Exams Aren't That Bad

Our Journey...

Complaining was my natural thing to do, and I couldn't believe how much Hoya could stand it. He just sat down and listened to me rant all day. I somewhat felt bad for him. This time I was ranting about how finals were this week and I'd fail every single one of them. Like always he was holding me in a waist position and we were sitting on the couch. I rolled my eyes at the nonsense in my hands. There were books and books scattered all over the table in front of us. I was holding a math book in my hands at the moment, while Hoya scanned the pages over my shoulder. 

"I don't understand any of it!" I screamed pulling at my hair.

"It isn't that hard" he teased. I made the sour face he didn't like and he creased his eye brows together.

"You'll turn ugly if you keep doing that" he scolded. "Then I won't love you anymore" he joked laughing. I gave a sarcastic laugh before continue to look at the page.

"Okay obviously I'm getting no where with this" I said tossing the math book to the side. The next book I pulled to the side was a biology book.

"Here is where I end my life" I complained to myself under my breath. "I hate this class"

"Don't say that" he scolded once more. "I was actually decent in that class" he assured.

"Speaking of which..." it hadn't slipped my mind that he was still on a contract.

"Wait. Are you done with school already?" I asked a bit jealous. Hoya nodded, teasing me to the never end.

"I ended a month ago silly. The tour made us study our butts off"

I was so jealous at that point. "If you're not going to help me then you should go make me something to eat" I said jumping off his lap. He laughed once more as he stood up. He was used to complaining bossy attitude I was in when I got extremely hungry...I honestly am lucky to have him.

"Study your little brain off" he said messing my hair.

I spent the last 10 minutes staring at the same page, reading the same words over and over again, and still there was nothing I could retain.

"Here's some brain food" Hoya said returning with a plate of sandwiches. I admired his cooking skills. I was very grateful to have him.

"So, how's the studying going?" he asked once more while I chomped mercilessly on the handed food.

"Miseribly bad" I said giving an awkward double negative. Hoya thought for a moment and then continued talking.

"Maybe you aren't motivated enough" he said this time seriously. I turned to him a bit offended.

"Me?! Not motivated enough?" I asked holding a hand against my chest. He nodded.

"Then what will motivate me, huh teacher?" she asked laughing.

"You decide" he said crossing his arms. His face read 'dare me anything, I'll do it'. I thought for a moment, then I smirked.

"If I get questions right...then I get a kiss from you" he took a while to think it through.

"What happens when you get it wrong?"

"Nothing" I said simply.

"Not fair...so no deal" he said closing his eyes. I sighed.


"How about this...if you get a question I ask correctly, then you'll get a kiss...but if you LOSE...then that is one push up added that you have to do"

"WHAT?! PUSH UPS?!" I said holding my hands to my cheeks. He nodded evilly like the devils smile had possessed his face.

"Babe I've seen your arms and you're lacking muscle" he said pulling out his own muscles.

"Okay deal" I said accepting his challenge.

"First question...what is the purpose of cellular respiration?"

I sat there for a moment. I knew the answer at the top of my head, but I couldn't find the words. I was just irritated with myself.

"Times up you lose. One pushup" Hoya said interrupting my thoughts.

"Shushhhhhh. There was no agreed time limit" I said pushing his face playfully.

"But you were taking forever to answer" he wined, slumping his heavy body against my shoulder.

"Give me a chance to answer"

"Too bad" he said changing to the next question...let's just say that out of all the questions he asked I ended up having to do 76 pushups until he finally decided that it was enough.

"Come on at least give me an award or something?" I asked after doing the pushups. My arms were dead as I rested my head against his knee.

"Fine...I guess...but you gotta study for those exams" he scolded. I nodded sitting up to face him. I closed my eyes as his kissed me lazily for more than a second. Then he stood up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?!" I asked confused. I watched as he grabbed his things and began putting on his fancy athletic shoes.

"You promised you'd study afterwards...fighting!" he said before heading out the door. I rolled my eyes and stared at the text books.

"Maybe they won't be that much of a pain to take after all" I laughed still remembering the lingering kiss.


A/N: Hey, it's been a REALLY long time since I updated or even logged into the fanfics account. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. I was mostly putting in the feels of exam week and how much I really need HOYA to be there and support me lol. Well now I finished school so I can return to writing more. Hopefully things don't get in the way and I continue updating faster. See ya til' then~^^


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 4: author nimm awesome stories!!!!soiooooo~~~cuteeeee howonnie oppa!!!!& even i cried like a lost child coz of hoya oppa in zia's video!!!update sooonn...