


characters: Chen, Lu Han, Kris
rating: PG
avatar (legend of korra) au


"Over there! Quick, after him!"

"He went that way!"


Jongdae swore under his breath as he skidded around the street corner, fingers grabbing ahold of a rubbish bin's corner to propel himself. It wasn't as though the rich would really miss a necklace or two - their pockets were lined in cash and they could replace them easily.


As he swerved into an adjoining alley, his eyes widened as he could see several more officers ahead of him, locking his legs as he stopped abruptly. Gold brown eyes darted around, seeing the three officers from before hot on his heels.


After a short moment of hesitation, he jumped and shot fire below him from his hands, propelling him upward.


Though apparently not fast enough, as the next thing he knew, there was a cold metal wire whirling around his ankle. A yank brought him down with a startled yelp and he hit the pavement painfully as another wire shot out to grab one of his wrists.


"You're under arrest." Jongdae pushed himself into a sitting position as the officers approached him. The one attached to the end of the wire coiled at his wrist grinned smugly. "Don't you know stealing from the Wu's gets you in lot of trouble?"


The firebender glared up at the man. "Don't you know metal conducts electricity?" Flexing his fingers, sparks crackled at the tips as he grabbed the length of wire, sending blue-white tendrils of lightning through it.


The man lets out a cry of pain, prompting the other officer to yank sharply at the wire attached to his ankle. Jongdae yelped as he was pulled forward, shirt riding up against the asphalt. With his free hand he lashed out with wide arcs of fire. The man he shocked got back to his feet, looking not so amused this time as he walked back towards him.


Jongdae swore as he shot off another burst of flame, only for another wire to wind around his other wrist, a fourth getting ahold of his other ankle. The rest of the officers began closing in, though Jongdae was determined to make it as difficult for them as he could, spitting fire from his mouth and glaring, gold brown eyes reflecting the bright tongues of flame.


"Easy now. Sorry about that though, I didn't know he was this good of a bender." Jongdae heard over the crackle of his flames, stopping his heated hissing to look up at a young man with light brown hair and bright eyes. He had looks that tread the line between pretty and handsome, his clothes casual but expensive looking. He was unruffled and calm as he turned his attention to Jongdae, gaze slowly moving down.


The young man let a smile curl his lips before gesturing for something with his hand. A bucket was put in his hands and before Jongdae could really react, he was doused with water. It's freezing cold and the firebender could only look startled, not expecting that to happen.


"Try that lightning again and you'll shock yourself out." The man told him cheerfully. "And if you try with that fire again, I'll water you again."


The officers cautiously pull Jongdae to his feet, the boy offering no struggle for a few seconds as his wrists were locked together with actual cuffs behind his back. The click of the cuffs brought him back to reality and he spat fire again.


True to his words, the young man walked over, opening a water bottle and emptying the icy contents over Jongdae's head. The boy made a gurgling noise, shuddering as it trickled down his back.


Taking advantage of the opportunity, the young man slid a muzzle around the front of his face, clicking it behind his head. Making a muffled noise of protest, Jongdae glared at him from beneath dripping hair.


The man cocked a grin. "Can't have you burning me, little dragon." He cooed before turning to the officers. "If it's no trouble, can you let me handle this? You have my word I won't use excessive force."


The officers looked uneasy and Jongdae was suddenly nervous. The young man looked undeterred and simply smiled. "If you would like, call the Chief for authorisation."


After a brief call, the officers consented, handing the handcuff keys over. Jongdae was left with the young man, arms and ankles still bound and mouth muzzled. His brows knit anxiously, though his eyes still held a hint of anger.


The young man stared at him for a good minute before checking his watch. "The name's Luhan. I'd ask for your name but you might make a meal out of me if I let you out of those restraints." He greeted Jongdae, his tone chipper.


A car rolled up in the adjacent street, window rolling down to reveal a man in a dapper suit, blonde hair combed back. "Any reason you called me out here, Luhan?" His brown eyes flick back to Jongdae standing behind Luhan, looking like a drenched cat.


"Who's the brat?"


Luhan reached for Jongdae's elbow to lead him to the car, his grip tightening when the boy dug his heels into the ground. "He stole mother's necklaces. I'm going to propose a deal with him." He pushed the firebender into the car first, trying to be gentle as he scooted into the backseat after him.


" always were a strange one, Lu."


Luhan just grinned. "I prefer opportunist, Yifan."


Jongdae had no idea what was going on and as a result he just glared at them both. Luhan reached up to open the shotgun side compartment, taking out a towel and throwing it back at Jongdae, whose eyes flashed with indignation.


Luhan looked at him for a moment, thinking. "If I release you from those, will you promise not to cook me and listen to what I have to say?" Just to show his goodwill, he went ahead and removed the muzzle from Jongdae's face.


"What if I choose no?"


Luhan smiled cheerfully. "Then I alert the Metalbending Police and you get arrested. Those necklaces you snatched were very valuable, you know. You just have to listen - if you decide you don't want to take the offer I'm giving you, I'll let you off, no strings attached."


Jongdae's expression became miffed. "Fine."


From the driver's seat, Yifan glanced back but didn't say anything, seeming only mildly curious.


Luhan clapped his hands together, moving to unlock the cuffs on Jongdae's wrists. "Great. Though I have to say, you're putting up a lot less resistence now."


Jongdae shivered. "I'm cold and I'm not so stupid as to threaten someone from the Wu family seriously. I just needed money."


Luhan smirked. "Well then perhaps this thing I want to offer to you will peak your interest."


The firebender looked up at him warily as he rubbed at his wrists, waiting for the young man to continue.


"To put it simply, I want you to be part of a pro-bending team I'm sponsoring."


Jongdae stopped rubbing at his wrists, narrowing his eyes. "I'm pretty sure I could sell your necklaces for a lot more than what that'd get me, just saying."


Yifan snorted from the driver's seat. "I like this kid. He'd get along swimmingly with Tao."


Luhan chuckled. "Fair enough. But what say you to this? You get put on the team and I'll give you a hefty sum in advance, since... the money's what important for you right now, isn't it? I'll throw in an apartment on the nicer end of the city, and if you've got any family, I'll make sure they're provided for. All your expenses will be paid for by Dawn Enterprises"


Jongdae's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe what he's hearing. No way he had this kind of luck. "You're not playing me, are you?"


Luhan crossed his heart with his thumb. "You have my word. I'm a huge fan of pro-bending, and the team my father was sponsoring retired. I've always wanted to make a team of my own. And I think you've got the tenacity and the stubborn head I like."


"That's his way of saying he likes you because you're crazy." Yifan commented as he turned a corner, coming to a slow and easy stop in front of the same manse Jongdae had broke into just earlier today.


Luhan looked hopefully at Jongdae. "So... what do you say?"


The firebender searched the other man's face for any sign of a lie, narrowing his eyes. "How do I know I can trust you?"


The young man shrugged, scratching his head sheepishly. "Well you really can't. But I'm hoping you will anyway."


Jongdae the pickpocket and thief who's just tryin to support his younger brother Jongin. Lu Han the son of the CEO of the most successful company in New Republic City and Kris as his best friend and bro for life who drives around in a swanky car and provides amusing commentary.

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DearDaisy #1
Chapter 6: I super love your story and this is my favorite chapter! The AUs are so much fun, and I love all the Jongdae focus <3 The idea of him being a sassy fire bender just plain rocks
- RD :)
ilovekyuline #2
Chapter 2: Kris and Chen become such a breath-taking pair when they're together... Their fight has tension and its enjoyable to read~ Nice chapter :)
Chapter 2: Uwaaaaah *----* Update soon authornim! :) The chapter was niceee :3