** Author's Note **

Watch Me.

I apologize for the delay in the release of the newest chapter. It wil be finished by saturday, I guaruntee. In the meantime, I would like to thank

you all! Whether you are a viewer or a subscriber I am proud to say Watch Me is one away from 50 subscribers and close to 1000 views! I

greatly appreciate your dedication to this story and your expression of interest in it. I hope that I don't disappoint you with the remaining

chapters and that you support me as I continue to write new stories. I love you all. <3 Here is a teaser for the next chapter as a reward: 


 “We were happy, huh…” he mumbled quietly to himself, beginning to stack the photos into a pile again. He had had enough. There was no point in dwelling on the past. Now was all that mattered. He sighed and stood with the now full box.

The sound of a photograph hitting the hardwood floor caught his attention. He glanced downwards and saw it halfway under the couch. He set the box down again and leaned down to pick it up. When he did, he curiously looked at the caption on the back. There was a date, and then four words:

The day he left.

Jongin paused, slowly sitting himself down again on the soft curhions. He stared at the handwriting, sloppier than he had ever seen the older write, and tried to process exactly why. He hesitantly flipped the photograph over. All at once, his heart fell apart. 

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ndreeanny #1
Chapter 8: Dear God, I'm crying right now.. this is so sad. Why regret always comes too late?
superaaron029 #2
Chapter 9: Why?! Stop messing with my feelings!! TT______TT
StarlessSky #3
Chapter 8: Cried my heart out. Why'd he have go like that?
natinski #4
Chapter 9: Dear god this is really sad ikhhhh (love you)
It's beautifully sad .... an apt oxymoron. Darling you made me cry rivers and right now i have a pounding headache because of it ...I love you but I hate you at the same time... kiss kiss
Chapter 8: This was truly heartbreakingly beautiful. It left me with tears streaming down my face //and ugly snots too// I love you and hate you at the same time for writing this. You are very talented at making people cry. //still sobbing//
Chapter 8: UGLY SOBBS ;_______;
fernsquared #8
Chapter 8: Is this the end? Are there more to this story? TTT I don't get it. Kyungsoo diedd?? TT
MirandaEKS #9
Chapter 8: The whole story was amazing but this particular chapter was pure perfection, I can't stop crying.