call you mine - kris/suho

hello, hello

yifan will like to think that he is not someone possessive. he allows his boyfriend to hang out with his high school classmates on weekends even though that is their common free time, he encourages junmyeon to join all the company gatherings despite it meaning that they might not get to see each other for that week, he even lets junmyeon go for coffee dates with his love rival.

that is why it comes as a surprise when his boyfriend accuses him of being too clingy. "give me some room to breathe?" junmyeon asks tiredly when they meet on a sunday, "i'm old enough to do do things unsupervised."

yifan raises his eyebrows in confusion, "but i never try to stop you from doing any of it?"

junmyeon presses his palms on his face in frustration. "yes, but you call every hour to check on me when i'm out with my friends. i'm really tired of it."

"i'm sorry." yifan apologizes out of instinct without really understanding the situation. he calls simply because he is worried about his younger boyfriend, and want to make sure that he is fine and having fun.

"don't apologize when you don't know what i'm complaining about," junmyeon sighs, fatigue laced in his voice. "i think i'm going home first. i love you, baby." he adds as an afterthought seeing the hurt expression on yifan's face. "i just need some time to myself."

"i'm sorry." yifan apologizes again, holding onto junmyeon's hands preventing him from leaving. "i'm still trying to figure out what is wrong, but i shouldn't have made you sad." the sincerity behind yifan's words is palpable, eliciting a small smile from junmyeon.

"it's okay. i think you'll understand it soon." he squeezes yifan's hands before leaving the store with a promise of calling him that night.

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2448 streak #1
Chapter 7: "i think you'll understand it soon" seems foreshadowing... hmmmm...
chanhun6482 #2
Chapter 10: why?
Chapter 10: Why breakups for chanhun? :(
kpoppinstyle #4
Chanhun ftw!
Chapter 9: T^T Chanhun.....