Epilogue PART ||

Aside from fanfictions.

"YUAN!!!!" Zitao yelled, making his grand entrance.

"Yea. You guys could come in before getting on to work."  Wufan nodded, as if Zitao hasnt interupted them.

"Granny! Granny! LOOK!!! I got a prize for drawing!!!" Yuan Yelled, catching Zitao's attention.

"Which drawing?"

"That one that I drew with the angel that looked like a boy!!" 

"At school? I dont think I saw that one.."

"Hmm... I call her Amber. And Im starting to draw her friends too!!!"

"A-Amber. I see... Have you thought of names for the friends?"

"Uhm.. Mary! ER....... And Cathy!. Yea.. Cathy. Pretty names right?!"

"Y-yes.. Thats right.. Ve-Very pretty."

"Hey Zi Ba, How have you been? We havent seen you for half a year now..."

"Im fine Yan. A bit tired here and there. But over all, I've been good."

"Take care of your health ba. You seem paler than the last time we came to visit you."

"Yun, you need to take care of yourself first. Stop worrying so much about me."


"Yun, He's right, you do look pale as well. Dont worry about us. We will manage."

"Daddy, Its just, dont you think he grew pale? Considering that you look perfectly normal. Its weird! Are you even taking care of him!?"

"Yun. Dont talk to Dad that way. He is taking care of me just like every other day."

"Ba!!! Look at you! How am I not supposed to talk to him like that?! He looks normal. He seems to be eating well. He seems to be healthy. He still looks like that strong teacher he was when we were younger! And you? You look like you lost 10 kg. You look like you have been starving. You look like you could die any second! What am I supposed to do!? STAND HERE?!" 

"Yun. Calm down. Im sure Ba has his reasons. Stop yelling. Im sure Dad is taking care of him just fine."

"But Yan-"

"No. Thats that. No more."

"Granny.... How come your hand is so cold?"

"My hand is cold?"

"MM! Its not warm..."

"SEE!?! Even Yuan agrees! Ba, have you gone to the doctor? The hospital?"

"I have, the doctor said it was nothing. Dont worry too much."

"So if I go ask him, he would say there is nothing wrong with you and you are perfectly healthy?!"

"Yun. Dont raise your voice."

While the family there was making the racket. The words of Yun and Yuan were still trying to make an effect on Wufan. 

'Zitao's hands were cold? He looks pale? Did he lose 10 kg? Does he look like he could die any second? Is it my fault? Is he really okay and healthy?'

When Wufan stepped out of his fantasy, he noticed that Yun and Yan were already getting ready to leave. Giving Zitao and Yuan light kisses.

He looked over to Zitao, seeing him carry a sleeping Yuan onto his shoulder. He walked over and took Yuan into his own arms. Only as a excuse to see if Zitao's hands were really cold. They were. Why weren't they cold last night? 

"Zitao... Tell me honestly, did the doctor really say you were okay?" Wufan dared to ask.

"N-no... He didnt.. He told me that I have a small sickness.. But-"

"What? And when did you get this news? Why didnt you tell me?"

"Will you please let me finish?.... He said it was just lack of energy... He told me to eat and rest more evenly and Ill be better soon.."

"What?! Eat and Rest? You haven't been doing that Tao! You've been working hard nonstop, I dont even know if you eat or not! God, This is all my fault."

"N-No! Its not.. Its mine... Im old enough to take care of myself, and I know better than to do this to me."

"Well, Its my fault for not looking over you! The school year is ending soon. Im staying home to look over you."

"What?! But the summer school program! If you do it well this year too, you'll get promoted again!"

"Tao, Its not about promotion or demotion. I dont care if they place me back into Kindergarten again, but right now, you are my biggest priority."

"Im sorry...... This is all my fault.."

"No its not. You're the type that never realizes things like this."

"I-I am?......"

"Yea. You are."

Yuan interupted them, throwing his body onto their legs. 

"Can we go play now?" He asked with glowing eyes.

"Alright, let me get you washed up while grandpa get the car and supplies ready. How does that sound?"

Yuan eagerly nodded his head.

After doing such procedures, they left out for a small trip around the city.


"Okay, Okay Yuan. The Cake Shop."


They walked into the cake shop as Wufan went straight to the waiting chairs. He looked over to Yuan and Zitao. 

Zitao turned his head over his shoulder and motioned for Wufan to come.

"Hmm?" Wufan asked,approaching them.

"Want anything?"

"I'll get a cup of dark coffee..."

The cashier nodded as she typed in the orders. 

"That will be 16.72 sir."

Wufan handed her the money before Zitao could even move his hand for his wallet.

"Lets go sit."

They walked over to the table in the corner and situated themselves onto the seat. Wufan drank his coffee as he watched the two share a piece of cake.

"KRIS!" A voice interupted them.

Wufan looked back at the voice, clearly knowing that person was calling for him.

"What in the world are you doing here with this man? Is this your child? Where is your wife then? Where have you been for these last few years?" She bombarded him with questions.

The English confused Zitao more and more.

"Mom.. Calm down. Im here with this man because he is my HUSBAND. No. This is actually my Grandchild. Wife? Oh, you mean Mary. We got divorced a long time ago. over 5 years now. I've been living with my husband for the last "few" years. Why are worrying now? For all I know, you didnt care when I left home to become a teacher, nor did you care about when I said I was gay and I didnt like Mary."

"WHAT?!?! HUSBAND?!?! God No. I thought you were kidding and even your hormones when you said you were gay!  GRANDCHILD?!?! God. Really. Where is Mary? Did you leave her at home?"

"Like I said... We're divorced. Yes. GRANDCHILD. Im not 15 mom. No hormones is going to mess with me anymore."

"Wufan... Is something wrong? She doesnt seem very calm." Zitao whispered from accross the table. 

The Chinese is something Wufan's step mom wont understand. Since she was an American that his father remarried.

"No. Its nothing. This is my step mom eventually, she wont believe you're my husband."

Zitao slighty bowed his head down to show a small sign of formal intro. But Wufan's mom took as if he thinks she is a queen. 

She grabbed Yuan out of his seat.

"You little ugly ." She said without mercy.

"DONT CALL HIM THAT." Wufan yelled, taking Yuan into his arms.

Yuan started crying, scaring the mother a bit, but she was still unfazed.

"Fan... Give him to me. I think I'll take him home first so you can talk to her. Okay?" Zitao suggested, trying to make the situation better.

"No. Its fine. We're leaving anyways." 

They got the stuff and was about to leave.

"Where do you think you are going Kris? You are coming home with ME." 

"Im going HOME. Not that place that you kept me locked in as a slave. Plus, tell dad even if he has a heart problem and all, Im not taking over the company. You abandon me once. And thats it. Im not going back just because you guys call yourself my "FAMILY". I have a real one, that thinks for the others before themselves, and care for each other, trying to take away as much burden as possible."

"HMPH! You dont know that. They probably know that you are rich and all."

"Well, they dont. The only reason why he ever met me was that I was the teacher to his twins."

"Well, Im going to get going first then, you two go ahead and talk, it looks important." Zitao interupted with his Chinese.

"No. I said Im leaving with you guys and I meant it." Wufan looked back, giving him a soft glare.

Zitao timidly nodded as he continued for the door.



"Fan... Is something wrong? Ever since that call this morning, you seemed a bit uncomfortable." Zitao asked.

They had Yun and Yan pick up Yuan a while ago. And now, they're eating dinner. Zitao found it the correct time to ask Wufan that question. 

"Nothing. Dont worry." 

"ITS NOT NOTHING! I want to know!" 

Zitao slammed his chopsticks onto the table and crossed his arms.

"Tao.. Im not ready to talk about it okay?"

"Fine...... But promise you will talk about it?"

"Yea. I promise. Now eat. You need to eat and rest. Remember? AND I called your boss already. You're not working for a month."


"Yea. The end. EAT."

Okay... I LIED. Its not going to be 3 parts MAXIMUM.. Its going to be 3 parts MINIMUM!!! -___________-

Me and my estimations.. 

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Chapter 4: o.o remarry?! Oh shiz noo
Chapter 2: This is going great :) I hope taoris would continue to work it out :)
blackandwhite23 #3
Chapter 1: Omg.. Just realized that I was reading your fanfic... 0_0
blackandwhite23 #4
Chapter 1: This ish awesome!!!!>_< btw...Tao sounded so cute in this! ^^
Chapter 1: WOW... LOVE IT.
lisas143 #6
ohmygosh this was cute
poor taooo TT n TT