


pairing: Chen/Chanyeol
rating: G
setting: Harry Potter AU


Sometimes Chanyeol forgets Jongdae is a Slytherin. Sure, he's smart-mouthed but he's mostly a ray of sunshine. It's hard to ruffle his feathers and among some of his more serious housemates (he's not going to name any names but Kyungsoo— right, not naming anyone), Jongdae is like that one candlelight in the middle of a dark broom closet.
But in typical Jongdae fashion, the tiny boy reminds him in multiple ways just how ambitious and stubborn he can be - right now for one, as Chanyeol sighs almost fondly at him as he's snoozing against his shoulder. Having shattered the wrist of his dominant hand, he's been instructed not to do anything strenuous but with a dueling competition coming up that he refused to miss for any reason whatsoever, he somehow came up with the brilliant idea of using his opposite hand instead.
Chanyeol ends up being his willing punching bag for hours into the night in the Room of Requirement, practicing spells until Jongdae tuckers himself out, even though he promised he was "only going to rest his eyes for a minute."
"You really owe me something nice after this, Dae." He says, face exasperated but tone affectionate. He's sure he's sporting a bruise or two from being knocked back by not-quite-avoided Expelliarmus spells.
Jongdae just snores lightly and turns to rub his cheek against the taller boy's sweater. The corners of Chanyeol's mouth twitch with the restrained urge to smile. He sighs, prying the smaller boy's wand from his fingers gently before leaning back against him, closing his eyes as well.

in this au, jongdae is a slytherin and chanyeol is a gryffindor, and in an established relationship with one another. jongdae's wand hand/dominant hand is his right, and so using his left hand would be awkward. he is to participate in a dueling club and too stubborn to back out so he starts practicing with his left so he can still duel u.u

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DearDaisy #1
Chapter 6: I super love your story and this is my favorite chapter! The AUs are so much fun, and I love all the Jongdae focus <3 The idea of him being a sassy fire bender just plain rocks
- RD :)
ilovekyuline #2
Chapter 2: Kris and Chen become such a breath-taking pair when they're together... Their fight has tension and its enjoyable to read~ Nice chapter :)
Chapter 2: Uwaaaaah *----* Update soon authornim! :) The chapter was niceee :3