


characters: Chanyeol, Lu Han, Xiumin, Kai, Chen, Tao, Sehun
rating: PG
setting: post apocalyptic/dystopian world restoration organization. original au, inspired by the wro in final fantasy vii: dirge of cerberus


"So now that you've exchanged words with our leader, how about you look around on your own? Get yourself acquainted with the place." Minseok suggested, not looking up from the small laptop he was typing up lines of code with. Chanyeol squinted as he tried to make sense of the lines of blue text.


"I'll give him the grand tour." Lu Han volunteered, flipping his visor up away from his face. He hopped down from the platform where he'd just finished working on some machinery bolted into the wall. Grabbing onto a hanging steel cable, he slid down with flourish.


Chanyeol slid his hands into the pockets of his worn jeans, not without dusting off some dust from his right thigh first. Minseok glanced up as he did, his nose wrinkling slightly. "Get Kyungsoo to give him a change of clothes too. Is that your only pair of jeans or what?"


The tall boy's expression became sheepish as he scratched his cheek with the tip of his finger. "Cut me some slack, I just got here..."


Lu Han laughed, clapping a hand to his back. "Don't mind him. He's just a neat freak. Come on." He lead him outside to the hall, giving him a quick once over. "New threads would look better on you though. You know what, why don't you take a shower? I'll go nab clothes from Kyungsoo."


The older man pointed down the hallway over his shoulder as he started walking away. "Facility showers are two doors down to the left. I'll meet you at your room."


One shower and one cackling Lu Han giving him a jumpscare from behind his door later, Chanyeol was pulling on his new duds. Buckling his pants and slipping his feet into new boots, he tugged on his shirt, pinching the material. The all black outfit was nice, a bit tight but he supposed it couldn't be helped. He was pretty tall.


"You done in there?" Lu Han called from the other side of the steel door, knocking. Chanyeol banged on it back, mostly to get a yelp out of the other man, before swinging it open. One hand was still drying his hair with a towel and when Lu Han saw him, he let out a whistle.


"You clean up nice." Chanyeol laughed, Lu Han giving him a crooked grin. "Not that you were hard on the eyes before."




Lu Han smirked. "Don't worry. I'm not on the market anymore." He clapped a hand to Chanyeol's shoulder. "Let's get to business then. We're pretty close to the mess hall so i'll show you there first."


They went through the mess hall, then several important rooms like the infirmary where he met Yixing and the aforementioned Kyungsoo (the former smiling dream-like, the other offering a quiet greeting), and the weapons hold and range.


"A lot of us aren't here right now because they're out scouting or picking up supplies." Lu Han explained when Chanyeol seemed confused about how quiet everything was. The taller boy nodded. In his head he put together a map of the place, interrupted when Lu Han perked up.


"Oh! But one of our teams is here. I'll introduce you." The older man looped his arm with his and started tugging him towards a door towards the other end of the hall. He knocked but didn't bother waiting for an answer before going in.


There were four guys in the room, all around Chanyeol's age or possibly younger, talking about something while sitting around an island. They looked up when Lu Han came in.


"Yo. Just wanted to introduce you to Chanyeol."


The shortest of the four, a small boy with sharp eyes and golden brown hair, sent him a grin. The other three raised their hands, waving at him. "Hey. You're the new guy, right?"


Chanyeol nodded. The boy stepped off his stool, smoothing his clothes. "This is the one called Phoenix, Lu Han?"


Lu Han grinned, "The very same."


The boy nodded. "Alright." He turned to Chanyeol again. "Anyway, we're Team Jabberwocky."


Chanyeol blinked as the boy continued. "I'm Bandersnatch." He pointed to the another boy with sharp eyes and black hair, and multiple piercings in his ears. His mouth curled in a slow, smooth way. "That's Vorpal…"


He pointed to a tall slender boy with a pale complexion, with eyes hidden behind a pair of goggles and tousled light brown hair, and next to him, a boy with a light tan, and a shock of white blonde hair held back by the goggles pulled over his head.


"That's JubJub and that is our titular Jabberwocky."


The pale boy "JubJub" pulled his goggles up, revealing rather disinterested grey brown eyes. His mouth drooped into a frown. "I wanted to be Jabberwocky but I lost the deciding rock-paper-scissors game."


"Sorry, not sorry." Jabberwocky flashed a grin at Chanyeol. "Anyway our actual names are Jongin; that's me. JubJub is Sehun. Tao's Vorpal. And my brother there is Bandersnatch."

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DearDaisy #1
Chapter 6: I super love your story and this is my favorite chapter! The AUs are so much fun, and I love all the Jongdae focus <3 The idea of him being a sassy fire bender just plain rocks
- RD :)
ilovekyuline #2
Chapter 2: Kris and Chen become such a breath-taking pair when they're together... Their fight has tension and its enjoyable to read~ Nice chapter :)
Chapter 2: Uwaaaaah *----* Update soon authornim! :) The chapter was niceee :3