Rainy Days

Our Journey...

The rain began patting throughout the streets as veichles passed the minor stop.

I couldn't help but hold myself together with my snuggly warm coat. My legs were shivering even with my jeans hugging my legs, the only warmth came from the distant cafe across the street. I pulled my phone out of my rear pocket sliding the unlock across the screen.

5:30 pm.

I gave a long sigh...where was it? The bus that always came later than it really does, was running extremely late. I just wanted to get home and peel these uncomfortable clothes off. Pit pat pit pat. The rain pattered from above.

I tilted my head upwards to face the grey sky as small droplets rained down slowly. Great I even forgot an umbrella.

My hands were cold as I continuously shoved them deep into my pocket trying to find a heat pocket in between. The tension made this extreme.

"Waiting for the rain to stop..." I tried to sing in tune. "...hoping for a ray of sun..." why was I even trying. How embarassing was it to start singing a melody while not even know it. I closed my eyes feeling every inch of water droplets sprinkle across my eyelashes.

Suddently the feeling stopped and I pried my eyes open to see a clear filter above my head. "Ehh" I said startled.

The object above was a clear umbrella shielding me from the rain. And holding that umbrella was a slightly taller figure. I turned to see the man smiling like an idiot, but made me feel safe.

"Ah...what are you doing here?" I asked facing him.

"I was about to ask you the same...you're supposed to be at home" he said with concern in his voice.

"I was on my way home, but this stupid bus is taking forever" I complained tapping my foot repeatedly. He pouted then stood more besides me.

"Are we headed in seperate directions?" he asked staring down at me.

"Neh...but don't you have work?" I responded noticing the package in his hand. He saw my reaction and instantly heald the whole package to my face. "I was just going grocery shopping for my hyungs...they sure eat a lot" he laughed.

"I see..."

The air was filled with silence and an uneasy feeling all together. "...I miss you you know"

Those few words had caught me by suprise as I turned slightly to see his face. However, he wasn't looking directly at me as I expected, instead his eyes were focused on the floor. Was he that embarassed.

"...I know" was all I could manage.

"Don't think that I don't love you" he whispered. My eyes right then and there left his while I started sighing deep.

"...Hoya..." I began. I didn't know what exactly to say to him. Our relationship had ended about a year ago, and ever since I haven't spoken to the man. Why we broke up? Life at the time was too difficult for the both of us...and we just seperated.

I guess I didn't get to hear how he really felt about the seperation...I assumed he was fine, and too intrested in his career rather than having a hand to hold.

"You don't have to say anything...I shouldn't have said anything" he said shrugging off his earlier statement.

"Ani- it's not like that..."

"Then what?" he asked shaking his hands. I noticed how uneasy he felt, how unsure, confused, and hurt he was.

"I don't think it's a good idea to keep what we had"

"...to be honest" he began. "I have never stopped loving you...never......" I watched him turn fully to face the side of my body. The space in this small dry area was all I had.

I stared down to face the floor and I felt his stare still fixed on me. "Never?"

"Neh. And after that day you decided to pack up and leave...I cried. I didn't leave my room for days because I had lost something as special as you..."

"Really?" I gulped down hard.

"Really" he whispered nodding surely. Then he reached into my coat pocket pulling out one of my hands. He forced his fingers to interlock with mine as he looked back at me.

"I'm sure it wasn't easy for you either...am I correct?"

He was right...scary right...dead spot on right. I was miserable without him. Never in my life had I felt the need to have someone by myside. We grew up together as kids, and fell in deep love as teenagers. And when we became young adult...we split.

"A tragic love story isn't it" I whispered.

"Neh." The sound of screeching brakes sounded as we turned to face the long bus approuching our way. A gust of wind blew into our faces as it grazed against my hair and face.

We both entered the bus together, Hoya paying for both our seats. I complained to him that it was unnecesary but he ignored my pleads and paid for it anyways. We sat in the back of the empty bus passing the small shops in the area. The thing that shocked me the most was that we were still holding hands.

"Ehh" he heard me gasped as he looked down. Only giving a smile he pulled our hands up and laughed.

"I thought you missed this. I'm quite hurt" he said pouting.

"Ya...it's not like that" I said edging out my words. I was quite embarassed feeling my cheeks burn. His way of affection was slightly annoying.

"Where are you going?" he cooed.


"...I'll come with" he said concluding his statement.

"Eh?!! But but...what about your hyungs?"

"Pshhh. These are just junk food anyways, they don't need this" he said tossing around the plastic bag.

"But you live so far away" I said trying to make him consider it.

"Ani- no trouble. I can even stay the night if I like"

"Ya. What do you care more about? Me? Or Infinite? And you better say INFINITE" I said tilting my head lightly.

"...hmmm. Someone once told me that in life...you have to choose your fate, one choice or another..."


"You know what I said?"


He let out a short laugh then spoke. "I said 'why can't I just have both?' And from there I decided that in life, I can have both things that I want...I just need to make good choices to keep them both."

I was still listening to him, he suprised me with his old man knowledge.

"So to answer your question...I want you and my career"


"Smart huh?" he smirked raising his eyebrows in unison.

"I guess..." I said staring out the window.

"Ya" he called waiting for me to turn. "Wah?" I asked in my Busan accent.

"Ya" he repeated. "Wah wah wah?!" I said chidishly.

"Look at me" he said.

"Wah-" he instantly pressed his lips against mine shortly then pulled away.

"Ya... you wanna die or what?" I asked blushing deeply. He only laughed at my embarassment then continued looking forward.

As I tried regaining my emotions I felt my hand being grabbed again.

"This bond...us...will never break again" he said raising my hand into his.

The whole bus ride home I was speechess. How was I supposed to predict that today I'd find my love again...


...even after the strongest storm, there will always be a ray on sunlight...


A/N: Hiya hope you enjoyed this...anyways did anyone else cry like the alantic ocean for Hoya in Zia's MV?


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 4: author nimm awesome stories!!!!soiooooo~~~cuteeeee howonnie oppa!!!!& even i cried like a lost child coz of hoya oppa in zia's video!!!update sooonn...