
Aside from fanfictions.

Zitao always loved to read fanfictions. Ever since he was young. He wished his love life was its very own fanfiction. Falling in love at first sight. Or maybe dropping a pencil for beautiful person to pick up and hand it back. To be married to his first love. All that fluffy and cheesy stuff. 

His first love was in the 7th grade. It was with a girl. She was pretty and very cute.(To him that is) He confessed to her, and they happily started dating. She could be secretive sometimes. But whatever it was, he loved her with his heart. Thinking of it as a fanfiction, He would never know that this very same girl could cheat. And that was how that ended. He never mentioned it again. Though her name, Mary, lingered in his head

His second love was in 9th grade. This one was also a girl. Tall and athletic. They had so much in common. They were from friends to best friend throughout th grade. And in 10th, he asked her out to the dance. Which was quite successful. That was when they started dating. After the date. Of course he based it on a fanfiction, trying not to make the same mistake as he did with his first love. She was lovely. They lasted for a year before she broke it off. 'Im going to America, And I dont think Im ever coming back. Please move on Zi.' And that was all it took. Those words and that name. That was all it took to break him into pieces. That was the end of his 2nd love, And he vowed he wont love anymore until he has gratuated from high school. 'Thank you for the last year or so, Cathy.'

His 3rd love, Who he also wished was his last love was an old friend that he re-united in University. She was boyish, and kinda cool to be around. They of course dated too, But their's last way longer than he thought it would. It lasted through all 4 years of University. Then, they decided to move in together. Plus, this was the only relationship his parents ever knew about. So when they did, they got their jobs, Lived a happy life, and when their job was stabled, They got married. MARRIED. The word that Zitao wanted ever since he was young. Married. They lived happily. With 2 beautiful children, Yun and Yan, Twins. They were happy too happy that Zitao couldn't believe the reality. Too much for him. 4 years after the twin was born. Life was going great. Zitao, being the smart person he was, only 23, and his wife being 24. Love was filled up in the household. Too much. So much. That when His wive told him good-bye after a tragic car accident, he took everything for a lie. She died. He blamed himself for not driving her to work that day. For telling her not to rush. For making her be late. And when he visited her grave for the nth time that week. He never wanted to come back. Though, when he reached home. When he sees his children. The only name that would appear is Amber

Zitao already decided he was going to raise the children by himself. And thats exactly what he did. He raised them, in the same household. The same location. The same scent. The twins being 7 now, 3 years. She died for 3 years. The two kids wanted to ask him. Why is he raising them alone? Why wont he go find someone to help him raise them. Why wont he find someone new to love? And the one thing he told them everytime they asked was, "Because they will end up leaving me, its fate." 

That buried all their questions, deep. Except, it wasnt for long. When it was their 8th birthday, they said they wanted to celebrate it with their teacher. Zitao didnt know their teacher though. 

"Lets celebrate with our teacher!" Yan had suggested.

"Why?" Zitao wondered.

"BECAUSE... He has the same birthday as us! November 6th."

"Okay, if thats what you want." Zitao gave his children his warm smile.

That was when he decided, maybe he SHOULD love again. Why? Because everytime his beautiful twins mention another adult, their eyes glisten in hope. Hoping he would re-marry. Hoping he would be happy again. Hoping, he would be in LOVE like a human again.

So when his two children brought home their teacher, which is to Zitao's surprise.

He decided, maybe, instead of a women, try a man. A man to love. A man to trust. Because for some reason. Thats what his heart told him. Thats what it told him when he meant the teacher.

"This is our teacher daddy!! His first name is uh.. Uh..." Yun looked up at his teacher for help.

"Im Wufan." He introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Im Zitao, Yun and Yan's father."

They sat down and had the dinner Zitao made.

"You cook well. Do you cook often?" Wufan questioned.

"If I dont cook, do you think Yun and Yan would survive?" Zitao laughed a bit

"Oh.. Thats right." 

The twins giggled at their teacher's clueless thoughts.

"Are you planning to re-marry anyone?"

"Not really.." 

"Oh, I see."

The table  was awkward. Not much conversation.

"Daddy! I want cake." Yan smiled

"ME TOO!!" Yun followed along.

"Alright, one moment."

Zitao stood up and approached the refrigerator.

"Alright. There you go."

"Only November 6th? Where is our names?!" Yun pouted.

"You wanted me to put three names. And I dont know three names..." Zitao whispered.

Wufan sat and watched as the little family had their little conversation.

They talked a bit and all, when Yun decided it was okay and finally let Zitao cut and serve the cake.

"Its good." Wufan commented after eating a few bites.

"Thank you." Zitao smiled.

After that day, Wufan came by often. Sometimes, for dinner. Sometimes, its because Zitao called him and asked him to take care of the twins when he was on extra shift. But after half a year, Zitao realized. He's in love again. But this time, its bad. Its with his children's TEACHER. No. He locked this feeling away. That was until his twins told him one night in bed.

"Daddy.. Is it okay is I call Mr.Li Daddy too?"

That questioned lingered his head for a while.

"Im fine with that. I dont mind. But you have to ask him too."

That was when Wufan started calling him more often. WAY more often.

"Can I stay over?"

"Can I come over for dinner?"

"Are you free this weekend?"

"Want to take the twins out for today?"

And a lot more questions.

And after a year of meeting Wufan. They started pet names for each other. Then when his twins asked him when will Wu Daddy move in with them, He finally noticed. He let his feelings go wild. He didnt lock it up like he was supposed to. He didnt hide it like he said he would.

And when he told Wufan his feelings. Wufan gladly accepted. 

And they moved in together. And Zitao just hoped he didnt make another mistake is lose Wufan too.

Not again.

And his wish was granted. They lived together. Year after year. Never knowing how fast time went. And then, when the Twins turned 18. And had to leave for University. Zitao understood. Life IS a fanfiction. But it doesnt always go as planned. He just didnt know, because he avoided the sad ones. The sad fanfictions that makes people cry. The ones that tagged, Angst. 

Zitao is now 34. Wufan being 41. They tried their best to live happily together. Yun and Yan visiting on holidays. And after 4 years of that, they returned with some shocking news.

"Zi Daddy, Wu Daddy. Me and Yun are dating." Yan told them the night after they came back.

They cant hide the fact from Zitao that they were scared. Scared of rejection. Rejection from their own parents.

"Thats fine. As long as you two are happy." Zitao accepted.

Tears streamed down the twin's face as they rushed to Zitao's side.

Though Wufan couldnt say the same at first, he slowly accepted. The parents now being in their 40s, felt quite old. And their two sons adopted a beautiful grandson for them. Yuan. A combination they said. 

And when Zitao was in bed on November 6th, he whispered to Wufan.

"Happy Birthday, and Happy anniversery."


"Yes. Of the first time we met. November 6th."

So Zitao kept in mind. His life is a fanfiction. The fanfiction he faced. And the fanfictioned he didnt plan. The one that he hated at first, but was grateful at the end. A fanfiction of Forgive and Accept. A fanfiction of Forget and Move On. A fanfiction to show others, Life always has its story to tell. You just have to wait until the right moment.

I edited the ages of Tao and Kris, I MIGHT be making a epilogue to this, but dont wait for it.. It might not happen... So dont keep your hopes up.

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Chapter 4: o.o remarry?! Oh shiz noo
Chapter 2: This is going great :) I hope taoris would continue to work it out :)
blackandwhite23 #3
Chapter 1: Omg.. Just realized that I was reading your fanfic... 0_0
blackandwhite23 #4
Chapter 1: This ish awesome!!!!>_< btw...Tao sounded so cute in this! ^^
Chapter 1: WOW... LOVE IT.
lisas143 #6
ohmygosh this was cute
poor taooo TT n TT