Chapter 1

It All Started With A Lie



It was the first day of school, my first day in Seoul University. I was currently looking for my classroom. There were many students around, doing the same thing.

“I’m sorry",I said to the girl I bumped with. I continued looking for my classroom.

“There you are!” I whispered as I saw it. I entered the room and looked for a vacant chair. Almost all the seats were already occupied.

“~~~~~-ah!”I looked around as I heard someone called my name. “Over here!” Yoona, my best friend was already sitting in one of the chairs and was pointing at the seat next to hers. I smiled as I went to her.

“I’m so glad we’re classmates,” I told her as soon as I sat.

“Me too.”

Yoona was my best friend. She was like a sister to me because we practically grew up together. We were classmates since we started attending school. We were also living in the same neighbourhood. We knew all the secrets of one another.

We were both an only child so knowing each other and being friends for a long time, we became closer compared to sisters related by blood. It didn’t become a hindrance but it was what made our bond stronger. We protected each other, and we wouldn’t let anyone hurt any of the two of us.

“Let me see your schedule,” she said and I gave her the copy of my schedule.  “We won’t be classmates in our next subject and two more,” she said sadly.

“Hey, don’t be sad. At least we’re classmates in some of our subjects.” I smiled at her and she smiled back.

We stopped talking as soon as our professor came in.

 It was my break time and I decided to tour around the campus. Yoona was having her class so I was alone.

Suddenly, I heard a guitar being played. What a beautiful melody.

 I looked around and saw that I was the only one at the hallway. I decided to follow where the music was coming from and stopped near the door of the music room. The door was slightly opened so I decided to peek inside and that was when I saw him...

I thought I was hallucinating…

I thought I was in a dream…. A very beautiful dream that I didn’t want to wake up from…

And right before my eyes…..

… was my prince charming…

I felt like I was rooted in my place… I couldn’t move… I couldn’t look away from him…

… I felt like I couldn’t breathe…

… and I could feel that tingling feeling within me…

… and it felt good…

That day... was the day I met him…

… my first love…


 “So, how’s your prince charming?” Yoona asked as she put her foods on our table. We were currently at the cafeteria and having our lunch.

“Yoona, you know the situation…”

“Come on, ~~~~~-ah. It has been what, almost two months, and until now, you still didn’t know his name! At this time, you should have introduced yourself to him!”

I could only sigh. Yeah, it had been two months since then but I still hadn’t known his name. I always went to the music room to look at him. He was there most of the time but throughout that time, I couldn’t pull myself to come near him and be friends with him… I even doubt if he knew that someone was watching him… admiring him… loving him silently…

I sighed…

“Okay, change of topic. Remember the guy I was always talking about?” Yoona asked excitedly.

“Your classmate in Theology that you have a crush on?”

“Yes, him! Well… he’s my partner in our project! Isn’t that exciting? We are really meant to be…” she said dreamily. I smiled.

“That’s amazing! Now, you can be friends with him and maybe more…” I .

“I really, really hope so. Don’t worry; I’ll introduce him to you when we became closer.”

“Okay, I’ll be expecting that. I just hope that he’s really a good guy. What is his name again?”

“Oh, it’s---


“Hey, ~~~~~-ah!”

My mind was brought back to the present when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked at the person sitting in front of me and saw Yoona’s smiling face.

“You’re here,” I said.

We were at the cafeteria for our lunch break. My class was dismissed earlier so I got here first.

“Did you wait long?”

“Not really.”

We were now in our last year of college, more likely, last month. Next month will be our graduation ceremony and then we would take different paths. I would surely miss going to school, studying with friends…

“It’s now our last year, I mean month, here in the University... “ Yoona started.


“Well, I just remembered…  in our whole college years, you still hadn’t have any boyfriend yet.”

“Why? Is that too unbelievable? Is it required to have a boyfriend while in the University?”

“No. But, ~~~~~-ah, I remember that you have a crush on someone before, right? It was during our freshman year. And it’s not just a simple crush.”

I unconsciously held my bottled water tighter. I gulped.

“That was long ago.”

“Yeah. But you still hadn’t told me the reason why you suddenly lost your interest on him.”

“Yoona, I’ve already answered that. I just simply lost interest, okay?”

“Which is not normal. Once you like someone or something, it will be a long time before you get over it.”

“Look, I rarely see him that time so it’s not impossible for me to lose my interest on him.” I said, starting to get irritated.

“Okay, okay. I get it, no need to be mad.”

“I’m sorry. I just don’t understand why you should bring that topic up.”

“You’re my best friend. I just want you to experience having a boyfriend, like me,” she said, sounding cheerful again. I just shook my head and started eating. “Well, I kind of understand you. How could you continue liking someone you don’t even know what his name was.”

I just continued eating yet in truth, I couldn’t even taste my food. Swallowing was becoming harder too.

Yoona was wrong because I knew…

 … what his name was…


I was late!

I was currently at the hallway, running. There were just a few students around, some were also running. My alarm clock ran out of battery so I didn’t woke up early.

Suddenly, I bumped with someone.

“Sorry,” I heard him say. That voice…

When I looked at him, he was already far from me, running.

‘It’s him…’

When I took a step forward, I felt that I stepped on something. I looked at it and picked it up. I saw his picture…

“It’s really him… “

It was his ID…

This was my chance to know his name…

And I looked at the name below his picture…


“Oh, he’s here. Right over here!” Yoona shouted at someone, waving happily.

“Sorry, I’m late,” came that deep voice from behind me. I could feel my heart stop beating.

“You’re always late!” Yoona scolded him.

He sat beside Yoona. “Hi, ~~~~~~-ah!” He was smiling at me. I forced myself to smile back at him.

“Yah, Kim Jaejoong! Don’t ignore me!”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry for being late again, okay?” he said and kissed her cheek.


“Okay, I’ll be expecting that. I just hope that he’s really a good guy. What is his name again?”

“Oh, it’s Kim Jaejoong!”


It was his ID…

This was my chance to know his name…

And I looked at the name below his picture…

‘Kim Jaejoong’


When you fell in love, it gave you a feeling of happiness you had never felt before. It aroused many different emotions you never knew you could felt…

The first time I met him, I was so happy, I want to thank God He let me know someone like him…

But right now, I wanted to wish, like I always did for the past four years…

… that I hadn’t met him…

… that I hadn’t fell for him…

…because I felt like I was betraying my best friend… my sister…

… for falling in love…

… with her boy friend…



Hi! I'm here once again to update my first chapter of this story. Please tell me what you think of it, hehe.

Thank you to my subscribers! 


especially to

_DyNaR_ who always subscribe and who always left comments in my stories whenever i update. And also, thank you for the upvote not only here in this story but also in 'It All Started With A bet' and 'I'm a ghost who fell in love with a...  VAMPIRE?!?'. Thank you so much.... *sob* *sob* *sob*


Anyway, that's it for now.

I'll be updating again as soon as I can


DATE: September 30, 2013

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Chapter 3: Oh NOOOOO T____T
What's happening ? Jaejoong T_T
anneanne #2
Chapter 3: god~ I couldn't cry but my heart aches so much beacuse of this chapter...
what happened to jae ?! huhuhu T-T I think im gonna cry next chap.. for sure T-T
Chapter 3: After thinking that much,i just realize that this story is near with my real life.except for the jae thinks that ~~~ is his girlfriend..
Aish,,u ruin my day with this sad crying now..T.T
But anyway thanks for the update dear^_^
anneanne #4
Chapter 2: hueee im teary just by reading this first two chapters~~~ new reader yoo !
Chapter 2: aish,,,jae..
why u gave hope for her if u love her bestfriend instead of her??
thanks for the update darling,,success for ur exam dear^^
Chapter 2: Pleaseeeeeee update soooooonnnnnnnn T-T
jj4ever #7
Love love love what i read <3
Plzz update sooon
Chapter 1: kyaaa,,,i didn't expected that u update the first chapter..
wuhuu...thanks for the update dear...
oh my,,my heart stop too when i know that kim jaejoong is yoona boyfriend??
oh God,,,why ot must be like this,...huhuhuhu
thank u so much dear^^
eh??what happen to him until he said that she is his girlfriend????
update please~~~