. Can anyone guess who the Nightingale is...? ;D I'll be your friend if you cannnn~ Just kidding, I'd be your friend anyways! Fighting!

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I'm going to finish it soon! I promise, but I finally got to spent time with my Unnie sooo :p but wait for it! Fighting!


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Chapter 4: thank u~^^

at least he found his nightingale again~ even if it's a different person~
Chapter 1: nice! ^^
i like~
Chapter 4: this is beautiful on how nightingale met both them.