Epilogue |V

Aside from fanfictions.

Zitao continued to stand there, frozen to the ground.

No words were muttered from his mouth, but millions of things were rushing through his mind. 

It varied from one to another. Making him run into thousands of conclusions. 

His quietness made everyone around him nervous, and it made the air fill itself with tension. 

"Mary, Whatever happened to Minghai?" Where the first words to leave Zitao's lips.

Just that question threw everyone out of expectations. 

Wufan's mother was expecting a Tao with tears and straight out beating Wufan.

Mary was expecting him to just let go of Wufan so she can get her money and scram from their lives.

While Wufan expected him to breakdown and to start bombarding him with questions of what he did wrong.

"Thats classified. There is no need for you to know."

"Well, there actually is, because it involves my husband."

"But it doesnt involve you directly, it only involves your husband."

"But if you look clearly, my husband here is living under my roof. And you two are standing on my flat, while your car is parked on my property. I think I have the right to know about what happened to Minghai."

"What?! This is all Kris's work. This is under HIS roof, and this is HIS flat, with our car parked in MY son's property. You dirty filth." Wufan's mother started to in.

Wufan barely said anything. He has never seen Zitao so straightfaced.

"Oh, that dirty child again. Just seeing him makes my eyes burn." She continued when she spotted Yuan in the background.

"Im sorry but, I dont like the way you describe my son, nor am I fond of how immature you are. You, the person that is supposed to be respectful and prove the right in front of your juniors and the people who looks up to you, stand here, in front of our mother and our child, saying unconsiderable things that shouldn't necessarily come out of your mouth. You clearly havent seen yourself in the mirror this morning. Nor did you see yourself in others point of view." Yan cut into the conversation.

"And who are you to say that to me? You are clearly just a peasant who could barely earn a living."

"Does it look like that? Well, why dont I introduce myself to you. Hua- I mean Li Yan. Director and president of CBE Inc. And this is my husband/wife, L- Li Yun. Who is the founder of CTW Ent. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs.Li." Yan decided to make her regret her words.

"Why you rude child. You dont have the right to speak to your elders this way!"

"But you ma'm, dont have the right to teach my son that lesson." Zitao defended, not letting anyone offend his son in such ways.

"And why does she not? COME ONE KRIS! Say something! You 'husband' here is offending your own mother!" Mary fought.

"She is not my mother, nor do I have anything to say. Everything that comes out of my step son and husband's mouth are the truth. I dont have any rights to defend her either. She should find herself a son before coming to me. You on the other hand Mary, should also be worrying for yourself. You no longer have the right to tell me any orders. Thanks to you two, who abandoned me because of my teaching dream, I found some people who truly cared for me and loved me dispite my decisions" Wufan replied, looking straight at her.

"What do you mean? YOU ARE MY SON!"

"Im not your son. Im only a boy that you hated ever since you set eyes on me. Im only the child that kept you back from all that money that your second husband had. Im only that person you come running to when you need help. Im only the person you need when you are in desperate need for money. Im basically your doll. Though, that has changed now that you decided me being a teacher is useless. Also, I have contacted my father. He has sent every cent in his account and the entire inheritance into my hands. You, Mrs.Xing, is no longer involved with the Li family. Good day now." Wufan stated before pulling Yun and Yan into the house.

"Daddy, what was that all about? Why were they related to you? That was Mrs.Li! Not Mrs.Xing. How would I be able to pay for Ba's health now? She might cancel the contract and-"

"Yun, calm down. Its fine. She cant cancel anything. I have all the contracts and files. Your companies will be fine." Wufan interupted. 

Zitao stood there, slowly letting things sink in. 

That Wufan was the son of a rich man, that Wufan was now super rich and probably super famous. That Wufan would probably leave him because he has the money now. That his sons know about his unhealthy condition. 

"How did you two know? That I was under too much stress and that I needed to be on a more balanced schedule?"

"The doctor told me when I went to ask for your condition..."

Zitao nodded, showing he wasnt angry at his sons for doing so. He knew they were only doing it from heart. 



The family sat at the dinner table, will only Yuan talking.

"Im sorry I didnt tell you guys about my background earlier.."

"No, its fine dad. Im pretty sure you didnt want us to judge you. We get it."

"Yea daddy, we get it."

"Ba, You're okay with this, right?"

"Yan, you called me your mother earlier." Zitao randomly stated.

"I-I did? Im sorry.. I really am..."

"Yes, you did. You said your mother and your child. But dont worry about it. Im not mad at you for doing so."

"You-You're not? I remember when I accidently called you mom instead of dad, and you chased me all over the house until mama stopped you." Yan reminded, chuckling.

"You did? Thats so childish of you Tao." Wufan teased.

"Its not childish." Zitao pouted against Wufan's words.

"Are you teaching someone not only older than you but also someone who has a higher rank than you? How dare you?! Do you know who I am Mr. Li Zitao?" Wufan continued to joke around.

"Im not teaching you, I was telling you. And Yes. I know who Im talking to. Im talking to my Husband named, Li Wufan, who is also my childrens first teacher. Thank you for reminding me." Zitao acted along, though he destroyed most of the fun.

"Mommy is such a PARTY POOPER." Yun giggled.

"Thank you for giving me my title, Yun." 

The family continued to festive atmosphere, forgetting whatever that happened earlier that day.




"Morning Zi." Wufan groaned at the broad sunlight, the curtian clearly removed by his husband Zitao.

"Morning! Its time for you to wake up now. You have a meeting in 2 hours Wu." Zitao stated, not wanting Wufan to ruin his 'Perfect Timing' streak.

"Yan is coming to visit us for the week right? I'll tell Mrs. Liu to prepare a room." Wufan rushed into the restroom before racing down the stairs to find the maid.

Zitao stayed in the room and got Wufan's suit ready for his meeting.


Its been 3 years since that messy and crazy day. Wufan found out Mary needed money for Minghai's surgery to save him. While his step-mother, who had nothing to do with Wufan's father's will, left the household as Mrs.Xing. 

Wufan decided to take over the company, but he also helps out at the kindergarten. His first move with the company was to expand the school during the summer break.

Yun and Yan are successful with their companies. With the help of Wufan, as well as the family connection between them, made them widely known. Admires come to view the family.

Zitao and Yuan were hidden from the media, Wufan not wanting to show them to the world just yet. Especially Yuan, it wont be good for him. 

Zitao stopped working at the restruant due to his unhealthy lifestyle, instead, he stayed at home with the 2 old helpers and the male servant in the household, helping whatever is needed.

The family left the past as a past, and they started a new. 

Though, the media was starting to get curious of the child that Yun and Yan kept on talking about, and the 'mother' the three mention. 

Even with the media pressing on, almost hanging onto their tail, they continued their happy life. Though the family didnt live as close to each other as before, they were still able to see each other.


"I'll be back for lunch, and when Yun and Yan comes." Wufan smiled, before leaving the wide house. Not forgetting to give Zitao a peck.



It was 3 in the afternoon when Yun and Yan arrived at the house.

Though, only Zitao spotted him, Yun and Yan were obvious of the photographer in the background, snapping pictures of the mysteries members of the family.

Zitao gave a slight bow to the man, causing Yun and Yan to turn around.

They all knew that Zitao was now spilled out to the media to see, and it might be in the next seconds or so, but, they still had the chance to hide Yuan from the public eye. 

The two rushed Zitao and Yuan into the house before shutting the door.

"Yan, whats wrong?"

"Mom, what do you mean 'whats wrong?' That man could have showed you into the eye of the public. 

"But it doesnt matter. As long as Yuan isnt into the media, its perfectly fine."

"Yan, calm down, mommy is right, He had to do that to distract us and hide Yuan. Dont get mad at him."

" What's going on?" Wufan asked, stepping into the house.

"Mom might be into the eyes of the public, a photographer just came by." Yan informed.

"Thats bad, but it should be fine right? We could always arrange a interview about it."

The day continued on before the family decided to take themselves into bed.



Things that you do today, effects the you tomorrow,

                      but the you tomorrow, will only know about the things from today

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Chapter 4: o.o remarry?! Oh shiz noo
Chapter 2: This is going great :) I hope taoris would continue to work it out :)
blackandwhite23 #3
Chapter 1: Omg.. Just realized that I was reading your fanfic... 0_0
blackandwhite23 #4
Chapter 1: This ish awesome!!!!>_< btw...Tao sounded so cute in this! ^^
Chapter 1: WOW... LOVE IT.
lisas143 #6
ohmygosh this was cute
poor taooo TT n TT